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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Because we once had a black lab that ate my sister's Easter basket and had pink and green plastic grass in his sh!+ for a week. Wait. That's a totally different subject. Because we aren't smart enough to vet multiple candidates before we screw up a previously screwed up hiring decision.
  2. This is the weirdest post on this board today, and for that, I offer you a firm handshake and a butterscotch hard candy.
  3. All this coming from the guy whose school has hard hitting writers such as Looch and Hamm-bone covering them. Pot meet kettle...
  4. So will his wife!
  5. Jealousy?! Give me a break... What did he win at Baylor? A few conference championships followed by a loss in a bowl game? The only reason he won at Baylor is because he hid RAPISTS from discipline. And now he's on the soup line...
  6. This is the most humiliating loss I've ever witnessed in 37 years of life. I'm out.
  7. Win straw and testosterone certainly did though. And a competitive advantage is by definition, an advantage that the competition doesn't have by the laws of the game. It's called cheating and Art Briles is second to none in that category. Every single one of his wins are tainted forever. How does it make you feel to be an apologist for such a scum bag?
  8. What was never him?
  9. Meh... We're just trying to make aggy feel a little better about their lackluster win today.
  10. Did you even read the article? Or are you a closet rape/steroid abuse apologist? It's not hard to win when you have a competitive advantage everywhere he's been. He's a cancer that UT would never again look at hiring.
  11. This can't be serious. Do you even Stephenville bro? [Hidden Content]
  12. Love those wheel guns...a .357 with about a 4-5" barrel is hard to beat for accuracy and damage. Without getting into the .454-.500 range. Those things are a freakin' handful!
  13. Wouldn't happen in our neck of the woods to begin with. Those pieces of dung know where they can act that way and get away with it. A .45 ACP would've made a few heads bust like a grape.
  14. ^^What the hell does that have to do with this article? Man, you have a hard time staying on topic. If you need help with reading comprehension, feel free to PM big girl.
  15. Keep trying Dove...it'll make you feel better.
  16. Popular vote counts as much as the state has electoral votes, it always has, and always will. Doesn't sound like your accepting anything currently.
  17. Yes...and he still beat Hillary! Isn't that a shame!? LULZ
  18. Do you even Roe v. Wade, bruh? Are you arguing with your friend over the legality of abortion or whether Clinton ran with that as part of her campaign?
  19. No, she's been helping construct their right to do so! Is this difficult for you to understand? Let me spell it out for you...Liberals think its OK to terminate pregnancies at any time, including late term. Some Conservatives think that goes against the belief system our nation was founded on and could be construed as murder, especially in late term instances. I'm in the middle on this, I think life is precious and should only be terminated in extreme circumstances, but there are also those circumstances that it is necessary. In the case of a mother, let's say 7 months along, that has a fall that provokes a life or death situation, I would say the mother's life takes priority over the fetus. But to counter that, there are also a lot of liberals that go along with the "You rape 'em, We scrape 'em" mentality...and that's just wrong. There are so many couples out there that want a baby that can't have one, let someone adopt that baby! Don't kill it!
  20. Yes, she supported late term abortions. And you've turned this thread into an abortion...
  21. That's the beauty of the American way, amigo. You can applaud or complain all you want and nobody can do anything about it, other than complain themselves. That's what we were getting away from and is what needed saving. I don't want our country to be more like Canada or Western Europe. Instead, I want those nations to aspire to be like us. Becoming a socialist, communist, or fascist for that matter, nation is not the way to do it! As bad you might think things are right now with this gut check, remember all the people in this world who would trade shoes with you in a heartbeat!
  22. No, he pandered to the groups that already think that way. It was about political posturing the whole time.
  23. In the meantime, BS Wildcats be like:
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