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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. ^^tobie... My man... you're in over your head.
  2. Hard hitting reporting by tobie. Go figure
  3. It ain't looking good, Toby.. [Hidden Content] Bret Baier is one of the best in the business...
  4. I'm not helping you pay for your family's insurance like I willingly do so for Big Girl.
  5. The issue here is that it's UNPRECIDENTED. No one has ever gone into a general election with a cloud of this magnitude hanging over their heads. Just another sign of the times...that we have roughly 50% of the American population that think it's OK for a Presidential nominee to have criminal investigations ongoing in the middle of their election bid...it bottles the mind! Nixon was pardoned by Ford, and yes, Nixon could've pardoned himself. But that ended up costing Ford the election in '76, if I'm not mistaken.
  6. Unfortunately, the POTUS can pardon anyone for anything at any time. In fact, Obama can give her a carpet pardon now, before she's even indicted for any crimes, and she would be completely free from any wrong doing at the legal level. Can you believe that sh!#?
  7. And where is sand aggy this week?
  8. What about the sport of Drunk in Public? Me thinks Mahomes would win that one going away...
  9. ^^Of course they will. Would we expect anything less at this point?
  10. Fap, fap, fap....
  11. Yes, that's the way it's trending now! You finally got one right! Congrats!
  12. Who else is gonna give them free phones, insurance, enable scum bags to kill law enforcement officers, etc etc etc?
  13. Stay on topic big girl. You should be spendng your time trying to figure out how you're gonna get the tax payers to help pay for your health insurance over the next four years once Obamacare is abolished.
  14. Nice word! Tell me more...
  15. Isn't that the same two questions you asked vs. Baylor?
  16. Did you see the comments of Senior's initial tweet? Pure gold!
  17. For women's rights...try to keep up. Or was it their hygienic practices? Oh hell, I forget...
  18. Because, my man...it's piss.
  19. The rats are starting to jump ship...I hope Big Girl can swim.
  20. SIAP, but my God if true...I've gotta stop reading this stuff...it's making my guts turn to mush. [Hidden Content]
  21. Man, I hope you're wrong! I hate to believe our moral compass in this country has eroded to the point that we'll elect a child predator as POTUS. As a father of 3, this makes me ragey...
  22. Wonderful...so this is the week we get to watch our secondary get burned by a bunch of Mexican WR's...
  23. I don't think he's gonna like this none too much if there is any proof to it:
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