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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa...you can't lump PamFam into that group. After all, he's said he doesn't like Hillary...he's just rubbing her perceptual lead in our faces every chance he gets. Take that for what it's worth...
  2. Lulz...that was the only black face in that entire caption! Wisconsin for ya.
  3. Gotta love the noobs. No way in hell this happens. Nice try though.
  4. That is so exciting and depressing at the same time, all rolled up into a big ol turd spinwheel.
  5. They better back that computer up before it commits suicide.
  6. Y'all take all this aggy talk to the aggy board. Great win Horns! Hey Baylor... Go get your shine box... Yada yada yada. Doesn't feel the same when we've thrown the season away already.
  7. C'mon Mack... Glass house and all...
  8. He's doing everything in his power to lose the job before he even lands it. UCF up 21-3 at the half.
  9. Hmmm...I heard they outlawed the milkman uniforms and grabbing each other by the gonads!
  10. Anyone know why Charlie's benched Malik, Wheeler, and Vahe?? http%3A%2F%2Fwww.barkingcarnival.com%2F2016%2F...rong-longhorns
  11. Impeached is more like it.
  12. Not reopened?!! Lulz...You wanna bet your Obamacare premiums/deductibles vs. my company insurance premiums/deductibles?
  13. You, of all people (supporter of Hillary Clinton), talking about how someone else looks. Pure Gold!
  14. If Comey reopened this case, there is something to this. He knows if nothing comes of this again, he's going to be crucified. I think he's smarter than that.
  15. Maybe the stress will give her an Aneurysm.
  16. I saw him back in January at a classmate's funeral. A regular John Madden, he is!
  17. I was kidding. He used to help with broadcasts years ago. I haven't seen him on here in a long time...don't know where he is these days.
  18. Your auto is probably high because you drive like an Asian lady in Houston.
  19. Ahem...speaking of rigged elections, if you're a Chambers Co. voter, you will be using paper ballots for the foreseeable future. Thanks George Soros! [Hidden Content]
  20. Goodness gracious! I leave for one weekend for a fishing tournament and come back to this?? My blood pressure thanked me for missing that game Saturday! Oh and the last UNC hire we made turned out to be OK...God, how I long for Mack Brown again!
  21. This would make the bulls very happy, nation wide. No more competition!
  22. Do you realize what that would do to the reputation for UT academics, being bunched up with a whole conference of Cletus, Elmer, and T-Roy's? The B1G is much more suitable for UT's liking.
  23. Yeah...Maine and Vermont. That's who we should aspire to emulate as Texans and a Nation. Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for felons, rehabilitated or otherwise.
  24. How many times are you gonna post this exact same joke? It wasn't funny the first time. Posts like this make me wish this board had the ability to give negative reputation similar to the "Like this" button in reciprocation.
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