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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Is it bad that I would vote him over either of the two we have now?
  2. For what? So our scorched bones don't have any paper to write on afterwards? Lulz
  3. Ruh Roh...looks like somebody got hacked...Lulz
  4. Nice rebuttal...would read again.
  5. You jealous Trump beat you to it (or whatever you call Caitlyn these days)?
  6. Ask and the truth shall set you free??
  7. Baddog, I tried to send this to you in a PM, but you have that option turned off apparently. Didn't want to take up too much space on Mack's thread, but I had a story I thought you might appreciate: So this is circa 1992-3. I was twelve or thirteen, my Dad was stationed at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson, that's where he met my mom. So we would go back twice a year to see my grandparents since Mom and Dad moved us to Kirbyville before I was born. My sister was born there at the Univeristy of Arizona hospital. At any rate, we were there visiting grandpa and were bored one afternoon, so we decided to make a trip to one of the old missile silos that they had retired and turned into a tourist attraction. The shear size of that hole in the ground was incredible. Still to that day, 20 years after they retired it, there wasn't a speck of dirt in that facility. The place looked like it was still operational, I couldn't get over how pristine it was. Dad popped off at one point, "Boy, this is where I learned to dip Skoal and not spit." The door to the control room was about 12 inches thick of solid steel and the tour guide picked me out of the group to open and close that door, since I was the smallest in the group by a long shot. Good God, I couldn't even budge that thing. It took myself, Dad, and the tour guide to open it and close it! But speaking of Classified information, they had the warhead dismantled and layed out topside in the open for everyone to look at. The tour guide brought us by and stopped and gave his spiel, and wasn't exactly correct in what he said. So Dad corrected him. The look of that guys face..."Sir, that's still Classified information", he shouted. Dad was pretty shook up about it, but I thought it was the coolest thing that my Daddy took him to task. Later on, Dad explained to me the importance of Classified info and how embarrassed it made him to think that he let something out of the bag that he shouldn't have. 20 YEARS LATER! If only Hillary Clinton shared the same feeling! So here's to you, Dad! And Hook em', you dirty aggy!
  8. Yeah, I'd rather bust like a grape than deal with the radiation. It's incredible what those things are capable of, but it's been 25 years since the Cold War ended, and unfortunately, we've got an entire generation of Americans that don't understand the effects of what could happen. You're also correct about the paths. Their trajectory leads them over the top of the North Pole and back down to Moscow. It's a much shorter distance than following the earth around equatorially.
  9. Will do! And I love them too, as long as they stay comfortably in their silos!
  10. I learned it begrudgingly. My dad worked on the Titan II in the early 70's, so i consider myself pretty well versed in nuclear warfare. Lulz... Nothing more interesting for a 12 year old boy than talking about missiles!
  11. Smart move...one that more and more of us will begin taking advantage of. Just so sad that it's come to this and will result in the weakening of our market even further.
  12. So you're telling me sexual assault>>>assassination?
  13. It wasn't just an upset, it was an arse kicking, as toby put it.
  14. Ain't no shame in the NFL game, bruh. Cleveland's turning into the New Dallas.
  15. For those of you looking for an alternative to Clinton and Trump, see below: [Hidden Content]
  16. After all, this was right in our back yard. [Hidden Content]
  17. You're right, I've seen racism from both sides. It's sickening...so what are we going to do about it? Again, voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
  18. Sniff, sniff, sniff...I smell BS. Although, Putin doesn't sound happy with how things are going in Syria, I think this "Bring everyone Home" deal is overblown. He knows full well, 7500 nukes vs. 7200 nukes isn't going to end well for any of us. [Hidden Content]
  19. Voting the lesser of two evils is still voting evil. VOTE JOHNSON!!!
  20. How can you say Hillary was the favorite going into '16 when you didn't know the GOP candidate till May (and that's being generous)? I voted for Kasich in the primary and really wanted to see him or Cruz pull a rabbit out of the hat, but the divide in this country is what put Trump up, plain and simple. People from both sides are tired of the Establishments...so for you to say that just seems like Leftist rhetoric.
  21. This might be construed as left leaning...but don't worry, we won't grab you by your p_____!
  22. Sorry, firewall at work got me.
  23. I got a warning point earlier for less than that! Lulz
  24. You'll have to school me then, Mack's link is deactivated.
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