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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. How would they be able to when it's already vanished from the Twittersphere? Lulz...I just went back in to show a coworker and POOF...it's gone!
  2. Yes, exactly! You busted me...I'm your stereotypical stereotyper.
  3. Lulz at the Obama one! The first woman saw it, turned and gave the ol' "snicker, snicker" face!
  4. Ah ha! So two wrongs DO make a right! Nicely done.
  5. I got your love letter. I'll keep that in mind for future reference...
  6. Good thing the cops apprehended them before the people of Sylacauga did. Yeesh...that could've gotten ugly.
  7. Hey man! That's no attitude to have in the Political board! Take that to the HS Football board!!
  8. I can fap to this. You seem like a stand up guy, regardless of your race. You're right when you say you can't use what your ancestors went through as a motive. You take the bull by the horns and get things done, and I admire that. I'm a white mutt, but my best friend is a black man that I'm proud to call my brother. He's cut from the same jib as you, he is a productive member of society. But, he also knows the reality of things (Mostly because we had many, many, heated debates in our dorm room in college) that you and him are NOT the issue. The issue, in my eyes, has nothing to do with race, but with attitude. You guys are winners in life, and that comes from home training. Many people are not as fortunate as you and it's showing in the "dumbing down" of our society, Big Girl being a prime example. Regardless of what she means to get across, what she actually says is what gets everyone wound up. A little critical thinking goes a long way...
  9. I'm not arguing that point...Nowhere above did I say you were supporting Clinton. I'm merely pointing out the flaws in YOUR fundamental beliefs and how it relates to the conundrum we're faced with as a nation.
  10. Wrong again...Johnson supporter here. It's weird that Trump and Johnson supporters sound so much alike, huh?
  11. Insightful post. Tell me more...
  12. Tebow: The Power of Christ Compels Him.... ....to save a life. With prayer. And laying on of hands. New York Mets prospect and former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow reportedly saved a fan’s life from a seizure Tuesday. "The unnamed fan had a seizure while the Heisman winner was signing autographs, but the seizure stopped after Tebow placed his hands on the fan and prayed", according to ABC15 reporter Kari Van Horn. [Hidden Content]
  13. Well that's nice, but what the hell does that have to do with Obama being elected or not?
  14. A good candidate to give you more free sh%+, amirite? Well you hit the nail on the head, applause all around!
  15. And we never landed on the moon either, huh?
  16. So you're gonna take us back 150 years to make your point, huh? Too bad Trump wasn't alive then, or is that his fault too? At some point, black people have got to get over slavery. My people were Irish, you think they got any better treatment? Have you seen blazing saddles?? I guess I needs to gets me somes Irish reparations, too.
  17. Guys, the people on this board defending HRC are hopeless. They've had they're mind made up for far too long. Hopefully, some of the lurkers that don't post see through this crap and educate themselves, then make the right choice.
  18. It's mind bottling really. Her supporters are the most transparent, obvious, people out there. Yet they tell us this grandiose line about how she's the only one that cares for the people. Pure horsesh#%. I really hope they both get tied up like shoelaces in the last debate and fall out dead of heart attacks. It would be a fitting end to a sh+# show of an election cycle.
  19. Yes he would've. The lefts yearning for a black President is what got him elected. Hell, Oprah and them was hittin the devil's lettuce at his acceptance speech...Years before it was legal in any state. Again, the double standard in this country is really something to behold.
  20. In fairness, she only forwarded that message. To me, that's not the biggest issue here. Sending classified info over unsecure servers is. If Bush had done that, he would've been impeached, plain and simple. The double standard in this country is what's causing the hate, Toby.
  21. One thing I've learned on this board... You're not good at math OR history.
  22. Ha! I saw a few blogs about this list week. Not gonna happen... But you could afford to be the biggest sponsor on here after a commission like that!
  23. Time to start funneling some Russians in and give them ID cards to counter.
  24. Where are all the sandyvages today? They must be busy going from precinct to precinct, registering with their new ID cards.
  25. Yep. Now we can just sit back, relax, and wait for the next round of Trump bashing to commence. This all just solidifies how screwed we all are.
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