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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Oh trust me...I haven't even started yet! I'm going to talk about them even more and worse than anyone, EVAR!! Trust me...it's going to be REALLY, REALLY BAD!
  2. Lulz...Oh yeah? If you want me to sound like Trump, post some pictures of your mother and sister...then I'll show you what Trump sounds like.
  3. No way corn aggy eats that much crow and rejoins the Big 12. They've made their bed...although they were the one school I hated to see leave.
  4. Where in that post did I call it Obamacare? I know what its called. How about you re-read and edit the post above into English before you call someone else a name? You're nothing more than a primitive creature of some retarded magnitude.
  5. Some folks don't qualify... My family doesn't. If your company offers "affordable" health insurance options (affordable being the relative term), you have two choices... Pick up their insurance or pay the penalty. You don't qualify for exchange. So we're railroaded into my company's crap insurance plan.
  6. Got it. It's on my work computer and I had to leave early today because my wife decided to break the water main at the house. So I'm getting to play Mr. Plumber this afternoon. I'll get it to you tomorrow. Maybe you can help me understand where this money is going since you're so well versed in it.
  7. Don't sweat him... Sounds like a typical insurer. He's obviously got an agenda.
  8. I mean, which daughter are we talking about here? If Tiffany... Not so much. If Ivanka...I could fap to that?!
  9. To be honest, I wouldn't give 2 scoops of goose crap to hear what you think. But, nonetheless, here we are...send me your email in a PM and I'll be glad to share my insurance coverage plan...you know, to make a believer out of you.
  10. The nail...you guys hit right on the head. I expected that from Mack, but didn't know GCMPats was a carpenter like Jesus!
  11. C'mon TX...you know you scoped those tapes out!!!
  12. I don't know why he ever called her Ms. Piggy. After all these years, I still wooooddd!!
  13. Wrong again, he finally came to his senses and agrees with me.
  14. So that's the excuse for Ferguson, MO burning to the ground. Ok, I was wondering...thanks for clearing that up for me.
  15. Some things are state jurisdiction, some are federal. Why we've seemed to forget this over the past 8 years is beyond me.
  16. ^^Este. The University starts losing revenue due to this, I bet it stops real quick like.
  17. Jeez let's hope it didn't come to that. And, my God! Big girl... You need your voters rights taken away if you believe some of the schegma that you post.
  18. DING, DING DING!! Folks, we have a winner of the interwebz today!
  19. Being entrenched in Galveston Co. politics and seeing what's going on just from the Republican party...nothing would surprise me anymore. I'm totally jaded with local, state, and federal govt. The old saying of "If you want to change something, you have to start with local govt. doesn't apply with these idiots. State and Feds are exponentially worse.
  20. No need to bring Art Briles' good name into the political forum.
  21. #PhatMack for Humanity??
  22. Isn't this a federal call, not a state's call? How can one state decide this based on the Affordable Healthcare Act? I haz the confuze... Of course, the GLBT marriage laws were enacted at the federal level, so maybe these guys can just do whatever they want! YAY AMERICA!!!
  23. You mean like this?
  24. Yeesh! Sylacauga, Alabama...not a smart move to start something like this in that neck of the woods by #BLM. This won't end well for the perps...best thing they can do is plead guilty and hope for lengthy jail sentences. The alternative is going to be much worse.
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