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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Only 10 eh? Those crops can't be un-GMO'd once we've gone past the point of no return. And that's been in our lifetime. I can't wait for our future. But I'm expected to go talk to the farmers who deal with the product? Why would I do that? You want me to respect them, but not respect me in return?? Ok... We'll see how that works out. All I was saying is that when I go buy my seed for my garden, I would like the opportunity to buy whatever I want... Not be forced by the man to buy what they believe is best for me.
  2. Is there a place for it in this world? Absolutely. Should it be the only way that we grow grain, fruits, and veggies? Hell no. So while I see a valid place in the world for GMO product, the Monsantos of the world have forced us to use it whether we like it or not. I'm not down with that.
  3. Ha!! that's funny
  4. Welp... You won't have to worry about this group of Mexican citizens crossing the border. These wise guys thought it to be a good idea to drill into a gasoline pipeline and take some for themselves. Darwin's theory proves correct yet again. Thoughtsand prayers...
  5. Monsanto and Beyer are already looking into doing into the devil's lettuce game. Those of you that partake should start saving your seeds now because eventually you'll only be able to score GMO sticky yicky! Kinda like corn...
  6. I agree he'd be dumb not to return. Talk about a perfect fit for Herman's offense...
  7. Bahahaha!!! That's funny right there, I don't care who you are! --Larry the Cable Guy ----Whoopi Goldberg's Lips
  8. Hurts certainly seems like he sucks after this decision.
  9. And his last name doesn't start with an "M", so we should be good to go??
  10. Glass from Katy is Kyle Porter 2.0. Do. Not. Want.
  11. Well anyway, back on topic after aggy puked all up in this thread, take a look at Jake Smith's senior tape [Hidden Content]
  12. You're damn right. After listening to you knuckle heads regurgitate the same crap for years, it's about time for y'all to sleep in the bed you made. Eat your heart out, sweetums!!
  13. Jake Smith says Hello!
  14. Nope! Not our beloved Mack! What ever would we do without him??
  15. We've been saying this for how many years now?
  16. You missed one.
  17. Two of these are not like the others.
  18. Good grief. This is the aggyest of all the aggy.
  19. RoJo looking pretty tough so far...
  20. Johnson back: [Hidden Content]
  21. Just checking in to make sure you guys are still doing Gods work by giving these SEC guys the bidness!! Carry on...
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