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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. It's liberal speak for LOL.
  2. I accept your challenge. Big girl's posts notwithstanding of course!
  3. Definitely the smell of Evadale that's done that for you! I remember smelling that nonsense in Call Junction growing up! Lulz.
  4. Maybe, maybe not. But it would certainly be worth the LULZ to find out wouldn't it?
  5. It's flicking...not thumping. If you thump a booger, it usually goes straight up in the air and you don't have any control over where it goes. You gotta get your technique down and flicking is much more accurate!
  6. They're not intended to be manipulated like he's done repetitively, though. And that's where I agree on some of the Left's arguments. How can we trust him on foreign affairs when we can't even trust him to do the right thing by his own employees? This isn't 1890's Rockefeller we're talking about here...
  7. They're both crooks and criminals. Justifying one's mistakes while harping on the other one's mistakes only makes YOU look like a buffoon. It just sounds to me like most every one on this board has an agenda that they're trying to bend to fit their candidate's liking.
  8. This is obviously the dumbest post on this board that I've ever seen. And I've seen some doozies. The new emergency centers that you speak of are all starting their own conglomerate that will bankrupt soon enough. They don't offer near enough support and are essentially a rip off. Also, just some food for thought...my family's insurance rose from 2013 when I paid roughly $600/month for a family of 4 in premiums, to almost $900/month in premiums. Plus my deductible went from $3500 to $12K. So, I can afford to pay insurance premiums to keep from big O from taxing me on my returns. But I can't afford to use the insurance in the event that I need it. You sir, need to educate yourself before you open your big, gaping, pole smoker. Oh, and I almost forgot...THANKS OBAMA!
  9. ^^^Your jib, I likes the cut of it!
  10. So Big girl and new tobie think it's cool to post about how Trumpd lies...do they do the same about Hill dawg?
  11. Obviously! You're a Big girl...post what you want. Username checks out...
  12. Este.
  13. I was just being sarcastic, the war took care of most Muslims in that region in the 90's.
  14. Dumb...as much as Hurts runs the ball, one hit's all it takes and he's the starter all over again. Can't see the forest for the trees...Maybe Rumlin can pull him in??
  15. Ultimately, the goals of all religions are to control the masses. It's a way to give people incentive to live right and be kind to their neighbors and enemies alike. I don't really care who stole what from whom...I care about this country going to hell in a hand basket with both sides of the aisle flicking their boogers at one another. JUST STOP THE HATE!!!
  16. Actually, I'm more like a 3rd grade English teacher, not a professor. Does that make you feel better? I've dived into the Quran, I was also raised on the New King James Version, and have studied some of the Dhammapada and many other sutras of the Buddhist faith. Lots of similarities in all of them, don't you think?
  17. And if they don't know the difference between there and they're, they're bad. PERIOD.
  18. Too many oat sodas? She can't remember...
  19. And apparently, the way Big O has stuck his head in the sand in regards to BLM and the police shootings, so does he! Division in this country is the last thing the black community needs right now, yet here you are posting things like this. We have to start acting and thinking like family...not like enemies. Looks like BLM has finally started to see the light...how about you?
  20. Not sure if serious...
  21. Ahmed Mohammed Sanchez?
  22. We're getting ramrodded... So you're right. Are you aggy? Because you sound aggy.
  23. Try the "Around the World" game at Epcot. Have a beer at each country's bar and see if you can make it all the way around. Definitely the drunkest I've ever been...or most drunk...whatever, it's a blast!
  24. Sounds like your husband needs to "trade up"...
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