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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Wait...I don't know if they got the snap off in time.
  2. LSU just won!
  3. You're talking about D'vonta Freeman, the Conference leader?
  4. In fairness, the 14 team was worse. They were legitimately 6-7, the 15 team were a few fluke plays and one hose job from being 8-4 and bowl eligible.
  5. I've got one, it just has a brown streak on it from the last time I got in a bind in my deer blind. Can't wipe with pine straw...
  6. So you're aspiring to be like a sub par UT squad... OK it all makes sense now.
  7. Nope, we're counting on you to lose this for us... You haven't disappointed the past several years now.
  8. Dumb post is dumb.
  9. I don't remember asking you a got dang thing. I was talking to our great Pontificator. And don't ever tell me to cool anything... You don't know me like that bruh.
  10. His seed is scrong to slightly scrong... Can you ask him if he'll impregnate me too? I'd like a couple of D1 talents for sons!
  11. For someone his size to blow the BAC he did, he would've had to take a shot of 80 proof liquor once every 7 minutes for two hours. Yeah, I'd say he tied on a good un.
  12. Pure Gold! Nicely done!
  13. I feel like I'm stuck in Syria with the level of hypocrisy at this point. Yet, I bet none of these posts by garrity get deleted.
  14. Oh,that's an awful nice thing to call someone! Where's a mod at when you need one?
  15. Love the hypocrisy of the mods on this board. One poster gets away with saying arse repeatedly, which means exactly the same as a$$ in the UK and Ireland. Yet I get a post deleted for calling him out for wiping boogers on school desks. Way to stay neutral there, mods. Great job!!!
  16. Didn't tceh beat them by two TDs?
  17. Which is better...SMU or LA Tech?
  18. How convenient! And now you're condescending AND passive-aggressive...
  19. You mean things that you butt hurt about and cried to the teacher? Don't come in here wearing a black cloak...
  20. Dang it garrity! What'd I tell you about getting into grown folks business?!
  22. Victimless?? VICTIMLESS?? The people that paid for his autograph would like a word with you. They got robbed!
  23. It's a aggy turdition!
  24. Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
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