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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Aww snap! Here we go!!!
  2. Typical for a ETBF.
  3. Don't break a hip, Prez!!
  4. Nice win on an off-night. [Hidden Content]
  5. I've watched Reggie since he was in the 7th grade, going up against my nephews at Alvin. He's the real deal, no question. Fun fact of the day, he went to Nolan Ryan Jr. High School, which is physically in Pearland, but part of Alvin ISD. As far as size goes, he was as big in 8th grade as he is now, but not nearly as fast.
  6. I assume that's counting the FedEx Sherrill days too huh? Or how about those "national championships" you have on the wall of "champions"??
  7. And what's the recent past that you speak of, Mack? I can't remember past 27-25!!
  8. Are you aggy? Because you sound aggy...
  9. About to be 9-3 after your boys come to ATX this Sept. Get them some of that 100 deg. early Sept. heat and see what's up then.
  10. Best thing I can say about that is that it's over.
  11. Touche`... Time will tell, my friend. Hopefully, I can look back at this thread in the late fall for the lulz. Kinda like this year's recruiting thread.
  12. See also: Demarcus Ware
  13. Psst...(it's Brandon)
  14. He's also proven that he can rush upfield on a run play, allowing the back to run right by him... Over and over and over again.
  15. Laugh all you want now, but I wouldn't sleep on Swooped in this new offense. Simple reads determined pre snap with his arm strength could be serviceable. Plus he's a monster of a man.
  16. Ohhh...the vaunted wrecking crew is just one spot shy of the Vandy defense. How do you spin that one?
  17. OK, I'll give it the ol' college try: 1) I just so happened to be at the deer lease in Caldwell when Bamer ran through aggy. I stopped off at the Dairy Queen after my hunt, it looked like the aggy football gods had puked in that place. 2) Try as you might, you couldn't put ol' Les out of his misery, instead you bought him another year or two. 3) You couldn't even beat UL (oh by the way, the upper classmen being 3* Chollie's guys) in your bowl game. 4) You got ran through again during recruiting season by 3* Chollie, but don't let it stop you from guzzling that which Hamm and Looch excrete. 5) Almost forgot, which QB's do y'all plan on playing again this year?? Ohhh...that's right...Hoobestank and a OU washout. 6) But don't worry, the 20 WR's that you have on scholarship will surely do you some good in the trenches when you need them most, I have the confident. 7) Alton Robinson, we're looking at you (through jail cell bars).
  18. Ha! The response below brings the Lulz...rolling meth lab!
  19. So the jars will remain full, then? I'm so glad that's settled.
  20. The second half of Shock the Nation 2.0 about to go down at FEC tonight! I wonder what our seeding will be after beating #3 and #2 in a matter of 2 days??
  21. Hey... I bet I can come up with a list, too? Shall I commence?
  22. Bravo sir! Lulz
  23. Good luck to the young man.
  24. That's right... Baylor's rapists are NOT $EC good. They deserve separate threads.
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