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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. Yep, regardless of our fearless leader's ridiculous stance, Putin's about to make it rain over there. Sad day when we're not even as strong abroad as France.
  2. Meh, personally, I'd rather us pass and focus on getting an OC and finish this recruiting season out strong. And yes, I'm aware of the dead periods.
  3. Nice knowing y'all, however short it was. [Hidden Content]
  4. Id like links or sources that indicated anyone in their right mind would say we'd win this conference this year. I think you're grasping for straws here, bud.
  5. You need to add the caveat that you use the term adult loosely. BTW, with regard to your avatar... What are we actually supposed to call you? Aggy? Sand aggy? Ooh, i got one... How about saggy?? Does that suit you?
  6. You mean luster, aggy?? Now!! This is it! This is the time!! I've heard it all come from an aggy!
  7. God almighty, this must be what it feels like to be recruited by aggy. Wonderfully inbred. And fwiw, the consensus was that we'd go 6-6, 5-7 or somewhere in that area this year. By looking at that roster, only an aggy would think that throwing the record in our face would piss us off, or whatever your goal is. We understand that this is a rebuild deal and are patient enough to go through the tough times. The only people with a problem with Charlie are aggys that are scared of what's coming. You guys are in a tough spot, the new is wearing off within your conference and I see some really dark times coming to Pyle field. My Bamer and Aub buddies all asked the same question when they first saw the full aggy effect... What's with all the dudes in military attire grabbing each other's nuts? It really is a cult, I said. Have fun with them, they're your problem now.
  8. And if you think for a second that we end up any lower than the mid-teens in terms of recruiting, then you are delusional, son.
  9. Ohhh burn... You got me. Are you also setting up memorials for all the sodomized sheep in collieville over the years? If not, you better get busy... That's discrimination, don't ya know.
  10. Who are you referring to? Señor Lampkin? Well, in hindsight I'll let you win that argument all day long. Or is it Clarington? Again, cheater on ACT, if true, Do not want. His deal was still a little tricky. I had a big variance on back to back ACT scores and never got flagged, so I think there's more to that than meets the average aggy eye. Again, we dodged bullets with those two in my opinion, so you win that argument. Look, I hunt in Caldwell/Rockdale area, I've seen y'all whoop it up at the Dairy Queen in Caldwell after consecutive losses to Bamer, packed in there like cord wood. So if you want me to buy you a belt buster or Oreo blizzard, just let me know a time and place.
  11. You say we haven't won an important game huh?? Does the 2015 Red River Rivalry ring any bells, aggy? Looking more and more like the only loss for BlowU has this year. But thats not important cuz they not $EC huh? It really does take a special kind of regard to make a aggy. BTW, you might want to turn that Finebaum show off in the afternoon. But I figure you can't get enough of his cul de sac haircut, can you aggy?
  12. And since you brought up McNeal, if you would have watched Coaches presser yesterday, you would've heard the media ask about McNeals tweet the other day about lack of playing time. Coach quickly responded with, the easiest way for him to see the field more is to stay off social media. So I ask you this, is it a coincidence that the vast majority of the true freshmen on this team have seen substantial playing time, yet Deandre hasn't? Strong has proven with this group that he doesn't care about classification, he plays the best players. Period. It's really funny how you think you have any room to speak to the honesty, integrity, or ethics of our coach. That's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one. I can't wait for Rumlin to hire Mangino as OC though. That will no doubt create the fattest 3 coaches ever recorded on one team.
  13. The only word Rumlins kept is his intake of vodka tonics and swagcoptor rides. You believe anything that comes out of that drunks mouth, then you're more of a Cletus than I gave you credit for.
  14. Keep on thumping that chest... You have about oh, I'd say, one more year then y'all will be in your rightful place as the irrelevant, incompetent, idiots that you've always been. Whether you like it or not, Charlie Strong is aggys worst nightmare on the recruiting trail. He was just dealt a complete crap have by FUPM. Ooh, and i dropped a huge duece on your sacred memorial grass. Deal with it.
  15. So you would rather split those profits with 13 schools than 1? And yes, all schools like money. Just so happens that there is NO bigger revenue generator in college athletics than UT. You morons left $150M on the table when you stuck your nose up at the LHN... So tell me again how you like money. Your penis envy cost you more than that... One of the great rivalries in all of sports. Ooh and I almost forgot... 27-25 smart guy!!!
  16. Anderson and Little's train has sailed bigun... Ole Miss has the checks in the mail... But keep those $EC $EC $EC chants coming. They never get old.
  17. My goodness, you aggys are thick around here. How did those crystal balls work out for you with malik and Kris boyd last year? Or Holton Hill? If they do sign with aggy, we'll have dodged a bullet anyway. You see, any recruit that signs with aggy isn't of sound mind to begin with. Hence your perpetual bed crapping year in, year out.
  18. Brandon Jones from Nac would like a word with you...
  19. Better for who? Bamer, Aub, Ole Miss? That's the only teams that have benefited... Coming in and taking more Texas recruits. Meanwhile, the only difference y'all have seen is 3rd or 4th in the $EC west rather than the big 12 south.
  20. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's third tier network deal... Especially when you were supposed to get half of it. But y'all had to go and aggy that up too, didn't you?
  21. Careful, he might try to eat you.
  22. Doesn't matter, cuz $EC and whatnot...
  23. Yeah, but that doesn't stop them from cheating on said cousin with corch Gosling.
  24. Can we haz their recroots??
  25. It's hilarious thats what you took from that post. Loosen your overalls, they're cutting the circulation off.
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