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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. What if he identifies as an adulteror? Could that be something that protects him? Kinda like the 69 yr old German that identifies as a 49 yr old? Asking for his birth certificate to be changed and the whole 9. Also asking tender to change his birth date so he can hook up with younger women.
  2. My aggy buddy Cletus said that sheep aren't part of the bestiality code because they have the same anatomy as a woman...
  3. Cocaine is a helluva drug, Mack. You should try taking your wife into Temptations and hiring one of their "ladies of the evening" to try some booger sugar. If you're bashful, just ask your new hero Zach... I'm sure he'll fill you in on how to proposition her, with or without domestic violence charges being brought. Report back here afterwards on your findings.
  4. 45 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy
  5. It's like he has a moment of clarity mixed in with 10 straight hours of reading Texags.
  6. Well, I don't think Discovery works how you think it works...
  7. Holy crap! Awesome if true! What 18 year old, red blooded, football recruit wouldn't want to party with Tom and Michelle??
  8. Is this what SEC good means?
  9. Shoot that's chump change for a good tort attorney. I'm thinking hoops will be the next Joe Jamail!!
  10. Probably the best LB in the big 12. Insert BDF joke here, Mack.
  11. His hand is broken, but I think it's his knee that will keep him out, if anything. He tweaked it against ou.
  12. Hoops, I like you and think you're one of the greatest assets on this board. But we all know the average Joe didn't go through 4 years of undergrad and 3 more in law school to acquire a JD, plus all the years of additional training to get to where these folks are in their lives. So yes, ole Cletus the tractor mechanic would probably take that deal in a heartbeat. Others with more potential or opportunities...I don't know. That's why I asked you... It's a fascinating scenario.
  13. A raise from roughly 170k to 250k probably isn't worth the meat grinder he went through. Especially considering most of the attorneys I know make much more than that in their private practices (but you already know that, unless you're a prosecutor). Judges usually don't run for election at local/state levels for the money. They do it for the prestige and benefits. I'd imagine SCOTUS Justices are much the same. Would you have gone through what Kavanaugh just went through if you were guaranteed a seat on that bench?
  14. I'm hearing he might miss this week due to injury? Any truth to that?
  15. Those car seats on the left were very disturbing.
  16. Sounds like overalls and jizz jars...
  17. There is simply no proof to the rumor that Trump was found with a scuff mark on his shoe.
  18. That's nice. How many STDs has he contracted since he moved to the land o' tortillas?
  19. A name fit for a telemarketer.
  20. I hope Gov. Hot wheels tears up Tech's field turf like he does at DKR with all them fancy moves.
  21. I think a lot of us could take a moment our of our day to listen to "What it's like" by Everlast...
  22. Yes, mentally ill people who should've had better access to help. But remind me if they only targeted people of color? Seems to me they were just nuttier than squirrel turds and didn't care who died as long as someone suffered. Also, Santa Fe HS shooter was of meditteranean/middle eastern decent. My wife ran the paperwork for his mom and sister to change their names.
  23. Who's defending Trump on this thread? I'm certainly not. You seem to have trouble staying on topic. Maybe you'd be better suited keeping your posts in the HS girls basketball board. It's that way ----->.
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