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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. How about I drive over to that sh*+hole you call a town, scoop your eyeball out with a spoon, then tell a "bad joke" to you? How would that make you feel? The issue isn't that he told a bad joke. It's the disrespect the far left shows to our servicemen and women. I'm pretty neutral on a lot of topics socially, but this isn't one of them.
  2. Your last post was in defense of the comedian, you can't argue that. But nice try CRAWFISH.
  3. If Blazing Saddles were released today, Mel Brooks would be done for...
  4. @tvc184 That's how I see this shaking out. GOP holds the Senate and the Dems take the House, which will slow progress considerably. Worst part of that is we'll be reminded that Nancy Pelosi still exists on a regular basis.
  5. Listen, I've got one of the most demented senses of humor on this site. Making a joke on national TV about a service man that lost an eye in war isn't ok. And it certainly isn't funny. SNL used to be pure gold back in the Will Farrell days and even further back to Adam Sandler. These guys in the past 5-10 years just plain suck at life.
  6. I'm hearing some scuttlebutt about him being gone and KSU looking at hiring Litrell. No links yet to confirm...
  7. Oh hell, I was way off. I thought he was talking about deer leases...
  8. @BADSANTA I don't think Dems are dirty. My voting for someone based on personal feelings toward a competitor is what I meant. I've voted for Dems before... They've just gone too far for my taste recently.
  9. I voted in Galveston Co. on Friday. I voted in a spot in Kemah that is usually easy to get in and out. Place was packed, it's definitely a record breaker for a mid term. I did not vote straight ticket Republican on account of a county judge candidate that we know personally. I told the wife she'd never get another vote from me. It did make me feel a little dirty voting for a Dem though...
  10. UT at #15 in the AP poll. Lulz
  11. You ain't lying. He runs the 3 man front to give his LBs more ability to make plays while the big uglies take on the OL. In theory, it's a great way to free up your LB corp to make plays both in the run game and against the pass. We actually saw that last year with Malik. Nevermind, I'm drunk...
  12. You can say that again.
  13. That's Zach Evans. He's a 2020 guy, and he hasn't committed yet per 247. He's a stud too though...5 star that would be our second highest rated recruit ever behind only VY.
  14. This cycle two of the best in the country are from IMG in FL. We're recruiting both.
  15. Our LBs already went full aggy today, we don't need you doing it too.
  16. That'll do it for our conference championship hopes...
  17. There's some points
  18. Like walmart boudin to a coonass.
  19. They're gonna bust the over before half time at this rate.
  20. I'm with you on this. I've had 6 pictures stuck in my file for 3 years now and there is no way to delete them. So that's filled my attachment allowance up and can't post any pictures. It's very...aggy
  21. Sober Holgo is not a good look...
  22. Mack, I think Trump hit y'all with that ultrasound machine you were talking about on the politics board...
  23. Battle of the barn...
  24. Dude... You watch aggy football every weekend. What's the difference?
  25. Hmmm... Mostly women and children, eh. This must be the tail end of the caravan then, I'm sure these chivalrous young men let the women and kids go before them. [Hidden Content]
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