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Everything posted by Kegger

  1. Just saw this pop up on The Old Coach. WOW!
  2. MIDLAND CHRISTIAN NEEDS A WEEK 6 VARSITY FOOTBALL GAME SEPTEMBER 30TH.CONTACT GREG MCCLENDON This was posted late last week. They won the private school state Championship back to back 2 seasons ago. Its far but maybe WOS's only option if they are willing.
  3. Then the other teams from their district are a little further away but they could be good options. Huffman, Navasota, and Cleveland. I would like to see Navasota and WOS. I was told Cleveland already has filled the open spot.
  4. That still leaves LCM and Bridge City as possible opponents.
  5. LCM, Silsbee, and Bridge City are all fairly close in distance to WOS. They all also should have a void in their schedule those weeks due to Livingston screwing everything up. Why are none of them agreeing to play? Have they already agreed to play them earlier in the season?
  6. I am a little biased on this. I feel like a team that was so god awful the last 2 years could make a big jump (from where they were). Cleveland only had one win last year but were in a couple of dog fights. I was told they had around 10 Sophmores play significant time. If that is the case then they can only get better. Until I hear how their kids are working I'll stop short of a playoff birth. I could see them going 5-5. That is a big jump from going 4-16 the last two years.
  7. I think both Liberty and Shepherd will be on the outside looking in come playoffs. Shepherd will have the advantage of playing in a 5 team district, but they lost some game changers on the D-line and their QB/FS. If they make it in, I think they would match up with WOS.
  8. It's a slow Tuesday. Lets see if we can prove how smart we all are. Which area teams could make the biggest jump in success in 2016? I'm talking about not making the playoffs to contending for district or making a run a few rounds deep. Which teams could fall from playoff success to possibly not even making the playoffs this upcoming season?
  9. Bellville OC Stan Howard
  10. 24-5 Fourth quarter run!? Wow! Not sure how a back and forth game ends like that, but I guess Cleveland knows how to finish. Congrats Lady Indians!
  11. I heard that young QB broke his arm this past season. I hope he's healing well. He's an exceptional athlete.
  12. Is that a rule or is that just what they do typically? I know that a few of those schools were in with Navasota and Sealy last year. But I guess that could be because there were not enough Houston schools in the 4A Div 1 to make 1 district. That really puts Navasota in a tough spot for traveling.
  13. Back on the original topic. A few years back there was an article about the emergence of the "Rhabs" in connection with crossfit. The workouts are very intense and fast paced. Many people trying these workouts had never pushed themselves to the extent that they were doing in cross-fit. To my understanding, had they pushed themselves that hard at any other point in their lives it would have presented itself sooner. I could be completely off on my interpretation of the information presented in the previous article. But it seems that some people naturally have the genetic traits to develop this while others don't. Not sure a Coach should be held at fault for someone's genetics. However, I guess that happens every Friday Night in Texas during the fall.
  14. Navasota is about 2 hrs and 30 mins from Brazosport and 3 hrs from Bridge City. I could just as easily see them in 12 4A. Heck it takes about as long to go to Kilgore or Lampasas from Navasota as it does to go to Bridge City from Navasota. Seems like the best option for Navasota would to put it with the Houston Schools. That then makes them have 9 teams. So a solution would be to break up that district and send some North west and some East. It could look something like this: Furr, Wheatley, Silsbee, LCM, BC, Huffman, Worthing, Yates in one district. Furthest game is 1 hr and 53 min. Scarborough, Washington, Kashmere, North Forest, Cleveland, Livingston, Navasota in the other district. Furthest game would be 1 hour 40 minutes. This would eliminate anyone driving over 2 hours for a district game.
  15. Not sure why George Ranch wasn't listed. Maybe I missed it.
  16. Any word from Coldspring and Tarkington's snapshot?
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