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Everything posted by Coug88

  1. There is a level of delusion going on that is truly remarkable. To live in that head space for a day...........geez
  2. We relocated it to Dayton. But I think I'm busy Saturday delivering cold crow.
  3. Ummmmmm...your crow is ready
  4. Scoreboard
  5. Crickets......where are you?
  6. I heard his family just moved to crosby.
  7. I have a full APB out on our friend from BMT. His crow is going to be served cold at this point. The penalties were awful. Sloppy game.
  8. You have some compardes in Dayton you should discuss this with. We are only agreeing with them
  9. BH fans get a pass on thinking differently......but the others smoking Good stuff
  10. Don't mind me, I'm just looking for that guy from BMT Central got some crow for him on the Crosby thread. Go dayton JV!
  11. Final 42-18
  12. Surely if you count what we gave you in penalties
  13. Buddy this with Netherly on the sideline
  14. BTW 42-18 crosby calling BmT S. Crow is ready where are you
  15. Umm mm?
  16. Splendora is handling dayton they must have moved all the good players to JV
  17. Food trucks are heating up the crow for BmT Soulja (or whatever)
  18. Was that a penalty on BH
  19. TD crosby 39-18
  20. TD hill 32-18
  21. Sloppy Sloppy sloppy
  22. 32-10 crosby 6:48 in the 3rd
  23. TD crosby
  24. How many yards have we lost to penalties?
  25. Hmmmmm but how did jv do.
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