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Everything posted by Coug88

  1. Hogwash, give it up. Your argument about whether you are entitled to know the details of someones life only holds water if there are criminal allegations that affect the community. There is nothing near criminal allegations, nor has any criminal allegations been hinted at. SO your entitlement to know is based purely on a level of being nosy and gossipy. There is nothing there. You were fishing from the start otherwise your post would have started with the facts and not innuendo. I have seen post locked down on this forum for people posting about coaching changes and the rumored misconduct. You have your facts...Crosby will have a new OC in the fall, if not earlier. Coach Mann will find another job. Again this isn't a news story. Move along....
  2. 1st verse same as the last. Old.Repetitive.Nonsense.
  3. yes
  4. Well you are the only one talking about Crosby in the manner you are complaining about. Childish. You are a prime example of why speculation/gossip is dangerous. I believe I have stated the Fact. Mann was released from Crosby last week. Someone else has posted the fact that there is an open job posting for his position at Crosby. What other facts are you in need of? Go Crosby!!
  5. 1st of all what 'people' choose to share about the 'goings on' in your neck of the woods is between those 'people' and their conscience. I for one don't think a public sports forum is the place to share anyone's 'dirty laundry', including those from your neck of the woods. The story is for those people involved to share, not hearsay from folks that the only impact is a change in staff. These are people's lives and not fodder. It is not about what region or district is holier than thou, it is about respect of real people. If they want to sign up here and share their story then...go for it. Unless you are ready to have your 'dirty laundry' blasted on a public forum for strangers hiding behind screen names, while they pass one sided judgement...go for it. I actually don't have the highest opinion of Coach Mann but I have enough respect for myself to not engage in gossip and judgement. This is pretty simple....Coach Mann is no longer with Crosby. It isn't a Breaking News report at 5. So leave the Holy Mecca nonsense where you found it. Go Crosby!!
  6. Yup someone got on here fishing and I saw no reason to take the bait. As of last week he is no longer with Crosby. Like I said yesterday.....I guess we are done here? Not like it can be kept a secret.
  7. Unfortunately that is not the truth. Would have been nice if it was. Not saying he won't achieve his goals but this was a misstep. I am not going to say what happened because I wasn't there and it isn't my story to share, out of respect to mann and anyone else involved. But I do know it was not mann's decision to leave crosby, that is the truth
  8. There are stories and there is the truth. He isn't with Crosby any longer.
  9. I thought we established he didn't KNOW anything and we were done here.
  10. well then we are done here....great talk.
  11. Sounds like you know. There are stories and there is the truth. Either way...Crosby is fine.
  12. Stirring the wrong pot.
  13. Well the coach has a boss (AD and/or Super) that should care about what is happening in the program at his/her school. That boss should have a boss that cares too. But you know, they could have my boss.....in which case the boss may not be aware that there was a game. Just awful that if the coach was instructing this kid to do this they don't take accountability for that publicly, instead let that kid take the heat publicly. Great role model. Would love to have that be a leader in my daughter's life.
  14. Perhaps disciplinary action should have been spread to the coach as well. Perhaps this conduct is trumped by a winning season, priorities.
  15. Great Job Ladies! Get ready for the parade.
  16. Silliness. Comparing what neighboring districts do sets off a tick in people. Just say the word Crosby and some adults foam at the mouth. Pure silliness.
  17. Crosby: SR Richard Martinez 1 HR vs New Caney
  18. Crosby: Alec Lewis 1 HR vs Galena Park
  19. Crosby: Hunter Hearn 2 HR vs CE King Crosby: Nathan Gabryszwski 1 HR vs CE King
  20. Crosby: Alec Lewis SR. 2 HRs vs Humble
  21. Crosby: Nathan Gabryszwski JR. 1 HR vs Humble
  22. Crosby: Hunter Hearn (SR) 1HR vs CY Ridge
  23. Crosby: Nathan Gabryszwski JR. 1 HR vs Barbers Hill
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