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  1. I thought a couple was 2, but anyway Mav24 you truly are pitiful!
  2. I can't believe what I'm reading...will miracles never cease?
  3. Well somebody beat me to it, but yeah how original is nederlands school song and fight song? Hulla ballu connek connek
  4. HERE'S TO BOTH OF YOU: The difference in the lhs and PNG programs is that Doty actually helped the kid (that Hemmings knocked goofy) from going in our offensive huddle. No such sportsmanship from Beard, plus Doty knew where he was after being hammered. And yes Mav24 I'm happy, how about you?
  5. UH whatever, so it's Northeast, get out your compass. I thought we were NDNS. You must have to be really bored to comment on that...DUHH
  6. Lumberton is good but they let a few wins get to their heads... instead of being grateful for each win they want to start talking trash after each win...it's difficult for me to support teams like that
  7. Lumberton is good but they let a few wins get to their heads... instead of being grateful for each win they want to start talking trash after each win...it's difficult for me to support teams like that
  8. mav24 yes i was at the game...never missed one ..win or lose...we don't even have a band wagon to get on or off of like y'all do...and no i didn't see anyone of our guys get their head taken off...but please tell me what you saw on the east goal line when #33 took it in for another score
  9. where are you raiderfan87 and all your trash? haven't heard from you...maybe your at an all-you-can-eat crow buffet...waiting
  10. eat your words mav24. i was at the game and saw you guys get hammered. you talk so much crap and can't back up any of it. by the way #33 ran right over your #6 on the goal line, he was flat on his back and didn't know where to go when he got up. i'm sure you felt that way too...were you and your little train able to find your way back to the woods after the game? I TOLD YOU SO...and you do have another loss coming your way...guaranteed!!
  11. for any dayton fans to be making posts at this time...you must be worried because we don't even give you a thought until Nov. 5th.. you don't exist till then...go elsewhere... worry about something else
  12. Hey mav24 we're not counting on beating dayton or central yet...one week at a time...and it's the "i think i can, i think i can, i think i can" little train Friday night. By the way has L(ittle)-train ever been to the playoffs, and how many playoff games have y'all won? Care to compare? Your the one who knows all the stats and rankings, check it out dog!
  13. hey gabe it's not kicking him when he's sick, that's another issue. by writing the ridiculous things he writes...he opens himself up for whatever he gets...i think he can handle it...he hasn't changed in 20 years, it's just getting worse
  14. he must be having a tough time...not even 300yds in 6or7 games????????????
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