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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Hope you’re at the game or @LTFALCON. Be looking for updates.
  2. As I said above, not an isolated incident. Newsome was caught. Pelosi was caught. And I just saw a group of Dems meeting outside. No mask until official camera shot & then they all had mask on.
  3. This scenario keeps getting repeated repeatedly. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. That said, why do the Dem voters keep drinking the kool-aid? Talk about puppets on a string. [Hidden Content]
  4. The title is correct, we don’t have a border problem. It’s gone from problem to catastrophe. If I was governor, I’d rent every bus I could. Pack them up with illegals & send them to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in DC. Unload & repeat.
  5. Good for her. I may detest rap music but I admire her stance. What scares me - will she fold under the pressure? I sincerely hope not.
  6. Here it is Friday HS football abounds All are excited Cept for a few towns There’ll be bands a marching Folks in stadiums today But there’s no joy in Vidorville There’s no one to play. 😂
  7. To confuse it even more, many of us refer to Ltown & Silsbee, & several smaller towns as being part of it, although geographically they’re not.
  8. Bodes well for the Mustangs future.
  9. True old buddy. Always in THEIR favor. Funny how that works.
  10. I guess I’m a Conspiracy Theorist. If something looks plausible/likely I’m willing to see plausible alternatives to the given conclusions. UFOS are a prime example. There are more stars than I’m willing to put zeros on. Odds are many have life, some more advanced than us. So even though most scoffed at believers , I am one. So what else? Currently I’m convinced the 2020 election was stolen (you can read my reasons on Political Thread). I think most of our politicians are in their positions for their own benefit and could care less about our country. Grassy knoll? Possible I guess, but I’m not convinced. Earth ain’t flat. Yes, an alien craft crashed at Roswell. Oh yes, did the Virus come from Wuhan Lab? You can bet the house. But here’s the kicker, was it released deliberately? On my CT 1-10 scale, I’d give that a five. Is there a group planning to run the world, like New World Order or One World Government? As I’ve gotten older, that has moved up - give it a 7. Anyway, I’ve give y’all plenty to think about (or laugh about). 😄🤪😄
  11. Asked and answered.
  12. With the large crowds Trump had, plus the excellent employment numbers prior to Covid, the Republican numbers are explainable. Then Biden, who couldn’t and can’t draw a crowd, and picked a VP who was a liability rather than an asset, imo the 81 Million is unbelievable.
  13. Cliff Notes version. Total votes in millions 2008 - 129 2012 - 123 2016 - 129 2020 - A whopping 155
  14. And yet, imo, the same Dem Party may have risk exposure by having Biden get 81 Million votes in the Presidential election . Had Trump gotten an abysmal amount, it wouldn’t be an issue, but he got a record amount himself. My personal opinion, no way Biden, with a terrible VP, gets 81 Million votes.
  15. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  16. Are you familiar with the number of Clinics/Doctors that have ripped off Medicare/Medicaid? Been quite a few. And how many are doing it that haven’t been caught? Fact is, some yahoo was caught with a bunch of ballots a month before the election. IF, and I have no idea, there was shenanigans with 350,000 votes, there could’ve been much more that we don’t know about. Suffice it to say I don’t totally trust government officials and the Media.
  17. Only thing I’m sure of, Biden lost. 😂
  18. Here’s the deal.. The Dems won’t let him resign or die. If he dies, they’ll pull a weekend at Bernie’s. Why? Because Kamala will become President. McConnell will block any VP nomination so there won’t be a tie breaker Senate vote. Essentially the Dems would lose control of the Senate. Not going to happen.
  19. CNN blames it on an error, but with all the potential fraud, I have a hard time believing them. All those votes were for recalling Newsome. Nothing to see hear. Move along. [Hidden Content]
  20. BH (are they running the Slot T?) Crosby Tx City Ned
  21. He epitomizes the term “two-face”. And the pos is pretty solid also. 😂😂😂
  22. To funny not to post. @TxHoops at a family outing. [Hidden Content] lol, just funnin Hoops. 😂😂😂
  23. And folks disliked Trump because he lied? Biden is the King liar.
  24. I could post a book on this. Endometrial Cancer is uterine Cancer. You think the world is overpopulated what better way to reduce our numbers. [Hidden Content]
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