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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Dang, poor tackling.
  2. Good showing by the Wolves. Hope the D can keep the shutout.
  3. Will the JV be playing Brazosport tonight?
  4. And it’s okay to be a racist if you’re a liberal. The FBI did a big investigation on a rope on a roll up door at NASCAR. Wonder if they’ll investigate this?
  5. Elder attacked with eggs by a white woman with a gorilla mask, followed by verbal abuse. Will the Leftist Media cover it? Had it been Stacey Abrams attacked would they? You can bet your last bottom dollar - Headline News. [Hidden Content]
  6. Speaking of “the good old days”, there are a number of songs that reminisce about them. Y’all probably can think of more. Burgers & Fries by Charlie Pride If the World Had a Front Porch by Tracy Lawrence Grandpa by The Judds Take Me Home Country Roads by John Denver Love’em all.
  7. Thread has about 25 responses. Pretty impressive for a non-district 2A game. Glad to see it and wish other small schools had participation on the Forum like this.
  8. The common denominator in virtually all the deaths from Police action is resisting arrest. If Officers are not allowed to subdue individuals resisting, you’ve essentially taken away Law Enforcements ability to do their jobs and keep the streets safe. Even a cursory look at the streets of our big cities shows the results. It’s unfortunate that some die but it’s a price you pay for resisting. And if the Police can’t do their job the price Mr Joe Average pays is lawlessness in the streets.
  9. Since we learn life lessons thru experience, I wonder if putting our children in a “safe box” is a good thing. Spankings for instance. What does a child learn? Seems to me they learn, if you do something you’re not suppose too there are consequences. Taking away the old merry-go-round - on that thing we learned that you need to be careful around things. I could rattle on but most of you get the idea. There are so many life-lessons kids today are not getting. Imo, spankings is the most important. When my kids were young, folks often told my wife & I “how lucky we were to have such well mannered children”. After a scale 10 eye roll I’d say thank you, while thinking, why yes, they came out of the womb saying yessir & no sir. On the downside of “the good old days”, it was thought unmanly of the father to tell his children he loved them. Imo, if the children receive correction at an early age, and are shown & told they’re loved, you’ve upped you chances of having good kids tremendously.
  10. Anyone breaking into a home in this area, probably the whole State, is probably taking a 50-50 chance of losing his/her life. Sad part most of us don’t think about is the grief of the homeowner. I’d shoot them but I suspect I’d still feel some remorse at having to take a life.
  11. Were it not for Biden under Obama, Harrs might be labeled the worst VP ever, but those two are a pair. Dead heat!
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. I hope no one really thinks that, lol.
  14. BC looking better this year but they aren’t ready for HH.
  15. Since your interpretation of my original post is completely different from everyone else’s, it would appear you have reading comprehension problems. Here, maybe you can find help in this link showing the ten best reading comprehension books. [Hidden Content]
  16. Lmbo, I’ve much more to worry about than you. I see you finally got the point. Your childish name calling is proof enough. You have a nice day now, you hear.
  17. Obtuse, from Shawshank Redemption. As for my original post, I think she was a local, but she still stated that there were more Texas Flags sold than the other 49 States combined. The lady was referring to all sales in the country. What’s interesting is that others seemed to grasp the concept of my post but you didn’t. For some reason you felt it necessary to belittle the post and/or me. Fascinating. Says a lot about you.
  18. Pulling for PNG, but my money would be in Tomball.
  19. Pulling for Ltown but Lee rolls in this one.
  20. Are you intentionally being obtuse, or is this the real DN? Point is, a knowledgeable person stated that in America there are more Texas Flags sold than all other 49 States combined. Who would’ve thought that….
  21. Mature reading/videos for language. 😂😂😂 [Hidden Content]
  22. Surprised Ltown & Vidor, both 2-0, didn’t move into the top ten. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  23. I think we’ll be able to listen here. [Hidden Content]
  24. No big mystery here. One only has to look at what John Adams said. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral & religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other kind”.
  25. This Poll from a Left Wing Site. [Hidden Content]
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