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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Astrophysicist think there may be as many as 6 Billion earth like planets in our galaxy alone, and there are estimated to be 2 Trillion galaxies. And some folks says we’re all alone? Give me a break.
  2. East Peoria Officer Jeffery Bieber was attacked during a traffic stop. Despite being stabbed multiple times, he managed to pull his weapon and kill the assailant. The Police Group was honoring him as Policeman of the Year. FB wouldn’t allow post. What a pos FB is. [Hidden Content]
  3. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The sad part, The never ending insanity that starts in California normally spreads across the US. Can’t imagine a world without bacon. Our new Battle Cry: GIVE MR BACON OR GIVE ME DEATH. It’s not just about bacon you know.
  4. My 93 (94? 95?) year old Mother in Law is coming Monday from Georgia to spend seven days. Talk about Hell Week. She lives with my well off Liberal Sister in Law, who’s a Liberal . She’s been inundated with CNN 🐂💩 and I’ll spend all week trying to explain to her what’s actually going on. Keep me in your thoughts.... 😂😂😂
  5. Good grief, doesn’t anyone use trash cans? Says a lot about some of us.
  6. Saw on the News last week some yahoo dropping off an Alaskan Husky in a desolate area. Beautiful dog that chased the SUV down the road as they were leaving. Not sure how anyone could do that. Someone else filmed it and the Law is after them now. On a plus note, a family adopted the dog.
  7. Imo, the homemade mask have virtually no effect in stopping Covid. Any help they may have is negated by the problems homemade/paper mask cause.
  8. Very timely with this one. Ask my Doctor today how long he thought Covid will last? He responded with: How should I know, I’m a Doctor not a Politician.
  9. I’m certainly no medical expert, but I’d think having Covid and recovering would make your body the most resistant to the virus.
  10. Only arse whipping that worries me is the reaction to the Delta Variant. If some politicians get their way, it will eliminate HS Football this year. Thought we were passed this 💩 as far as overreaction was concerned. SMDH!
  11. Lol, just watched it yesterday (again). Not far fetched at all. 😳
  12. What elitist 🐂💩. [Hidden Content]
  13. And neither should a member of of a radical group responsible for riots, attacks on bystanders & police, and many deaths. No way that guy needs to be a police officer. BTW BG, the officer died of natural causes. Only person killed was an unarmed female veteran, shot dead by an Unidentified alleged officer. Probably another BLM Activist that saw a chance to kill a white person.
  14. The black Capital Police Officer who “claimed” he was repeatedly called the N word by Trump supporters (that I don’t believe) is a big BLM activist. Surprise, surprise. His testimony, with most others, is 🐂💩, imo. [Hidden Content]
  15. The Director said about Covid deaths & Children, ‘It’s more than twice the rate we see for influenza in a given year’. A reporter decided to check. From 2020 to 21, 213 Children died of Covid, influenza killed more than 400. So the medical bureaucrat has lied to us, and using that lie to force kids to wear mask all day in school breathing fibers. I’m all for things/rules if they help, if we need them, but frankly I’m tired of the lies and the hypocrisy. [Hidden Content]
  16. Durn grad, hate to hear that. Prayers for recovery. ✝️✝️✝️
  17. Jen Psaki- “We’re flagging problematic post for Facebook that spread misinformation”. Same type thing said by - Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler Above not just a joke. Not overboard. The folks in power now are really scary. Jmo
  19. Rarely is on topic, or makes sense. Still waiting for him to post about what a good job Biden and Harris are doing (but not holding my breathe, lol).
  20. Having been in quite a few verbal discussions (fisticuffs😄) with Liberals, it’s surprising how often they end up name calling or excessive use of cuss words. Always a sure sign that I’ve won the point. 😄😜😄
  21. The same guy who constantly tells eveyone they’re going to Hell? Wow, guess the Seventh Day Adventist have a liberal vocabulary.
  22. Adam (no neck) Schiff literally makes me sick in my stomach. What a two faced lying POS.
  23. Interesting story. I had no idea. I was a big fan of Rocky Calivito. That was a long time ago 😂
  24. Anyone that doesn’t believe in Media bias, please explain how the MSM ran with the Russian Collusion story for three years, and it was ultimately proven false. Fake news, for three years, and they want to chastise FOX? Please, give me a break.
  25. Love memes. Some are funny, and some, like this one, make great points. Please don’t feed the bears. It creates a dependent population unable to take care of themselves. You mean like Welfare Programs?
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