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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Had a great idea for a post but was busy doing something else. Like Biden, I should’ve wrote it down. I can only laugh. Happens all the time. It started with things I needed at Walmart. When I walk into a Walmart I’m subjected to some type mind melt. Whatever I needed, despite it may be multiple items, and despite how badly I need it (them), once crossing the threshold at WM, I go brain dead. I’m surprised the TV folks haven’t had me on Stranger Than Fiction. 😂😂😂
  2. Wow, the money BISD has is impressive. Good for them. [Hidden Content]
  3. Not at all. It’s like the NAACP initially just wanting equal rights. To hear many folks in the black community now, you’d think they were treated worst than 1950. There’s no end to these movements. Never enough. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Same thing with LGBTQ crowd.
  4. Fantastic, and unanimous! [Hidden Content] From FOX. [Hidden Content]
  5. Biden snaps at CNN Repoter. Crazy Biden, doesn’t he know that CNN is the Holy Grail of Liberalism? Even late night liberals are making fun of him. 😂😂😂 [Hidden Content]
  6. If it’s a 5’ 7” forward that made Hon Mention from Corrigan, I’ll be disappointed.
  7. So after the G7 & Summit, Biden was given a list of reporters he could call on. Yep, transparent administration. Softball questions only. How freaking pathetic is that? [Hidden Content]
  8. Hagar


    And that’s the type response we should have from DC. You’re correct baddog, gotta love DeSantis.
  9. No, but happy to lead us all in Amarillo By Morning! 😂😂
  10. What a great post tvc184. You said best what most of would like to say.
  11. According to Press, Biden acknowledged he trust Putin. White House, in damaged control, denies it. LOL seems the White House does a lot of that. 😂😂😂 [Hidden Content]
  12. So sorry Trump lives in your head. Must be horrible for you carrying around all that hate, but Dems do love them some hate. FYI, Trump played mind games with Putin, just as Putin does with everyone. Never believe what any President tells Putin. The news media knows that, but their hatred of Trump (like you) made them denigrate him. The sad thing, your hatred let’s you believe it all.
  13. Talk about a one-sided confrontation. Be like a one armed man going up against Ali during his prime. Expect Biden to come out of this like a whipped puppy. [Hidden Content]
  14. Which begs the question, if those people are telling you how bad things are, why don’t more people realize it?
  15. Got a feeling you’ll only hear crickets on this one. Dems love to spout the Party line but even they secretly know how absolutely, completely insane some of this 💩 is. They just don’t have enough common sense to put two and two together about the whole agenda. Birthing people - p l e a s e!
  16. The same NFL that wouldn’t allow the Dallas Cowboys to wear a decal honoring the Police Officers killed in the Dallas shooting. Watch an NFL game - not on my TV. [Hidden Content] PS; I hope Mr Mercer wins big.
  17. One of the best places to find prehistoric animal bones is Montana. With that in mind, you have to wonder, who caused global warming back then? Could it have been flatulent dinosaurs? So who do we have to rely on for all the Man Made Global Warming data? Oh, the scientists. The same group that lied to us during the Covid pandemic. If Scientists lied about Covid, how do we then turn our world upside down based on their data now? And again I ask, if the scientists claiming there’s MMGW get the Grants ($money$), and those that refute GW don’t get the Grants ($money$), could the whole MMGW Theory be “bought”? Follow the money. It’s a tried and true method of getting to the truth. There’s already reasons (proof?) to believe that some data has been falsified by some scientists. Why falsify data if you don’t need to? Only two reasons I can think of - 1- you have an agenda, or 2- money (of course, money buys an agenda). Anyone who thinks scientists can’t be bought, I have a snow ski lodge in Evadale I’ll sell you.
  18. So much scientific jargon I’m not informed enough to understand tonight’s show to well, but the hooked me at the end. Now I look forward to next Tuesday. 😳😳
  19. I didn’t retire until I was 70. You work until 70 and you’ll try to enjoy your retirement.
  20. Fantastic news, especially for us older folks who have trouble physically going to a game.
  21. Comes on tonight on History Channel. Hope you take time to record/watch it. I think you’ll find it very interesting.
  22. Tonight’s the night. Don’t forget to set DVR.
  23. Doubt you’ll see this on the MSM. Shooter targets folks based on race. Doesn't get more racist than that. [Hidden Content]
  24. You’d think these Far Left Loons would listen to this young lady, but when you’ve been thoroughly brainwashed, facts roll off you like water off a ducks back. [Hidden Content]
  25. Another example of insanity, which appears to be running rampant throughout society.
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