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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Me too. Just me not buying Coke won’t affect them, but if there’s thousands more, they’ll get the idea.
  2. What the Dems have been doing to blacks since the 60’s is racism. In 1960, 20% of black children were born to a single parent. Now it’s about 70%. Not the type of progression anyone should be proud of. Note, in fairness, all races have increased some over that period. Not good for any of us.
  3. Removed 12 Coke vending machines from County buildings. I no longer buy coke. [Hidden Content]
  4. Yep, sadly, that’s all it is.
  5. What we really need is not younger politicians, what we need is better politicians. The kind that put America first, not a Party, not their own petty selfishness, not some failed Govt ideology that has ruined other countries.
  6. Good grief. I can’t even understand the Loons acting crazy, but when the leaders of Companies act crazy, it’s evil taking hold. No big thing, but I don’t drink Coke anymore. Last time at a restaurant, I ordered tea. Now have Pepsi at home. Eff’em.
  7. If he was a Republican his tail would be in jail now. Dems have a get out of jail free card. He’s in this China deal up to his scrawny backside.
  8. First thing I thought of when I read Chester’s post.
  9. I’ll relate what I’ve mentioned to you before - how fast time goes by when you get old. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Andy Rooney’s quote - “Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the nearer to the end you get, the faster it goes”. My great example is my pill containers. I have three of them that are for 7 days each, so three weeks worth. I have to refill them every week & a half (at least). I hate to blink, 15 seconds go bye. A yawn, two minutes. I use to think my eyes were getting bad, now I realize everything is happening so fast, it’s just a blur. Anyway, as my feeble brain comes up with something, more rambling to follow. 😂
  10. So let’s see if I understand this right. Thousands of schools are taking the time to teach CRT, and many kids today have no idea what Memorial Day means, where Pearl Harbor is, or who we fought in WW-II? Does anyone else want to beat their heads on a wall. Good grief, put me in charge. 😡🤬😡
  11. My simplified opinion, it’s because the World sees Biden as weak. I honestly think, if Trump was still President, there would be repercussions of some sort - sanctions or embargo’s at the least. And Psaki’s response, “Businesses need to protect themselves”. In truth, our Govt (was designed to have) has few responsibilities. One of those is protecting America & Americans. Our businesses being held ransom by Cyber attacks certainly fits in that purview, imo. So Biden, C’mon man. [Hidden Content]
  12. As I morph from old man to curmudgeon, let me share some poo. Out last night and ran into an old friend. He made a remark, “I hate to get out because people are crazy”. Why bring it up? My wife & I have been complaining about that, so at least others see it. Drive like nuts. Zero manners. And cell phones - good grief. I contemplate the possible suicide rate if all the cell phones were taken away. Now, since my 300 or so TV stations are so bad, we were watching Dr. Pimple Popper. Lady had a large marble size cyst in her hair. She was concerned about having a bald spot up there when the cyst was removed. Ordinarily, I could understand her concern, but this lady had a lip ring and a nose ring. Heck, she could be bald and I wouldn’t notice it with Bubba’s Scrap Iron hanging out of every orifice. What is it that makes a person want to disfigure themselves? Guess I’m just getting old(er).
  13. Those emails are very, very revealing. For instance, homemade mask not being effective is now a Conspiracy Theory gone to Fact. And those emails reveal that many of Fauci’s edicts were based on (liberal) politics, and not science. [Hidden Content]
  14. Lying old f@rt. Preached bi-partisan, but jumps on Manchin & SInema for voting with Republicans. And they said Trump lied a bunch? [Hidden Content]
  15. No doubt there’s “blood (money) in the water to get QX here. I have sympathy for the parents/family, but this new development is strange. As I remember from the News, he claimed BPD didn’t test the man for alcohol/drugs. If true, I feel a Cha-Ching coming.
  16. The plot thickens. This is a serious indication that something is rotten in Denmark. [Hidden Content]
  17. Yep! The ignorance starts one heartbeat from the top.
  18. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
  19. Liberals are filled with hate. They hate Israel, our God, our Military, American success (one big reason they hate Trump). They even hate Dr. Seuss. They remind me of the Reds in Dr. Zhivago. Although only a movie, I suspect they were portrayed accurately. Angry, hate filled people consumed with power - Antifa & BLM are prime examples. Instead of reveling in how good we have it, they wish to lead us into a Venezuela scenario. SMDH!
  20. Here’s a good read for Memorial weekend by Dan Crenshaw. Hits in the heart. [Hidden Content]
  21. My g’son graduated from Lumberton several years ago that I attended, and now that you mentioned it, I’m almost certain several had Military sashes then.
  22. And the third wasn’t a sash, which is significant when considering the “rules”. Still, I hope they give the young men their diplomas, and change the rules to allow Military sashes.
  23. I hope all of us enjoy the weekend, but take a few minutes to remember the brave men & women who gave their lives for this country. Thank God for giving us people like them.
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