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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. How sad to think our President may be bought. Buy he’s old and there’s a young woman waiting in the wings, our beloved VP. But wait! Did she just tweet, “Enjoy the long weekend”. Nice gesture, don’t you think. But wait! Did she forget that Memorial weekend is to honor our fallen soldiers? At first I wondered, maybe she doesn’t know it? But wait! Then it struck me, she knows, she just has no regard for those brave men and women or the Military. How sad! How very, very sad! [Hidden Content] PS; btw, I really hated posting this. I hate that she, and the Party she represents, hate our Military. Hate our God. And I’m saddened that (allegedly) 81 Million Americans would vote for people like that. Another in the long list of things I never thought I’d see in my lifetime.
  2. You may be surprised to learn (I was) that there’s a maximum quota on Asian students. And requirements for Harvard require an Asian to have a SAT score 140 points higher than white students, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and 450 points higher that blacks. The SAT grade discrepancy is a dejure quota system, for all races. [Hidden Content]
  3. Two Nederland students denied their diplomas due to putting on sashes of the branch of service they’d enlisted in. One had a Marine sash & one an Air Force. Evidently it was against the rules, but the incident gives pause to the question, should the rule be changed to allow it? In my mind, and as we celebrate Memorial Day, the obvious answer is yes. We should recognize the young folks who volunteer to protect our country. Jmo [Hidden Content]
  4. Well I said most and didn’t specifically mention either Baylor or Tx A&M. Baylor is a high dollar place which prevents many students of all races from going, and Texas A&M is probably the most conservative college in Texas, so not a school many blacks would want to attend.
  5. Confirms my suspicions.
  6. Can you imagine what this green energy 🐂💩 will eventually do to the Golden Triangle? This area will become the equivalent of the 30’s depression. His “job scoreboard” is so deep in the red, he’ll never balance the books. I’m absolutely positive, if the Dems hold control this country will be destroyed, as we know it. All depends on who’s counting the votes.
  7. Not that it pertains to your son, but you do realize that most colleges have quotas? A black student with an 110 IQ has a much better chance of getting into a good college than a white or Asian student.
  8. How exciting. Not having local talent was the demise of L football. I think Valentine’s height & talent will make L a force to be reckoned with. May have to grab my cane & stumble out to a game. 😀
  9. “Smartest man on earth” - that may be the greatest bit of sarcasm ever posted. 😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂
  10. As long as the vote counters are all Democrats, Republicans will never win another election. Effing with election results should be a Capital Offense.
  11. This topic is now a political football (thus my posting on this site). For most, this has gone from tinfoil hats to whatinthehell are those things. From questioning others sanity to how do we defend our country from them (hint, for new believers, we can’t, so let’s hope they’re friendly). Here, 14 UFOS swarm the USS Omaha. In a recent 60 Minutes, one pilot, flying off the east coast, said he’d see them on every flight out over the Atlantic. The DOD is scheduled to release a lot of info on or around 6/1. Politicians are clamoring for more info. Even they won’t know what all the DOD/CIA knows. [Hidden Content]
  12. Wouldn’t have been a fact finding commission, would’ve been a kangaroo court. Democrats have encouraged and suggested ten times more violence than Trump could imagine. Fact is, the Dems are so scared Trump will win again in 2024, they’ll go to any lengths to discredit him. Never seen either Party fear someone like the Dems fear Trump.
  13. Again, saw a great meme. Picture of a bunch of liberals marching with the caption: LIBERALS ARE LIKE SPERM MILLIONS WANDER AIMLESSLY AND ONLY ONE WORKS. To funny! 😂😂😂
  14. Brings up a question I’ve had, what did they breed with humans to create liberals? Is there an animal called a Moron? 😂😂😂
  15. If you were referring to Trump, I’d believe it. Most Supporters of Orange Man knew he run off at the mouth, like many New Yorkers do. Told many lies (most innocuous), most liberals are a different breed. They believe anything the MSM (Dem Party) tells them, or ignores anything they don’t tell them. I’ve been on other Forums discussing (arguing) with them. Many think of the Leftist Media as infallible, much like many folks believe everything they see on the Internet. To me, a head scratcher.
  16. Yes, and the MSM won’t ever bring it up.
  17. Joe gets 5 Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. After repeatedly denying his involvement, Joe is exposed. [Hidden Content]
  18. Here’s some interesting pictures of Normandy then & now. Amazing that it’s changed so little. [Hidden Content]
  19. What exacerbates the problem is the hard core belief by those on the Left that scientists can’t be bought. For example, two groups of scientists get a $500,000 great to study Global Warming. Group 1 doesn’t find any evidence of it. Group 2 does. When the time comes for grants to be renewed, Group 1 doesn’t get renewed, but Group 2 does. We found out during Covid how scientists lie. IMO Fauci lied about mask. His initial response was homemade mask don’t work. Evidently after being chastised by the Left, he became pro mask. Now there’s a good indication that his initial response was right. Also, when Trump was saying the Virus came from the Wuhan Lab, Fauci was claiming it evolved in nature and jumped species. Even Occams Razor would indicate Trump was right, so why was Fauci so quick to come up with an alternative, less likely theory? Most people won’t deny the possibility of GW, what we question is the fact it’s man made. Do we really want to turn our world upside down on a “maybe”, with no definitive proof? I’ve seen film of the Normandy landings in 1944. The beaches appear to be as expansive now as it was then. Based on past predictions of Global Warming doomsayers, that beach should be gone. I just don’t see enough proof that “the sky is falling”.
  20. Really great episode tonight. Everything from a UFO to a weird temperature conversion (approx 20 degrees) at one of the old homesteads. At the same homestead where they did a 3D radar scan of it and the rooms came out black - nothing was recorded. Really weird stuff.
  21. Black Lives Matter is a racist organization, proven when people said, All Lives Matter and got hoorahed off the stage. For our country to fly those flags is a disgrace. Holy pig snot, give me strength.
  22. Another Conspiracy Theory that was true. Seeing a lot of that lately. China Lab - Mask are little help - there are UFOs (UAPs). As I’ve always said, if it’s based on sound information, a Conspiracy Theory is just an alternative answer to questions. And good ones are based on some facts. Actually Occams Razor applies to the Chinese Lab. Of course there are some pretty goofy, but I’ve believed all three of the above from the get go.
  23. I’ve no doubt they’re breaking numerous laws, illegal assembly, destruction of property, theft, and even murder. Stopping it, without killing a few/bunch, is the real problem. I’m convinced that shooting 5 or 6 would probably do it, but the liberals haven’t the stomach for it. It’s a fire we can’t (won’t) put out.
  24. Proof that the Dems/Left don’t care about right/wrong, all they’re concerned about is taking Trump out of the 2024 race. It’s actually funny to see how scared they are of him. Never seen either political party so frightened of someone in the past. Proof positive of what a good job he did when in office, or how close he come to exposing the deep, dark secrets lying below the surface of DC.
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