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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. These Ultra Liberals brains aren’t wired right. Why take the greatest country in the history of the world & ruin it? Several possibilities - Dropped on their head as a child? Put tinfoil in an electrical outlet? Mom take dangerous drugs when pregnant? Or they simply brainwashed? All of the above?
  2. Nothing causes fear in a Liberal like a Conservative black person. Can’t have them getting off the plantation. Even Biden said that blacks voted as a monolith.
  3. [Hidden Content] You okay with this racist name calling, Big Girl - Blue Dove?
  4. I’m confused about the news coverage on the India Covid “crisis”. Here’s why. Population US - 331 Million, India - 1.3 Billion. Deaths from Covid US 583 Million, India 218 Million. India has four times as many people as the US and half the deaths. Why is the Media going all “full court press” on this? Only thing that comes to me, so the Democrats can continue their little power grab of Americans. Can anyone think of another reason? Something Machiavellian is happening here.
  5. Not trying to be confrontational, just curious. If to do this, he’d gotten a Security Guard uniform, and used his own car with a fake mike, would he still be subject to consequences? I suppose the answer may depend on his Dept rules, but say it was someone in your Dept.
  6. A college professor that should be in an Asylum. No doubt, she is one of many. There’s no doubt that these Far Left Liberals have mis-wired brains. I say that in all seriousness. Their brains don’t function right. There are a number of potential reasons. Dropped on their heads as a child? Stuck tinfoil in an electrical socket? Their parents used dangerous drugs during pregnancy? Simply brainwashed.? All of the above?
  7. And this is suppose to be reliable News Organizations? [Hidden Content]
  8. For anyone interested, the first season came on History at 3 today.
  9. Another example of these thugs abusing their power. [Hidden Content]
  10. A fiasco that I’ll never understand. Certainly one of the worst business decisions of all time.
  11. Bought my first Pepsi’s in a long time last week. A small gesture, but if they’re going to play the Dems game, I won’t be buying any Cokes, which i prefer, but dang, this 💩 has to stop.
  12. I know (figured/assumed). Still, it was hilarious, and made a valid point. Personally, I hope he just gets off with a hand slap. Would be interested in your “best guess” on the outcome. Could he be fired?
  13. He must be excited to get this chance. I wish him success. From 2A to the majors. Oh wow.
  14. Not sure, but it appears the Dems jumped straight to Lenin on that one.
  15. No wonder! Anybody insult Fat Albert like that needs to be fired. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
  16. He should’ve got an Academy Award.
  17. This is the third of Trump’s lawyers to be attacked by jack-booted thugs. And Rudy for what? Oh, suspicion of lobbying in the Ukraine. But wait, what about Hunter? He was there, using his fathers name for influence and financial gain. Wouldn’t that be considered lobbying? Again, why not Hunter, or both? And everyone knows Hunter lied on a gun application document, a federal felony. Where’s the FBI? And Joe said he didn’t know they were going after Rudy. What 🐂💩. The FBI has become an armed faction of the Democratic Party. Now discredit the Police. Encourage good Cops to leave. Replace with Antifa types who will do the Left’s bidding, and to hail with the Constitution. Now they have another armed group. You think that’s 🐂💩? Go read up on what happened at Waco, or Ruby Ridge. These folks are serious. They’re taking us over a piece at a time.
  18. This is referencing the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Interesting commentary. [Hidden Content]
  19. Now, that’s all Liberals have. They’re losing Orange man bad, but still rely on it. Now it’s Conservatives Bad. They wanted to continue using 1/6, but 1/6, as bad as it was, isn’t a blip on the radar compared to Liberal Anarchist controlling parts of American cities, and all the killing, burning, and looting by BLM & Antifa. I’m surprised one was brave (stupid?) enough to post anything, but I guess UTalum’s frustration with his/her own party caused him/her to just last out while in the arms of Jack Daniels.
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. Voter suppression? Like voter ID? That’s not suppression, that’s common sense. We’re one of the very few countries that don’t require Voter ID. Perhaps you should read this. No! You really need to read this. [Hidden Content]
  22. [Hidden Content] Pains me to praise Hillary, but she is right here. Big mistake Joe. Hugh.
  23. I bet most New Yorkers would like to have the Law & Order Rudy gave them.
  24. I have zero confidence in our election process. If States don’t take steps to validate it, we’ll never have honest elections.
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