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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Maybe he can explain why the illegal immigrants have on Biden T-shirts instead of Trump T-shirts? Then again, maybe not.
  2. Friend of mine has a Henry lever action 30-30. Not the best of rifles, but that is the prettiest one I’ve ever seen. Gold (brass?) colored housing. If I was affluent, I’d get one just for decoration, lol.
  3. Best guess, members of BLM, and life long Democrats.
  4. Is there no end to racism? [Hidden Content]
  5. Biden has yet to call on the FOX Reporter at any gathering. Fact is, Biden can’t answer hard ball questions. He hasn’t the mental acuity to do so. And the Democrats said Trump wasn’t presidential. Good grief, we’re the laughing stock of the world. Can you imagine what Un of North Korea thought? Xi of China? What an embarrassment. And to add to the insult, his answers won’t stand up to scrutiny. Fact checkers could have a field day shooting holes in his fantasy world.
  6. That was a scripted news conference. It’s what you would see in a third world or in North Korea. A freaking sham. Softball? More like T-Ball.
  7. Just another deflection. Dems are experts at it. And speaking of Gun Control, Hunter Biden bought a gun in 2018 and checked NO on drug use. That’s a Felony with up to a 10 year sentence and $250,000 fine. So let’s see just how serious Joe Biden is on Gun Control. Will he have Hunter prosecuted? Lmbo, not in this lifetime. [Hidden Content]
  8. Timely post. I actually think the Controlling Group in the X-Files exist, in some form. Their agenda? The NWO/OWG. When I was younger and the old guys talked about this, I’d do an eye roll. Now here I am, and can only imagine the eye rolls this post will get, LOL.
  9. Saw a great meme. As usual, I can’t post it, so I’ll have to ad Lib. WHITE HOUSE STAFF BAFFLED; AFTER JOE’S DOGS WERE REMOVED FROM WHITE HOUSE, THEY CONTINUE TO FIND URINE ON THE CARPET. 😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂
  10. Harris in charge? How is that going to help? I liked the “law & order” Harris. The VP Harris, not at all.
  11. Prayers ✝️✝️✝️. I’ll miss you friend.
  12. But the shootings took the “eye” off the immigrant problem. Funny how these things seem to consistently happen. So here’s a theory. Possibly/probably not true, but one we need to explore. WHAT WE KNOW: FBI & intelligence community knowingly assisted the Democratic Party in persecuting Trump (see Strzok, Page, Brennan & Clapper). FBI knew this shooter was a potential problem. All MSM attention on Border Crisis. Looking bad for Biden. Solution? Have someone push this guy over the edge (encourage). Serves two purposes. One, gets Media attention off immigrants. Two, further the Dem agenda of usurping the Second Amendment under the guise of gun control. Understand, I don’t know this happened, but it’s not the first time I’ve seen this scenario. I do know, it’s a possibility, and that scares the feces out of me.
  13. I wondered about this when the first stories came out saying that he wasn’t shooting wildly. My first thought was that he was picking targets, which in retrospect appears to be the case.
  14. My son was in Desert Storm with the First Marines. Btw, I noticed all the victims were white. Had they been asians, it would be a hate crime. Guess killing whites is okay. Am I bitter? You bet.
  15. Prejudiced, or intelligent enough to know Muslims have killed thousands of Americans? A brain eating amoeba would starve to death in your head, you goober headed moron. Have you forgotten about 9:11?
  16. Here’s an observation, Biden was relatively lucid during the debates. Look at him now. He can’t string 3 sentences together. I wonder - did his Dr. give him something to juice him up? And has the effect of that something what we see now? Analogous to a person taking amphetamines to stay awake a week & then crashing to sleep for 2 or 3 days. IMO that’s exactly what’s happened, except at his age, he’ll never come back. Jmo
  17. Great post TH. Agree 100%. BTW, an interesting bit about steve - When he first moved down here, his first job was at Wickersham Ford in Orange. if you’re older, you probably remember the ad line “ If anybody can, Wickersham can”. steve is the one that came up with that.
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. I had the privilege of knowing stevenash. He was a great guy and a great family man. RIP Stan ✝️✝️✝️ Prayers for him & the family.
  20. So, let me get this straight, you’re of the belief he still thinks? 😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂
  21. It’s hard to shut the corral gate when the steers are stampeding through it.
  22. Here’s my list of all the good things he’s done. 1- __________________________________________________
  23. Here’s the question - will Harris be next? 😂😂😂 [Hidden Content]
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