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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Pelosi, and the House, voted to impeach Trump without anything resembling a trial. No investigation into the riot, simply what has happened for the last four years, Orange man bad, impeach. Justice Roberts has recuse himself. Anyone wonder why? Maybe he knows it’s unconstitutional? Fact is, evidence has been found by law enforcement to indicate the Jan 6 riot was planned well in advance. If so, it will (again) expose Pelosi, and the House Democrats for the partisan loons they are. [Hidden Content]
  2. My SIL was.......... until he got into law enforcement. Used to roll his eyes when I mentioned Rush, now he suspects Rush is too liberal. 😂😂😂
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Please don’t. Your post are dumb enough as it is.
  5. Alright. Great to have someone with Loeb’s credentials on our team. 😄
  6. I was referring to the black clenched fist. I’m perfectly fine with a display of black history, but the display of the black power sign is divisive, imo. If a predominately white school did a history display that included the Confederate Flag, it would have to be removed. Just another example of, “the rules apply to some, but not others”, exactly like Pelosi’s rule that if you bypass the metal detector at Congress you’re fined $5000. She did, but doesn’t want to pay. Well folks, the rules are for ALL of us, not just a select few.
  7. Speaking of racism, have y’all heard about the Black History/Mardi Gras exhibit the kids in Beaumont did. A lot of art, some showing 2 or 3 Black 1968 Olympians holding up clenched fist. Some thought they were inappropriate (Black Power) & they were removed. They have now been restored. I find it divisive. What say you?
  8. I don’t know weather to laugh or cry, but after some thot, just laugh till I cry. 😂😂😂
  9. OOL’s but liked your post. Boneyard did the same top-notch job on the football thread. Even when I was watching game via livestream, I’d be jumping over to see his post for full info. Going to miss him next year.
  10. You and your son, do an excellent job. Congrats on the Pirates getting a W.
  11. OOL, but amen.
  12. Gets even better. Snopes fudges with MOSTLY FALSE rating on reports, using, as an example, a tweet from the Daily Wire that simply said, “AOC not in Capital Building during breach on Jan 6”. After the Mostly False rating they put the exact same words the Daily Wire did. Snopes, another Liberal arm of the Dem Party. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  13. He’s probably happy to get away from North Shore. Huffman-Hargrove is good, but no NS. 😄
  14. Moral of this story - You can’t reverse engineer alien technology if you don’t know where to reverse from. 😂😂😂 [Hidden Content] Some of that stuff is just to far advanced.
  15. Yep, I keep hearing, We called Jasper & got shots a few days later. I called Jasper Monday. They took my name and phone #, & promised to call me back. Not yet. Then I heard, We got shots at CVS. Called them, out. Lol, I’m still chasing.
  16. Guess this Dem finally got fed up. [Hidden Content]
  17. I understand your post, just want to throw in my two cents. I’m no Coach but been around a bunch. Finding one that doesn’t have to put up with BS is probably rare, be it at WB, Vidor or LCM. I’ve seen it at 5A to 2A, in three different local towns. I return to the, now old, country song, “God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy”.
  18. More money, closer to home, less politics......... well, more money and closer to home anyway. Any Coach has to deal somewhat with politics. Congrats Coach Peevey. I wanted the job, but I’ll bow out gracefully. 😂😂😂
  19. So the NYT’s wants Govt to decide what’s fake news and what isn’t. That’s pretty ballsy for a Paper that ran Russian Collusion stories daily for three years. The same paper that smeared a teenager simply because he had a MAGA hat on (see Nick Sandmann). Same paper that didn’t print the Hunter Biden story (not fake news, but influenced an election by omission). They need one. I tell you what NYT, appoint me just to be your Czar. What these folks are asking for is what they have in China. Good grief. [Hidden Content]
  20. I’m okay with walling it up to keep the Loons in. Escape from DC, starring Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell. 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
  21. The fact that we’re in the middle of a pandemic should be enough reason to stop this flood. Oh, but it’s happening in Texas so, no problem. You can bet your last bottom dollar if these immigrants were poring onto Martha’s Vineyard, they’d stop them if they had to mount .30 caliber M60 machine guns. Texas needs to fill buses with them & take them to DC & drop them off.
  22. Lol, on social media, they’re now referring to her as @AlexandriaSmollett. 😂😂😂
  23. And you & I know that’s the nicest thing you can say about her. Here’s a little satire from the Babylon Bee. So close to the truth, it’s scary. [Hidden Content]
  24. When you control the Pres, Senate, & House you don’t need EO’s. But Joe, who said EO’s were like a dictator, has set a record that will never be broken for doing so.
  25. I remember when members of Congress were relatively respected. Many (most?) had law degrees, not something obtained easily. Now we have members thinks an island is going to sink on one side because to many people are on it. Here’s another prime example of a current Congressperson @AlexandriaSmollett. Give me a break. [Hidden Content]
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