The point is not for Trump to win, but to show the vulnerability of the mail in ballots. FYI, the States who’ve been using mail in ballots for years, said it takes at least a year to prepare your voting rolls. This election, there was only a few months, and States were totally unprepared. A lady in Texas signed up about 125 new voters who were in a Nursing Home for the mentally disabled. She just happened to get caught. In Pa, they received 25,000 voter registrations from Nursing Homes, all on the same day. Kind of for fetched. I don’t care if folks did it for Trump or Biden, we need to be confident our system is working. I want my vote to count, not be negated by cheats. You should really feel the same way. For instance, what would your reaction be if the inner city area of Philadelphia show 80% for Trump? Would you be content, or suspect voter fraud?