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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Prayers for you and all the family. May God open his arms to your wife. ✝️✝️✝️
  2. You actually want to try & compare Republicans to Nazis? I can only assume you know very little about the Nazis & Hitler. Let’s look at what the Nazis did to obtain power. Hitler’s Party was the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. Democrats have admitted they’re Socialist. Hitler had his Brown Shirts. A group of thugs who attacked anyone who opposed his Party. The Democrats have Antifa & BLM who attack anyone who isn’t a Democrat. Recently Dems even attacked Senator Rand Paul & his wife. Hitler controlled the press. The Dems have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, and WaPo. They ALL pushed the fake Russian Collusion. Virtually all the MSM except FOX. The Nazis disrupted opposing Party speeches, identical to Left Wing activist who threatened and prevent Conservatives from speaking on College campuses. There is more, but if you don’t see the correlation by now, you simply don’t want to. Maybe you should read this. [Hidden Content]
  3. I may be wrong but imo, common sense has become a rare commodity.
  4. As one with onset dementia, I feel sorry for Joe Biden the man. But who, in his right mind, would vote to give him the “nuclear football”? The guy has “good” days and “bad” days. Somedays he’s lucid, and others, as shown in this video, he’s totally incapable of making a coherent sentence.
  5. Only takes 12 seconds to see Biden has no business being President. Virtually all older folks suffer from various stages of dementia. I know, I do too. Joe is in an advanced stage. I wonder why his wife allows him to go on.
  6. Why should we be surprised? Anyone with one wit of sense knows that The Swamp, designed by the Founding Fathers to be filled with Patriots, is now filled with elitists. They call it a Congress, but Politburo would be a more descriptive term. Pelosi is a prime example of what’s wrong with America. She’s a POS and she’s one of our leaders. In her mind, we’re nothing more than peasants. Anyone know how to build a guillotine?
  7. Based on the Media coverup of this whole insurrection, there’s no doubt in my antiquated mind we’re not getting the whole story. Where is Paul Harvey with “The Rest of the Story”.
  8. My son just sent me a great tweet. Since I don’t know how to post it, I’ll just type it out. When your Grandpa starts acting like Biden, the family takes away his car keys. Meanwhile the Democrats are trying to give Biden the most powerful job in the world. It’s sad & if Democrats don’t care about Biden’s we’ll being, then they certainly don’t give a dam about yours.
  9. After making a trip through Vidor, I see one reason they don’t jump on the Carthage game. Had no idea so many there were without electricity. Probably a lot of players missing, and many concerned about their families situation. These hurricanes are a pain in our rectal area. 😡
  10. According to the initial post, Carthage & Vidor are both open. I suspect Vidor would rather play someone they’d have a shot of beating, and maybe Carthage would rather face someone ranked higher than Vidor, so it isn’t going to happen (my best guess).
  11. Lol, Carthage wouldn’t be my first choice, but when you’re in week two and still haven’t had a game, it’s an act of desperation. Besides, they have LCM next week. They could claim part of the Dist Title for 10-4AD1. 😜
  12. Carthage & Vidor both open. Sounds like a match made in heaven.
  13. Many of us feel your pain, having seen our team snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Feels like swallowing a shotput. Good luck the rest of the season.
  14. Just heard Biden emerged from his basement and saw his shadow. There will be four more years of Trump. 😂
  15. Look at what’s going on in many Democratic led cities. Rioting, looting, attacking people, and destruction of property, with impunity. It’s currently confined to these Dem cities, but If Biden is elected, we can expect it to spread all over the country. Do you want this 💩 in your neighborhood? I don’t.
  16. Old Chad has the right idea. If Biden is elected, we’ll all need guns & ammo.
  17. How the mighty have fallen. But Honey Grove pretty stout.
  18. Deweyville may not have had a game, but they’re winners already. What a great bunch of young folks. ❤️
  19. I heard Silsbee forfeited the game, so Vidor is 1-0. Great start to the season. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😄
  20. Friends in north Vidor got theirs on about 5pm.
  21. While getting ready to leave this morning, I went into one closet about 4 times getting stuff. I turned that switch on every time. Dumb! 😂
  22. Just heard the electricity is back on at my house. I’m at a Hotel in Kingwood. Didn’t evacuate for the Hurricane, but I did for the heat, water, and being able to shower & flush the toilet. 😄😄😄
  23. Okay here in The Dale, except, the whole place is in blackout. We have Jasper-Newton Co-Op Electric. Probably all the repair folks in Newton since they got the worst of it.
  24. Still have power in Evadale. Hope we can keep it.
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