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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. How long since they’ve played a game? I figured you’d know if anyone. And how did the scrimmages go?
  2. This ought to be one of the premier games of opening night. The Tigers did well against PNG & Nederland last year. Lost to PNG in a high scoring affair, and beat the Bulldogs. Vidor moving down to 4A, but they better bring the intensity they showed in 5A, or the Tigers will burn them. Not sure how long it’s been since these two played, but this ought to be a slobber knocker. Don’t know how many starters either team lost, but they’re both decent programs. And yes, they don’t play until 8/28, but we can snap the ball right now on the Forum, and I’m sick of the Virus, looting, and defund the Police, so let’s play ball.
  3. Like to see Newton get back for another shot.
  4. Lol, I was just going to post something similar. Yes stevenash, a Big Oxymoron. They want to fund the WHO, and defund the Police. Wooeee, oxymoron.
  5. Interesting & I found humor in it. [Hidden Content]
  6. Are you assuming he misspoke? I’m not totally convinced. But you’re right about one thing, a State Attorney General is no place for a bigot, white or black. What I’ve learned about Minnesota & Michigan lately sure has been disappointing.
  7. How many times have y’all heard, “Four white policemen” in these Media stories? Fact is, it was diversity at it’s best. There was a white, black, oriental and hispanic. And two of the Officers were rookies, one with only 4 days on the job. In a fair trial, They’d probably get off, but at this point, they’d get a fairer trial in North Korea than they’ll get in Minnesota. Btw, the Attorney General of Minnesota is Keith Ellison. He’s the guy who said Germany bombed Pearl Harbor.
  8. Had to quote you to see your post. It was covered by an East Tx CU commercial.
  9. It’s only speculation on Watters part. A realistic possibility. One, imo should be looked into. Perhaps the Officer was paid to ignore drugs in the club, and Floyd knew it? To not investigate it would be a travesty of justice.
  10. Heard an interesting theory on The Five by Jessie Waters. The Officer & Floyd had worked security at the same night club. What if, Floyd knew something on the Officer? Maybe some drug pushing at the club & the Officer was paid to look the other way? And then he intentionally killed Floyd to keep him quiet? It’s just a theory, but it would explain a lot. Hopefully, someone in Minneapolis will have sense enough to look into it.
  11. Just saw a meme about that. IF YOU HAD TO NAME A DRINK AFTER 2020, WHAT DRINK WOULD IT BE? COLONOSCOPY PREP. 😂😂😂
  12. Thanks. I recognize them, but they’d been deleted from my memory bank. 😂😂😂
  13. I can only remember three of them. Beaumont - Terminal 83, Twinbrook 89, Vidor - Rockwell 76 Nederland ? Pt Neches ? Pt Arthur ? Lumberton ?
  14. I do find it ironic that Democrat Governors and Mayors have been so quick to arrrest, or disperse folks going to Church and store owners trying to open for business, but fail to do anything about rioters looting, burning and destroying others property. If anyone has an explanation for this disparity in the use of force, please pass it along to me.
  15. As we all know, the experts have been back & forth on this. They say wearing a mask won’t protect you, but if you have Covid, it’ll keep it from spreading it to others. Like a brain dead person, I never gave it much thought. Then, it dawned on me, if my mask doesn’t keep the Virus from getting to me, how does someone’s mask who’s infected stop the Virus from getting to others? Since Dr Fauci is not on this Forum, is there anyone medically qualified to answer my question? And understand, at my age & heath conditions, I usually wear one, but it almost seems pointless.
  16. I may be wrong, but it seems like one ot two of the recent hurricane disasters (evacuations) that it was announced looters would be shot. I’m old and forgetful, but perhaps you can remember.
  17. Just an observation. TNT has a new series called Snowpiecer. Earth is frozen over & only living things on earth are in a Train going on a long continuous track. Mostly just the rich on it, but the dredges of society ended up in the last car. After being mostly confined at home for a couple of months, I’m pretty sure them folks would’ve gone crazy & killed each other before a year was out.
  18. Definitely goes for the ACLU. 😂😂😂
  19. Sorry, but I see a little irony here. This link has, at the time, live video feed of the Rioters breaking glass & throwing things at the Police inside the lobby. [Hidden Content]
  20. RIP Mr. Floyd. You notice that his death has the MSM no longer interested in the 100,000 Covid deaths, Russia, China, Bangladesh, Vatican City, Islamic Terrorist, ISIS, Alt Right, Militias, 15-20 different genders and the NFL. They never cease to amaze.
  21. A sad situation made even sadder. Heard one resident saying a lot of the protesters were Antifa. They’re anarchist, so this situation is made for their lawlessness. They feed off others misery.
  22. Well hello, hello. Here’s a start. Doubt it’s enough, but it’s starting to affect the Media. [Hidden Content]
  23. No doubt. I’ve seen liberals blaming Trump for the whole 100,000. How can anyone with a functioning mind do that? If nature had a recall on faulty models, Liberals would all be on the list. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  24. I just found out some amazing information on deaths in Nursing Homes. We’re all aware that NY has about 6,000, but like TV infomercials, but wait. PA has over 5,000 deaths & 66% of them are from Nursing Homes. NJ has over 11,000 deaths, and 40% of them are Nursing Homes. Is it just me or does that sound criminal? There not Nursing Homes, they’re Death Camps.
  25. From what I know about them now, all but the last three would be good. My favorite, Crenshaw.
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