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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. But at what point do we lift restrictions? As I remember, Stay at Home initially was to slow down the transmission of the disease to prevent Hospitals from being overran. We’re there. My question, do we Stay at Home until there’s zero chance of anyone dying from Covid? Until it goes away? What if it never goes away, what in the cornbread hail do we do then? Do we huddle in our homes until we die of Covid, hunger, despair/suicide? Millions of people/families are losing everything they owned. At some point, in the near future, we need to open everything up. Dam the torpedoes, full speed ahead. Jmo
  2. He’s frustrated because he’s outnumbered, and constantly under attack and is an indefensible position. I post on a very predominantly liberal FB Timeline. Probably more outnumbered than UT alum, but you know what - I’m able to respond with facts that they can’t refute. Y’all would be surprised how uninformed most liberals are. They watch CNN & MSNBC so they hear what they want to hear, but they don’t hear the real news. They’re so exasperated when I post things they had no idea happened. What a sad lot.
  3. Hey, forget about the thousands dying, and the Country is going into economic ruin. It’s an opportunity for Dems to look at ways to commit full blown voter fraud. Mail in votes should be restricted to the military & anyone working overseas. And that 🐂💩 about making voting more inclusive? Virtually everyone has two weeks or more to vote. You can vote now at a Porta Potty. If you don’t vote under the current system, you’re just to freaking lazy. Oops, I just described a lot of Democrats.
  4. Sounds like Biden. Must be a Dem thing. [Hidden Content]
  5. There’s no doubt they’re fudging the number of deaths higher. The models created are so far off, they (whoever in the hail “they” are) want the number as high as possible. Heard a news story that newborn baby girl died of Covid. Actual story, mother died & baby was born 22 weeks premature. Almost assuredly would have died anyway. And at the end of March, there were more suicides in Cook County, TN than Covid deaths in the whole State. I’m not advocating doing nothing. And any call made is not good, but making everyone stir crazy isn’t good either. Open some things up, but make all wear a mask of some kind. Restaurants could take some tables out to keep separated, & customers remove mask to eat. Waiters & waitresses could wear mask also. Deal is, the call has to be made. I’m just glad I don’t have to make it.
  6. My wife just told me a quote a friend of hers posted. See Casino’s, it’s not fun losing money. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  7. You have to grovel if you want to stay on the list. Principles be dammed.
  8. Amen! After listening to this gloom & doom for about a month & a half, I’ve about come to a conclusion. You’ll be in your house for a year, or you can go out, catch this 💩 and get well so you’re probably immuned, or die. For instance, I have high cholesterol. Dr’s say I should cut down my meat & egg consumption. But wait, there’s one other thing in the equation, quality of life. Do I want to do without meat & eggs so I can live to be 90 and die of Alzheimer’s? Nope. I don’t have that many good years left. Do I want to spend a year just sitting here? I’m already beginning to wonder. Just wondering out loud.
  9. I tried something new & it’s working so far. Milk & Double Stuffed Oreos. 😄😄😄
  10. Here’s an interesting note pertinent to this discussion. [Hidden Content]
  11. Sweet. I’ll be doing my part at Market Basket & Walmart. 😄
  12. Dr. Fauci finally got pizzed off at the Media at today’s press conference. The MSM showed today that they don’t send reporters to the press conference, they send Left Wing Activist. Not a single media person attending would have talked to Obama like they talk to Trump. Classless.
  13. In 2017, days before Trump was sworn in, at Georgetown U. Medical Center Dr. Fauci said, “A surprise outbreak will occur during the Trump Administration”. Not maybe occur. Not might occur. My question is, how did he know this? A conspiracy theorist dream question. [Hidden Content]
  14. The thread is about slavery. My post was pointing out that the more power the Govt has, the closer to being slaves we become. Your post did not refute that. Instead you went after my list of things I thought would never come to past, merely as an example of our Govt doing things I’d never thought possible. I stand by those statements. Good of the whole? Transgenders comprise 0.58% of the population. Opening bathrooms to all sexes is not good for the whole. It’s only good for a minuscule 0.58% of our population, and an unknown number of perverts. Forcing Christians to go against their beliefs (beliefs clearly based on The Bible, not some rogue interpretation) is not okay. Jmo And if you think anything the Govt requires is an obligation of citizenship, you’re not very familiar with our Constitution. They can require me to turn in my guns, but it’s not Constitutional. They can require me to pick cotton for someone, but it’s not Constitutional. When do we become a slave? And, as is common with liberals, you’re reading comprehension skills are nonexistent. I didn’t say those things made you a slave, I said the more power government has over you, the closer you come to being a slave. Big difference hoss.
  15. Slave definition - A person who is the property of and wholly subject to the owner. So at what point are we considered property? Many in America fit the description of the last part, to some extent, myself included. I paid into SS for 50 years, but I get a check at the discretion of the Govt. I was forced to go on Medicare, so I get that at the discretion of the Govt. so, I’m not officially “property of” or owned by the Govt, but I’m a slave to their demands (as would be everyone under Single Payer HC). If I want to keep SS & MC, I will have to abide by the Govt wishes. They could say, “Hagar, turn in your rifle or you’ll no longer be covered under MC, or you will no longer receive your SS check. The more power Govt has over you, the closer you become to being a slave by definition. Of course, the response to my post is, They’d never do that. After the things I’ve seen in my 74 years, that dog won’t hunt. I never thought our public colleges would be turning out so many Socialist/Communist. Never thought Men & Women’s bathrooms wouldn’t be sufficient. Never thought Christians would be sued for following their beliefs. Hail, I could go on all night. So don’t bother telling me, They’d never do that.
  16. Mike Pence gets an attaboy for smacking down CNN. [Hidden Content]
  17. Took her a while, but Hillary ain’t one to forgive & forget.
  18. Many Dem Loons, and the MSM, are constantly finger pointing and blaming Trump for everything/anything. So let’s take a moment and see how the Dems responded.
  19. Very interesting video from this Doctor. One thing he mentions, News article says 1 day old baby girl dies of CV-19. If you drill down in attached link, mother had CV-19 & was in Hospital on a ventilator. Goes into labor & baby was born 22 weeks premature, but cause of death - CV-19.
  20. With the hackers China & Russia have, in an electronic (cell phone) Election, they’d be picking our president.
  21. The Dems are suggesting in Nov we have mail in ballots. Even folks going from house to house with ballots. We all know how fair that would be. My .02 cents worth, if this crap is still around in November so bad we can’t go vote, we won’t have a country worth voting for.
  22. The question in my mind is, did they do it deliberately? The CDC response begs the same question. Liberals are drowning each other out in an attempt to blame Trump......for everything, even though doctors repeatedly are saying, “We don’t know everything about this Virus”. The bias of the MSM is blatant, you’d think even liberals could see it, but they seem to be blind to the truth. Had someone told me 30 years ago the News Media would become this bad, I’d never believed it.
  23. This evening, CBS News is trying to make a racial thing out of it. A higher percentage of blacks are dying in Michigan than the population. Duh, the virus will hit cities the hardest, and Detroit is 79% Black. How shameless of the Media to use this tragedy to increase division in our country. And it’s undoubtedly to aid the Democrats in November. I wonder if this lopsided reporting by the media isn’t an abuse of the First Amendment. At the very least it’s 🐂💩 reporting, unethical and biased.
  24. I would think that if it spread to Beijing & Shanghai we’d know it via social media or some other way. They can manipulate numbers, but there are 175 Consulates & Embassy’s in Beijing. They would know if the virus was there.
  25. The fact that it didn’t spread more in China has always been the big question for me. Sadly, as we’re well aware of, that’s virtually impossible. I wish we could prove it somehow, confiscate all their Stock Purchases, & the rest of the world cut them off from everything.
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