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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. The way they were attacking each other, Biden was smart to keep quiet as much as possible. Again, hands down the most entertaining debate I’ve ever seen. Should have been rated Mature Audiences Only. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  2. And the Winner is - Trump! Hands down. Even Bloomberg alluded to it.
  3. Warren has attacked everyone on stage and backstage. She brought her Tomahawk. This has been great - Bloomberg vs Sanders. Klobuchar vs Buttigieg. Warren vs everyone. Lmbo, this has been a classic.
  4. Sanders - I want workers on the Board of Big Corporations. Me - Just like - I want to see the the Hospital janitor in the Operating Room. 😂 What an idiot!
  5. Time out - Global Warming. Joe playing the minority victim card. Let’s all sit around singing Kumbaya. 🤬🤬🤬
  6. Here’s the B-Slap of the night. Warren’s initial response to Bloomberg. [Hidden Content]
  7. Yup! And Bernie is going to need a defibrillator. 😂 This is better than SNL. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  8. Gloves are off. Bloomberg is looking for a foxhole. 😂
  9. I almost fell out of my recliner when Warren horse stomped Bloomberg. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
  10. Holy Moly, this is a blood bath. They’ve taken the gloves off.
  11. Longhorns managed to squeak out a 6-1 win over the Cards. Well, maybe a little more than squeak, lol.
  12. Lmbo, if your post made any sense, I might be offended. I’ve read your innuendos about Vidor for years. You’re one of them folks that feels the need to look down on someone, something, or someplace. The need to feel superior is probably the result of a deep seated inferiority complex. I would hope you seek a mental health professional, but I doubt you do.
  13. Lamar taking on the Longhorns this afternoon at 4. I’d love to see a Cardinal Win, but Texas is one of the Big Dogs. Cards will need all the voodoo they can muster.
  14. I posted when HF got him that they’d see a big improvement. My G’son played for him in Ltown last year and thought the world of him. So happy for him and the whole community. Btw, has anyone noticed an increase in HF crowd support from previous years?
  15. Great venue. Would make for a big crowd.
  16. Yup! Looks like The Horns vindicated us. My G’son won’t be surprised. 🙂
  17. Government Run HC. Sounds great. Good old Govt taking care of us. Wrong. This, like MMGW, is nothing more than a tool. It’s implementation means we’ve lost our Freedom. The Govt will have the tool to shackle us. We’ll dance to their tune, and “pick their cotton”. Think not? Better read this. [Hidden Content]
  18. Saw that movie too. Good one.
  19. Is it? I’m sure Biblical Scholars would have different opinions, so I durn sure don’t know, but it’s an interesting read. [Hidden Content] And here’s a related story. [Hidden Content]
  20. As a diehard Cougar fan, I want to apologize for those racist insinuations about Vidor from one of my fellow Cougar backers. I’d also like to congratulate the Pirate Fans for their generous donations to help the Crosby Band make their trip. That generosity should have tempered comments, but I suppose every town has “one”. Heck, even Mayberry had Otis Campbell. Oh hail, wait! I’m no Cougar fan. But if I was, I’d have posted something like that. ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
  21. She’s a liberal, they don’t apologize for 💩.
  22. Must be getting close to election time for them to vote it down.
  23. I sure don’t want a President that wants a box to stand on every time he speaks. Sounds like he has a severe inferiority complex. And, like stevenash pointed out, he makes racist statements infinitely worse than anything Trump has said, but he’s a Democrat so all is forgiven. Makes me wonder, is there a word stronger than hypocrite to describe them? 🧐
  24. Don’t you just love the scare tactics used to perpetuate the Man Made Global Warming myth? I just watched a 60 Minutes segment on the Australian Fires, implying they were caused by MMGW. They conveniently forgot to mention that quite a few arsonist, some Muslims, started many of them. But they repeatedly mentioned Australia is having a severe drought - because of MMGW. Every time we have strange weather somewhere, which we always have had, it’s MMGW. To put it in perspective, they see a incoming tide and scream, “Run, we’re all going to drown”. Then when the tide recedes, crickets. Imagine if the US had another Dust Bowl like we had in the 30’s. MMGW, we’re all going to die. [Hidden Content]
  25. Twelve point spread. You may be right, but this District, this year? Betting on these games would have me broker than the 10 Commandments. Sure makes the games exciting though.
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