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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Good win for Huntington.
  2. Once again, games like this keep me from getting a job making point spreads for Caesars Palace. 😄
  3. Quite an improvement by HF, and of course Silsbee not quite as good, but last years score of 116-23 makes this game a nail-biter. 😄
  4. No, but BS closed the score somewhat. Ltown pounded them 67-35 last year, at Dallardsville.
  5. Had to look pretty good to beat BS like that.
  6. I could see something illegal if 1 or 2 people were involved, but this incident involved virtually the whole team. Got to wonder who was the genius who thought this up, and stupid enough to actually implement it. It boggles the mind.
  7. It’s like the end of the world. No doubt it will end someday, but the Dems have proclaimed it will end on 2030. My oh my, how much kook-aid does one have to drink to believe them?
  8. Libs on here are like a little chihuahua. They run out from under the couch, bark, and run right back under the couch. 😂😂😂
  9. In Cleveland? Wow, that win is impressive. Cleveland Refs are infamous 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  10. Absolutely. Still, I’ve watched them quite a few games. Their coaching and discipline is apparent, imo. Even if they played football, they’d be good. Not quite as good, but better than most 2A’s.
  11. Thanks whsalum. And I may be the most shocked basketball fan in the area. Did not expect this.
  12. One thing I’ve learned, as a late in life basketball fan, the bigger the lead, the easier 3’s are to make. And when you’re behind, and need them bad, they won’t go.
  13. 2A Close games with Big Sandy are rarely close. Those Wildcats are always well coached, and very good. No disgrace here.
  14. I wish some folks would post updates or final.
  15. That was a good one.
  16. Here’s some news for you, which you ignore or have forgotten. Obama authorized 542 drone strikes which killed 3,797 people. Actions that I approve of btw.
  17. You know, if you’d even once admit, or criticize a Democrat, you’d be taken more seriously. But since you’re apparently blind to the faults of the Left, your input is worthless. No one is so blind as he/she who will not see.
  18. And there are people who actually think MSNBC is a News Media. The pro-Iranian Report last night was dispicable. [Hidden Content]
  19. Bad aggravated me, but those guys are necessary to have a game. But Biased officiating puts my bp into the danger zone. 😡
  20. Silsbee getting their grove on.
  21. Obama authorized 542 drone strikes, killing 3,797 people, which I approve. So why are the Dems so upset over this one POS? Only question I have, why has it taken so long to b-slap Iran. They’ve been harassing our Navel ships for years.
  22. Make my decade.
  23. Knowing it’s a trick question helps. I have to guess when you ask verbally, all people hear is animals and ark. Try it on a few folks.
  24. Yup, hats off to all the top finishers. Only prediction I got right was saying Big Sandy (Dallardsville) would be winless. 😂
  25. Impressive win by One4All. He put a “Secretariat in the Belmont” on the field. Congrats.
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