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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. JV_COACH brought this video to my attention. It’s five minutes well spent. [Hidden Content]
  2. Sebastian Gorka was formerly Trumps Deputy Assistant to the President, gets in face of CNN Reporter who calls him out. [Hidden Content]
  3. Absolutely, and I echo all the above well wishes and prayers. Your efforts are the icing on the Sports Cake! Thanks for everything.
  4. A lot of things could influence that. There’s always, “The Deal You Can’t Refuse”, that can come along, but I doubt he’d jump ship for a lateral move (Jmo). The thing I would be worried about most is the ‘meddling in the Coaches decisions’ factor. When the school board member wants his son to have more playing time, type thing. If the SB & Administrators don’t interfere, I think HF gets several or more years out of him. Again, Jmo. He knows the game, and loves the kids. Turn him loose and enjoy.
  5. I’m not familiar with this site, but I suspect that the info may be accurate. Voter rolls need to be updated all over the country. [Hidden Content]
  6. We all knew it. Anyone with enough sense not to pet a King Cobra knew it. Which leads to another observation. I use Direct TV. Late in the night, there are many channels, with ads for copper cooking pans, Brazilian Butts, sex toys, and a bunch of other crap. Now, I’ve always wondered, Who’s up in the middle of the night buying all this stuff? You know they’re making money to stay on the tube. So who? Evidently it’s primarily Democrats. Anyone that believed Ford is goofy as a road lizard.
  7. This Twitter poster is an opinion writer on Hot Air. To funny not to share. [Hidden Content]
  8. Progressives are a cancer that should be eliminated from society. Is anyone else shocked by this? I know - it’s California, but c’mon man. And these people are concerned about Epstein? No wonder there are Epsteins out there. Their educational system is run by a bunch of sick, perverted, bast-rds, and that’s being nice.
  9. Is there one iota of integrity left in the Dem Party?
  10. Okay, this is on the lighter side, at least in my sick mind, lol. Let’s see, could a good lawyer say this was an intentional way of giving himself up? Does this pass the smell test? Was the dogs sensitive olfactory receptors damaged? Should the officers had ear plugs? So many questions. [Hidden Content]
  11. A agree. Here’s another situation where an ex-Gator linebacker showed restraint because it was young women (albeit out of control hooligans). [Hidden Content]
  12. Heaven knows, in the last debate, 90% of the dialogue was directed to illegals, and to hail with the American people.
  13. Freaking liberals. Gainesville Police aren’t putting their hearts in this. This poo needs to be nipped in the bud. Sooner or later, someone is going to get killed.
  14. I’ve heard he’s been saying he’s only been on the plane 4 times. And reading articles that says 20+ times. Knowing Bill, I suspect the 20+ is a lot closer. Btw, don’t any of you get your hopes up. The chances of Bill going to jail are about the same as me hitting a lottery jackpot.
  15. I don’t think the guy in the pink shirt hit anyone but women. Where’s all the women’s rights groups? They ought to be on him.
  16. Great post and insight stevenash. I’m just embarrassed l didn’t think of it.
  17. Not sure it’ll take until 2037. I hate to see the Govt/people of Europe giving away their countries. Much like a good person committing suicide. Once a whole continent of free, industrialized citizens, are turning into a third world sh*thole. How sad is that?
  18. Once, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, I drink some cheap wine (my first & last time). And at that particular moment in my life, I could’ve used those 27 bathrooms (TMI?).
  19. Cats out of the bag. Get on the UFO Train, or be left at the gate. This guy filmed two flying across the Grand Canyon. [Hidden Content]
  20. Poetic justice. White supremist? I’m thinking white idiot.
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. I suppose you could do it on a burner phone. Question for all: Has anyone seen any pay phones lately? Like in airports, or bus stations? Haven’t flown in quite a few years. Just curious.
  23. As my buddy, stevenash says, the Democrats care more. They’re compassionate. Just ask Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban boy removed from a relatives home in Miami, by a virtual Swat Team. Or, ask the very few Branch Dividiand survivors from Waco. The rest were shot or burned to death with Dem compassion.
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