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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. I’m still trying to figure the logic. You have 1 customer, complaining about 5 customers. So if I’m running the place, who do I ask to leave? Hey snowflake, bail out of here. These 5 guys are enjoying their coffee. But then again, I don’t have an Economics Degree from Boston College like AOC.
  2. This country has given him all the opportunities he’s had, and made him wealthy. He’s kneeling makes no common sense. If he has a problem with some aspect of America, bring it to the forefront off the field. Just because there’s one bad apple, you don’t cut down the tree. He’s nothing but a freaking parasite.
  3. Who can afford Starbucks?
  4. Sad to tell you guys, a nice ribeye steak got wiped out in Evadale after I grilled it for information.
  5. Great shot of UFO caught but motion sensor camera. Honestly, why I waste the time, and my brilliant mind (certified IQ of 62) on you non-believers, is beyound me. [Hidden Content]
  6. To paraphrase a line from The Outlaw Josey Wales, Being stupid ain’t got no end. But if you wonder why they’re getting elected, here’s one likely reason. A revealing article by a reporter on One American News. [Hidden Content]
  7. Exactly right. For our Military and Police, putting their actions under a microscope by ‘Monday Morning QB’s’ is extremely unfair. These people are just humans, not some fictional Superman. Their split second decisions are influxed with fear, anxiety, adrenaline, and all the human emotions. It’s easy to criticize, until you’re confronted. Here’s a video that shows an organizer who had protested Police shootings, going through Shoot or Don’t Shoot Police scenario. He came away with a better understanding. [Hidden Content]
  8. I was in the military, but never in combat, but it doesn’t take a freaking genius to understand that things happen in war/combat that if happened anywhere else in life would be considered atrocious and inhumane. Another fact of life most liberal (sheep) minds cannot comprehend. I’m not excusing a My Lei massacre that happened in Vietnam Nam, but to hold our soldiers accountable for every little individual action after what they been through, is more ridiculous than the actions themselves. I’m sure a minuscule amount might actually be a crime, but for the military’s Jag Corp to attempt to differentiate between those few crimes and acts of extreme passion is ludicrous. Combat isn’t a game folks. We can’t handicap our Military with rules from a civilized society. War is not civilized. [Hidden Content]
  9. #1. What an embarrassment, especially since it’s a southern city. #2. What an embarrassing exhibition of an American, and a company that ask high high when the Left says jump. #3. Just another poor soul inflicted with TDS. I’d suggest therapy or a prescription of Prozac.
  10. If Un would get his head on straight, NK could make a fortune. I saw a shot of some of their beaches, and they were beautiful. You could fill many a hotel up with tourist. Of course Un would have to be on double doses of Prozac, so it’s just a Dream.
  11. I suggested she was one of the Dems I’m afraid may beat Trump. She upped her stock on Joe Biteme, but the Media forgets he’s an easy target. Anyway, here’s some information the Media would rather you didn’t know. First, her mother was from India. Second, her father is from Jamaica. The real juicy part, his paternal grandmother (Kamala’s Great Grandmother) is a descendant of slave owners. I wonder when the MSM will mention that. Another question, if blacks are given reparations, will Kamala have to pay a larger amount of taxes since her family were slave owners? Surely she wouldn’t get any reparations........well, she shouldn’t, but........... [Hidden Content]
  12. He had their collective nads in a vice. I avoid goggle as much as possible. I use Bing as my search engine. They may be just as bad, but I don’t know it yet.
  13. You just know it’s going to hit a big bump someday. Please let it be after the 2020 election.
  14. Here's a millennial telling us.
  15. And the scary part - they’re just one election away from getting that opportunity.
  16. I consider the debates last week as the start of the 2020 election/campaigns. As should be expected, it brought out the most misnamed group in America, Antifa (analogous to calling Al-Qaeda, Christian Lovers). Sadly, this thread will probably get very long before the election, since they can assault, beat, intimidate, anyone on the West Coast, usually with impunity. In Portland, they just put a journalist in the Hospital with bleeding in his brain. [Hidden Content] I’m not sure about this links accuracy, but they have some video. [Hidden Content]
  17. You know Kountzer, you still haven’t answered my question. If someone uses Sunday as the Sabbath, do you think they’re going to Hell? Last time I ask it, you started quoting Ellen White, whoever she is. All I’m looking for is a simple YES or NO. From you. Not Ellen, not Edgar Allen Poe, not William Shakespeare, just you. Btw, I understand if you don’t answer the question. I’m 99% sure what the answer is. Also, since this has all been off topic, this’ll be my last post.
  18. So many denominations think Sunday is the Sabbath. In their minds, they’re celebrating the Sabbath. I understand the reason some think Saturday is the Sabbath, but I’m just not sure that celebrating it on Saturday or Sunday is a game changer for God. I can guarantee if you walked out on the street and ask 10 people, “What’s the first day of the week”, at least 9 will say Monday. Personally, I’m just glad to see committed Christians.
  19. Okay, I’m asking. Why do you continuously bring up Saturday as the Sabbath, if you don’t think anyone is going to hell for it? And, as usual, you won’t answer it.
  20. I guess. He makes statements, then whe I ask, he goes all indignant on me. He constantly says derogatory things about my denomination, but I don’t get angry or indignant with him. But thinking now, as a whole, those 20 Dem candidates are the most angry 20 people I’ve seen in a while. Maybe it’s just a prerequisite for being a Democrat?
  21. Lol, probably. But I heard Harris has some bumps in her closet too. As a prosecutor, I understand she sent many low income folks to jail. A fact that I respect, but will not help her with Dem voters.
  22. I hope Mr Joe Voter realizes that Medicare is not a blank HC check. There's a nice deductible and a giant one for Hospital care. All Dr's do not accept Medicare. Also, you need a very expensive supplement for Hospital stays. And did anyone hear them say anything about helping Seniors? Help - help - help illegal immigrants, but nothing for the old people who helped build this country. No free Medicare. No SSecurity raise. Only thing the Dims might do for old folks is pass a right to die Bill, & the quicker we're gone, the better. Gotta love me some Democrats - Not!
  23. Great post. Freaking Dems want to open the border. Last nights debate was primarily about what they can do for illegals, not Americans.
  24. If no one is going to hell for going to Church on Sunday, why do you repeatedly bring it up like it's a game changer? Seriously, why?
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