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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Rumor I heard, they raised their hands so fast, three of them got torn rotator cuffs. Can’t confirm that though. Bernie finally admitted that all his free stuff will require the Middle Class taxpayer to bend over and take it in the kister. He may be a Communist kook, but when pressed, at least he’s honest. Had one of them say he planned to give every adult in America a thousand dollars a month. Can’t imagine how many votes he got with that proclamation. I passed out and went into a coma after he said it, so I missed the rest. When I came to, I found some reruns of Mr. Ed for some intellectually stimulating viewing.
  2. I was impressed. Heck, I’ve nominated you for Sainthood. Saint baddog - it’s got a nice ring to it.
  3. Guess only us oldtimers see that this debate is plagiarized. Saw it a long time ago on Looney Tunes.
  4. Gilibrand has taken over. They moderators can’t handle her.
  5. Worth the wait.
  6. If any of y’all have an iota of interest in UFOS, you need to watch Unidentified: Inside America ‘s UFO Ivestigations. It comes on Friday nights at 9pm on the History Channel (269 on Direct TV). Head guy, Lou Elizondo, investigated UFOS for the Military for 5 years. Had a budget of 22 Million a year. [Hidden Content]
  7. I’ve certainly wondered why I haven’t won the lotto, lol.
  8. From your post, it sounds like you’re following Huss, Jerome, Wesley and Newton, not The Bible.
  9. You think they’ll protect Biden today?
  10. Worse than that LRF, but I’ve run out of adjectives to describe the Left.
  11. That’s the thing about terrorist and cockroaches. You can kill hundreds, or thousands, but it only takes a couple to ruin your day. [Hidden Content]
  12. By thinking out of the box. Got a problem? Ship it off. [Hidden Content]
  13. What’s up with my quote thingy?
  14. To freaking funny.
  15. Wonder if they realize most of us don’t speak another language?
  16. I’m curious to see if any have them have the nads to go after other Dems, or if it was just Trump bashing.
  17. I guess this appropriate here. The Left has burrowed into ever foundation of our lives. [Hidden Content]
  18. I’m trying, but I’ve had to eat 2 rolaids.
  19. I’m not a big soccer fan, but I always pull for USA, but not now. Hope they get beat. [Hidden Content] And while they cry & whine about pay, I wonder if they’ve already forgotten about this. [Hidden Content]
  20. I’m sure all the basketball referees in the area will be happy to hear that You might take Hoops with ya, lol.
  21. Eric refused to press charges. Initially, that seems cool, but this type action needs to be nipped in the bud.
  22. I admire her commitment to Christianity. You go girl! [Hidden Content]
  23. Whoa hoss. I know liberals have trouble with reading comprehension, so let me help you. My post was a question. How can a question of something you posted, be putting words in your mouth? I will say this, if my post are making you uncomfortable with what you’ve been told, perhaps it’ll give you incentive to study The Bible. I’m thrilled you’re a Christian, but your, we’re right - your wrong, post, might be sinful in themselves. And at the very least, alienates other Christians, at a time we need to unite. God Bless.
  24. So if Rome controlled the Church for a thousand years (prior to the Lutheran Reformation), then all the people, of that period, that thought they were Christians were doomed to eternal damnation? I’m trying to follow your logic here.
  25. Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol
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