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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. In retrospect, the scary thing is, Joe Biden, who just a few years ago was a liberal, is now almost a white nationalist. Show how far Left the Dems have gone. Scary.
  2. Several other links to this story, so probably true. [Hidden Content]
  3. I’ve seen some mystery calls and non-calls when I used to attend. Recently, I’ve seen the same thing in basketball. Ref’s, it’s okay to hate’em, but there isn’t a game without them. Hey, why don’t these robot folks build a Refbot?
  4. I’m serious when I said, If Steele is going to testify, he may end up dead. It’ll be something non-detectable, unless you’re looking for the specific poison. Or described as a suricide. I would think anything but murder. Then again, Seth Rich’s death /murder, was said to be a robbery, although nothing was taken. Power corrupts.
  5. What a sad bunch. I feel the Big One coming.
  6. To quote General Patton, God help me, I do love it so. [Hidden Content]
  7. The Comedy Show is about to begin. [Hidden Content]
  8. How refreshing to have a president that is not afraid to use the tools/assets available to him. And don’t doubt, that tariff was not an idle threat.
  9. Roll Tide.
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Former President of Greenpeace Canada, Patrick Moore said, Global Warming Hoax pushed by corrupt scientists hooked on Government Grants. [Hidden Content] Moore also states that it’s used to give Governments more control over people. BINGO! [Hidden Content]
  12. I watched quite a few AHC (American Heros Channel) hour long features on D-Day. For those of you that may have caught a few, did you think (notice) that the beach there now, appeared to be the same size as the ones the Americans landed on? So if there’s been this dramatic rise in ocean levels, is there some mysterious force that keeps it from affecting the English Channel? Is that a unique area where water doesn’t seek its on level? I’m so concerned about this fake, made-up, fictitious, feigned, fabricated, mythical Global Warming hoax, I probably won’t sleep tonight.
  13. [Hidden Content] Originally from Bangladesh. Loved 9/11. Also wanted to obtain explosives so he could kill a high ranking Govt official in DC. Lovely.
  14. I just had one post, in a better than thou tone, that the Repubs were responsible for the Steele Dossier. I’m gave him some facts and included a link from Wikipedia. Finally chastised him for only getting his info from Huff Post & CNN. Awaiting his response. Noticed Libs don’t take constructive criticism well.
  15. Imagine that. While all the Congressional Dems holler for Trumps Tax Returns, Omar is in trouble for, not only Campaign Finance Laws, but her Income Tax Returns as well. Jmo, but every elected official in DC should be audited every year. [Hidden Content] She flew to Florida to get an honorarium? From whom, Al-Qaeda? After 9/11, the slogan was, We’ll never forget. Well my friends, in 2018, Minnesota and Michigan had already forgotten.
  16. And he’s not the only one. I can’t begin to remember them all. Big Girl (she was a hoot, lol), westend1, PAMFAM10, Kountzer, Bluedove...... Gone With the Wind. I’ve a long time liberal friend. His FB page is full of liberals. I admit it’s hard to post when you’re the only conservative, but I do. They deluge me with their bs. It’s ironic though, if I didn’t post, they’d all go to sleep. I notice the same thing on here. Without any liberal postings, it does get a little dull.
  17. I’m trying to recall all the praise from the Left for Beto when he was running against Cruz. Remember all the money pouring into his campaign from out of state? He was the darling of the Left. The next JFK. Wonder where all that love is now? He was, The Man (even that is questionable). [Hidden Content]
  18. Denmark joins the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, and Morocco In banning the Burqa. Obstentially because it’s used to degrade women. Personally, I don’t care what the reason is, git’er done. [Hidden Content]
  19. No end to the insanity.
  20. Walt is rolling over in his grave.
  21. What a great team and accomplishment. And this from a classy program, with some classy kids.
  22. Them durn Wildcats can play roundball. In the gym or on the diamond. Go get’em boys.
  23. Game still 3 months away, but Vegas sees big bucks bet on this one (I bet). [Hidden Content]
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