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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Great link. Surprised to see Swann only avg 73 ypg. But man, he had glue on his hands.
  2. Durn Coach, that’s five, lol. But appreciate your responses.
  3. Back when I was a die hard fan, I’d need extra beer when they played the Redskins or the Steelers. Lmbo
  4. While posting on the thread of the Ginn/Boling challenge, the thought came to me about this one. Who were the two best WR’s playing on the same team. Again, I have to swallow my dislike of the Steelers. IMO, it’s John Stallworth & Lynn Swann. Be interested for anyone else’s thoughts.
  5. Actually, I suspect Ginn’s challenge was to any WR in the NFL. Surely he knows he’s not fast enough to challenge anyone. Usain Bolt, the king of speed, could beat him by 10 yards. Based on speed at the time, Bob Hayes would have to be considered the fastest of all time. Not a great receiver like Lynn Swann (it was hard for me to type that, dad gum Steeler), but he had some speed.
  6. Interesting story, for sure. Business, lol. Would be a great match race. Obscene amount of money would be bet. Probably big business, And I'd bet a big TV Network would cover it, and the watching audience would be big. All to watch 10 seconds of running. Boggles the mind.
  7. I don’t watch golf anymore. Can’t hardly play because of my back, plus all the golfers I use to love to watch are gone. Okay, so I flipped over to watch some today. They’re playing it at Beth Page in New York. I had to look it up just to verify my guess based on the crowd. I figured it was New York. Those folks are the worst golf fans I’ve ever witnessed. Bunch of loud mouth drunks.
  8. I’m still trying to get my head around, Retiring at 29.
  9. Posted this in HS Track, but it’s just as appropriate here. Will Ted Ginns man up and run, or back out? [Hidden Content]
  10. Will Saints Ted Ginns back out or man up? [Hidden Content]
  11. Hagar

    Media Bias

    Even the NYT is coming down on CNN’s fake news. [Hidden Content]
  12. When discussing GW or MMGW, immediately proponents quote the scientists. That’s the foundation for the whole Bruhaha. So, if scientists don’t agree with the Left, those on the Left are quick to say they were bought. Oh, like the scientists who get these Hugh grants to find GW? Yes, scientists are for sale. Check out the Left’s reaction to scientist that Coca-Cola paid to see if the sugary drink makes you fat. [Hidden Content]
  13. And according to this link, CNN has not mentioned the story. [Hidden Content]
  14. It’s a mystery to me. I was surprised to find out that they now make Craftsman Tools.
  15. Thought it about time to start this, if they ever start this. I, for one, am surprised that this isn’t going full force now. There’s ripples in the water. They have a special counsel (or some fancy name) looking at it. I say “looking at it”, because it’s my understanding he has no power. He can’t subpoena anyone, or even force an interview. He’s a football official with no flag. So before my bp goes through the roof, here’s some new, interesting, information, that will explain why Comey was fired. [Hidden Content] PS; If they don’t start investigating soon, and the Dems win back the White House, any and all evidence will disappear. IMO, this third world coup, if that’s what it was, is far to important to be ignored.
  16. Apparently, the young folks in Europe are starting to “get it”. Evidently they’re tired of seeing older politicians surrender their country and heritage. They see the results, and they aren’t happy. I hope they can save their countries. If only our youth weren’t so freaking brainwashed (do some even have one?), perhaps they could see it before it’s to late. [Hidden Content]
  17. Black & Decker opening plant in Texas. [Hidden Content]
  18. De-Blasio makes 24. [Hidden Content]
  19. Sad news for all of us interested in the UFO phenomenon. Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman died a few days ago. He spent most of his life researching UFO sightings. For those of you not familiar with UFO research, it’s not a bunch of wild eyed loons doing the research. The researchers I’ve seen are quick to dismiss things that don’t pass the scientific/evidence smell test. He will be missed. RIP Mr. Friedman. [Hidden Content]
  20. Things like this are not unheard of mat. At about ‘60, my waistline did the same thing.
  21. May turn into a bloodbath. Enough now to make the 2016 Repubs look like a game of badminton.
  22. I’m pretty sure I heard 23. Release the hounds.
  23. Saw a great meme today. Picture of Biden sitting up, and Obama’s sitting close, bent over holding his hands over his face. And Biden says, “We could run away to Kenya. I heard you had family there.” And Obama responds, “Shut up Joe”.
  24. Is that Latin for sob’s
  25. Why is it okay to put a crucifix in a jar of urine, but a statue of Lee is taken down because it’s offensive? I know one thing, all this makes my bp skyrocket.
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