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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. That Guy off the bench is lighting up the scoreboard.
  2. And TT can’t make a shot.
  3. That Virginia defense doesn’t have many holes.
  4. Awesome. Hats off to Kerrey.
  5. That’s it. Sure, go hide, and throw away the great opportunity to learn. You get on here, surrounded by some of the best minds in the country, and instead of learning, you fight it. You’re like the kid who says, A, B, C, E - the teacher keeps telling you it’s D, but some Loon told you it’s E, so you ignore the teacher and believe the Loon. We keep throwing the truth at you, and you keep ignoring it. Stop fighting the truth. Embrace it. Remember this: Truth sounds like hate, to those who hate the truth. Join the good guys.
  6. [Hidden Content] So this is an example of the educated enlightened? Just like Hitler & Stalin. Guess they called themselves Progressive Socialist at one time.
  7. That 118 almost sounds like a trap.
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Here’s a good candidate. It’s appeared all over the globe. One of the first to get it in the US, died after 90 days. The germ permeated the room - walls, curtains, floor, ceiling. All the germs couldn’t be killed. They had to actually remove some of the ceiling, and floor tiles. Medical people are afraid to treat people that have it. [Hidden Content] And no doubt the filth on the streets on the west coast will help create more superbugs.
  10. And here’s the video of that shot. Coach Rideaux told #5, Matt Graves (near side), “We’re going to isolate you on the weak side, get you the ball, and you’ll win the game for us. [Hidden Content] And yes, G’pa was a nervous wreck
  11. Rotflmbo.
  12. Honest opinion Hoops, who do you see as the favorite? Btw, seen o/u is 118. Lowest ever for this event.
  13. The Eyes of Texas will be upon the Texas Tech Red Raiders Monday Night.
  14. And Rev. Abernathy? PS; must admit I always hesitate just a moment before putting Rev in front of his name. It’s like my brain says, “Wait a minute, is this sacrilege?”.
  15. Wow, an actual Awards show that concentrates on Awards. What a novel idea. Too bad the Hollywood Loons want to make theirs a Looney Tunes Award. Hats off to Reba.
  16. For those of us who like a little Sci-Fi, or far out, the first season of Manifest indicates a pretty good series, although the writers may be screwing it up. It’s about a plane that takes off from Jamica to NY. It goes through a weird storm and when it lands, 5 years have inexplicably passed. It never dawned on me that this might be loosely based on an actual alleged incident. This plane took off in 1955 from NY to land in Miami. It allegedly landed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992, and no one aged. For those of you, like me, who find this stuff (bs?) interesting, read on. [Hidden Content]
  17. Sure do hope so.
  18. Raiders win 61-51. C’mon Rexas Tech, one more game.
  19. How about them Red Raiders. Hope they can hold on. Up 50-41.
  20. C’mon VSEO, you can take 5 minutes out of your precious time and watch that video. Your bracket is probably toast anyway. I don’t usually use this analogy, but if you don’t watch it you’re running and hiding like a little girl. Hope I shamed you enough to make you watch it.
  21. Awesome video, and an awesome young man. He’s so much more polished at 16 than I was, it’s embarrassing. Heck, I’m still not that polished. Hope the rest of the posters get a chance to watch this video.
  22. [Hidden Content] I’ve seen this woman spouting some far Left poo. She’s fairly attractive, and looks quasi normal. But don’t let that fool you. Now all the conservatives on this Forum know how biased the MSM is. And most of our Leftist friends don’t. So here’s a little more proof. If Kirsten was a conservative, the following story, true or not, would be plastered on all of them 24/7. Is it true? I’m not sure of the Redstate, but it was posted on a reliable source. That said, check this out, I’m sure most will agree with me about the MSM-24/7. [Hidden Content]
  23. Not sure what the enrollment is at SP, but it’s a shame they can’t field a team. To bad they can’t play 6 man. No doubt there’s a handful of kids who’d like to play. But if that’s not an option, maybe they should consider dropping out. Dallardsville Big Sandy doesn’t have football.
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