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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. It was my first time to see them live. It was very impressive, or depressive lol. And yes, they got beat in the playoffs, but I’ve no doubt in a rematch, Silsbee could have won. Good team - good Coach, tough combination.
  2. Darling of the liberal MSM.
  3. And this jerk was the darling of the Liberal Media during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Even contemplated a run for Dem president. And I heard Brit Hume say this afternoon, that the liberal MSM had him on 108 times. ROTFLMBO - Morons.
  4. Nor was he indicted. Imo, Hillary and/or Obama need to be tried for obstruction, or treason. The handpicked people in the Justice Dept were planning a Banana Republic coup. That’s the real story, and arguably the reason the Dems continue their witch hunt. We need a distraction. Stat.
  5. You showed a lot of restraint LRF. Pathetic is much to nice a word for them.
  6. There you have it. From the great one himself. Russians can’t do it. And the remark above, Makes us distrust each other and the institutions upon which our nation is built - Well who has misused those institutions? Who’s destroying the values that helped make America great? Distrust? With Hillary & the DNC in cahoots against Sanders. With Hillary getting the questions to debates early. Why who would distrust her? With Dems in the JD & FBI plotting how to overthrow/assassinate Trump if elected. With Marxist college administrators not allowing conservatives speakers on Campus. Who would ever distrust our institutions?
  7. I was alluding to this Congressional investigation Jerry Nadler has been hawking all weekend. Yes, there was Russian interference, with not only the election, but our whole Govt. Started with Hillary & the DNC, to Steele, to the Russians. It’s as simple as that. Started this whole bru-ha-ha. There’s no way in hail Nadler and his bevy of clowns will come up with anything if Mueller and his 25 liberal attack dogs couldn’t find anything. And Mueller had access to powers Congress can only dream of.
  8. I rarely praise the Democratic Party, but I have to give them a rare attaboy. Presently they’re doing everything they can to get Trump re-elected. The Party of Inclusion has stepped out there. They’ve got a racist, Omar, who was supported by two other members, AOC & Tlaib. The Gov. of Va could be construed as a racist, since he wore blackface. The Lt. Gov. Is accused of sexual assault on two women. All this, and not a peep from Dem Party Leadership, except a watered down Resolution. What a bunch of hypocrites. And now, in their infinite wisdom, they want to continue investigating Trump. I’ve heard them compared to someone at the beach with their metal detector, looking for anything. I’ll go a step further, the nitwits don’t even have a battery in the metal detector. They’re consumed with TDS, literally. The independent voters, being of relatively sound mind, will be turned off by this witch hunt. And yes, witch hunt describes this perfectly. A few Dems will be turned off and just not vote. If the election was held Tuesday, Trump would win by a landslide.
  9. UT alum, like most democrats, lives by the “ignorance is bliss” credo. When it comes to their beloved Party, they are the three monkeys. Also, notice he didn’t answer my question - why did they take God out of their platform to begin with? So let’s hear it from the Left, not just UT alum, anyone on the Left. Pray tell, why did the Democrats take God out of their platform? I’ll wait.......
  10. Hagar


    Cause you ain’t no Chem engineer lol.
  11. As a conservative, who votes Republican, I can find fault with Republicans. Imo, many Republicans in Congress are as bad as most Dems. I know the Repubs have faults. The problem with the Left, very few will admit the problems, even when confronted with the facts.
  12. Or you nash? As Roscoe Gordon sang many years ago, Money, that’s what I want, whole lot of money.
  13. Well Sam Rayburn Dam VSEO, sounds like you know your poo. If I gave you some coin to invest for me, what kind of return could I expect?
  14. Speaking of transparency, the Dems are transparent. They just can’t believe that Hillary lost. They were orgasmic in anticipation of Mueller finding something, anything. Now, guess who they want to go after? Mueller, for not finding anything. But now Mueller didn’t find anything, so they are going to find something. I find that ironic, since imo, they couldn’t find their anus with both hands. Oh, but wait, that’s not all. They have the State of New York involved also. Yep, no problem with the Dems transparency on Trump. I’m not sure why all this. My only thought is it’s to keep their asinine investigations in the news to try and distract from all the good things Trump is doing. What a pathetic bunch.
  15. Nice try, but they booed God. Policy-molicy. If you really think they didn’t Boo God, then tell me, why was God taken out of the platform. And you know the only reason God was put back in was because Romney was making an issue of it. Yes, freedom of belief and separation of church and state are different points of view, but a political platform is not a “state”. The really pathetic part, the Dems cater (fall over backward, kowtow, lick the shoes) to several groups who don’t like God, or make a mockery of Christianity through debauchery.and repeated sinful liaisons. And their recent cheering of infanticide, certainly not something God would approve of, was just another slap in the face to almost all Christians. And according to the NY Post, it’s not over yet. Add to that their new found acceptance of racism, and approval of abusing women, and what do you get? Four more years of Trump. God help me, I do love it so. [Hidden Content]
  16. For topic, I’d say beating WOS in football. Now to respond to the above post. This year, my G’sons team had “two chances” at Silsbee in basketball. We actually had the lead over them in the second game (1-0). Somehow, after the first butt whipping, chance was not what came to mind for the second - let’s see, game? No, that’s not good either. More like the My Lai massacre.
  17. With a 12? Sounds maroon to me
  18. Rotflmbo, it’s March and you’re already confident the economy want hold. Lol, totally ridiculous. No wonder you’re a democrat. Sure you’re not a UTA&Malum
  19. Hagar


    I’ll be honest, I haven’t kept up with what the problems are. I thought when the people voted, that was the end. But yet, as you say, here we are 3 years later. What’s the brakes on it?
  20. ROTFLMBO. This is well worth the minute and forty seconds, if you want a laugh. [Hidden Content]
  21. We smile when we ask kids in High School what their plans are afterwards. Many haven’t a clue. On the flip side, many old folks retiring haven’t plans, except not going to work, and getting up when we want to. But I saw a post on FB recently that this old fellow had his plans, and I thought they were worth repeating here, for you future retirees. I’ve often been asked, “What do you old folks do now that you’re retired”? Well....I’m fortunate to have a Chemical Engineering background, and one of the things I enjoy the most is converting beer, wine, and vodka into urine. I do it everyday and I enjoy it.
  22. This article will give you an idea why, right now, Trump is a favorite to be re-elected in 2020. [Hidden Content]
  23. It could possibly be a medieval disease. California is doing it’s part. [Hidden Content]
  24. It’s some Japanese or Korean half wit who has a minuscule ability to hack. He managed to get in this site (much to WOSgrad’s sorrow). So since he can’t get into Capital One, he comes back here causing havoc. The correct term is Loser.
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