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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Saying that “outlived” stat is phenomenal is an understatement.
  2. Defense spending - with Russia & China sword rattling, and new nuclear (unstable) players, like N. Korea & Iran, we need a strong defense, imo. I’m also convinced all monies budgeted to the military, aren’t used like most would think. Say, Area 51. The Govt refused for years to admit it existed, even though you could drive up to the fences. Where did the money come from for its construction and still, to maintain it? Defense budget? Yes, we do test some some some aircraft there, but there’s more to that place than meets the eye. The Wall - it takes two to shutdown the Govt. And you get the need, so that’s the Dems fault. Trickle Down Economics - Based on our deficit, no economic plan “works”. At least trickle down seems to create jobs. Oh, and the rich always get richer. In peoples private lives - like you, I don’t care what someone does in their bedroom. I do question the marriage somewhat. Personally, I don’t approve, but it’s not a show stopper. I do resent the “in your face” attitude many gays have. Religion - As a Christian, our duty is to make you aware of the path of salvation, after that, you’re responsible. And I’d bet the vast majority of Americans are aware already. But I’m saddened by how few are now remaining Christians. Real Christians are an asset to this country. Look at who provided hospitals before they became money making machines. Look at the groups of Christians who came to SETX after Harvey to help people rebuild. Didn’t see any atheists groups, or Muslim groups (although there may have been one or two).
  3. I agree. Btw, see I did FUBAR the poll. I’m much more comfortable writing in cave walls with charcoal.
  4. To far right? Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, in what way right?
  5. This is my first Poll, so I’ll probably FUBAR it, but I’m curious what y’all think. Personally, I think she is an asset. Simply put, will she help or hurt Republicans in the 2020 elections?
  6. I agree, they’re becoming far to extreme left. The Repub Loons are merely filling the liberal vacuum left by the Dems. Cest la vie.
  7. Lol, I see you joining the Republican Party in the near future.
  8. Lol, it’s just like only having liberal ideals at Berkeley. Can’t expose those young minds to truths. This move by Apple, imo, is more proof that MMGW is a con game. If it was all based on irrefutable facts, any dissent, like an App, wouldn’t be seen as a threat.
  9. It’s true. Make my day. Dems will make every effort to sweep this under the carpet. [Hidden Content]
  10. Congrats Dragons, there was zero doubt in my mind. I called it two years ago. Didn’t have to be a basketball expert to figure this team out (otherwise I’d never known, lol).
  11. Trust me on this, open this link and watch this video. You’ll probably laugh like I did, but it shows how this PC crap goes on, and on, and on. And amazingly, the 3 Professors exposing it are all liberals, but not mindless robots. [Hidden Content]
  12. That’s freaking hilarious.
  13. Yes, a lot of good kids, Coaches, and programs, but the one thing most don’t have is Tradition. My take (I’m no expert), even Tradition has levels. There are many schools that win District most of the time. They expect to. But then falter after a game or two in the playoffs. Then you have the Argyles, Aledos, Brocks. Their Tradition, and thus their goal, is to win State. I know - most teams start out saying that, but it’s lip service. That Win State Tradition must be awful hard to establish, but once it is, it is a powerful force. Some schools may have it in one sport, like Silsbee Basketball, but these others, they seem to want to win everything. Heck, they probably win One Act Plays. Anyway, I wish everyone in SETX had it, and that’s my .02 cents worth. Btw, DXTR good communication program - thanks, I needed a good laugh
  14. I figured the Dragons would come through. They are a force.
  15. I was going to post this, with the caveat that if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. And this story is to good to be true. Good gosh I hope I’m wrong. Please let this story be true. If so, we’ll see how bullet proof Omar is.
  16. Have to pull for Shelbyville. They knocked my old team out of the Reg Quarterfinals the last two years.
  17. Well deserved recognition. What a great season for Val Catt and the Bobcats.
  18. This article is from 2017, but worth reading. A reminder of just how bad things had gotten under Obama. It also begs the question, how well would Ibama have fared under a Mueller investigation? [Hidden Content]
  19. Hagar

    Media Bias

    CNN is in big trouble now. Appears there aren’t any blacks in the upper echelon. Hate to add to their woes, but there aren’t any conservatives either. [Hidden Content]
  20. Call me extreme right on this. Anyone convicted of an aggravated felony, should lose their right to vote. As I understand it, to be deemed an aggravated felony, you’ve threatened (with a weapon) or actually harmed the general public. That’s a bridge to far imo. And definitely no guns. Great thread! I have to admit, I’m surprised at the responses. It’s a prime example of why all of us shouldn’t pigeon hole each other, ie, Libs/Cons, Dem/Repub. Although my position here is extreme right, I have a few stands that would be considered liberal, and most of you would disagree with me (I even agree w/Bernie on one point). I have a long time staunch liberal friend who is a gun advocate and is for the death penalty. Different strokes.
  21. I repeat, AOC, Omar and Talib, are the things that will give Trump a big advantage in 2020. Essentially the best thing to ever happen for the Repubs in a long time. And your theory Pelosi leaked AOC’s problems, will get at least a 6 on my true scale.
  22. I think even Pelosi is scared of her. [Hidden Content] And remember the posters after 9/11 showing the planes crashing into the WTC, with the words, WE’LL NEVER FORGET? Well, some of us have forgotten already. How in the cornbread hail could that many Americans vote on her and Tlaib? Good dadgum, this country is going freaking crazy.
  23. [Hidden Content] Well worth reading if you like Trump. Probably not so good a read if you don’t like him, lol.
  24. He thought Beijing was a body of water surrounding the Jing peninsula. Okay. Okay. A little cheesy, but I couldn’t resist lol.
  25. Tell all that to any of the 2020 Dem hopefuls. You’d get a blank stare and a “What does it all mean?”
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