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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. C’mon TC, the Audi commercial wasn’t bad. If there’s any young HS punters watching, they might get some good ideas. ROTFLMBO.
  2. Most exciting part of the game is a tie between Audi & Bud Light/Game of Thrones commercials.
  3. Yep, that may have been the curse.
  4. Wow, just noticed. Only me and two others picked the winner of the game. Everyone else picked the winner of the coin toss.
  5. I’m not surprised. Since the Pats have been on top in the last decade, they’re more likely to get the flak.
  6. A person could get cataracts watching all this pre-game feces
  7. Frustratingly true.
  8. If so, only because Trump was elected. Had Hillary won, I’d bet you a dollar to a doughnut that it wouldn’t be overturned. She’d put two more on the SCOTUS that would vote just like RBG. Oh, and you failed to address the Democrats in Authority in New York State & NYC allowing an 11 year old to perform lewd dances in a gay bar. Does that mean you’re in agreement with me? I hope so.
  9. It’ll mean long lines, and less Doctors. If anyone doesn’t realize this, ask a few people on Medicare. It’s not a problem for the relatively few who can afford the best Supplement Plans, but for most, you’re going to lose some Doctors. We lost our PCP (Primary Care Physician) and my wife’s Female Dr. Neither one takes Medicare. Will they remain in practice if everyone is on it? I doubt it, both are near retirement age. The thing is, unless a Dr. cheats Medicare, being a Dr. will not be a lucrative profession. Many young people aspiring to become a Dr. will be setting their sights elsewhere. Medicare for all sounds great, but it’ll be a genuine cluster fudge. Then will come the death panels that moderate liberals think is absurd. By then, it’ll be to late. Not a pretty picture, but I firmly believe it. We move closer to them with every Dem elected. Now it’s babies, in the future the elderly.
  10. For normal liberals, this must be a difficult time. They’re getting a taste of what a few in the Republican Party have done to conservatives. Running McCain & Romney had many of us feeling left out with no place to go.
  11. But admittedly UT, this perversion is taking place in the same state that okays 9 month abortions by Dems. Don’t you see a pattern? I’d like to think if this 11 year old was doing this in Beaumont, Tx, or any other Red State, the Police would show up arresting many. Not so in Dem controlled, New York City & New York State. My point is, it’s not a “fringe” thing, it’s the acceptance of 9 month abortions, and 11 year olds dancing for gays, by the Democratic Authorities. Comparable to Antifa having a get out of jail free card in most blue states. You may not like it (personally, I hope you don’t) but, please, open your eyes to what’s happening.
  12. No, no one is safe, and they keep the information as a threat to keep their minions in line. A tried and true method of obedience.
  13. Governor Northam (D-Va) made a huge mistake leaking the Far Left’s agenda to progress from abortion to infanticide. That said, let’s see what happened. A day or two after his FUBAR, we get the release of his yearbook photo which shows him in blackface or a KKK outfit, which he apologized for doing, and is now saying he wasn’t in the picture (that’s weird for sure). So, do we just accept this “yearbookgate” as coincidence, or could there be another nefarious reason? Is it possible that the Dems Leaders & the MSM have a hugh file of stories/pictures of as many Dems as possible of the proverbial “man with a goat”? These are only brought out when you dare, or inadvertently, hinder the democrats agenda. The timing, in this case, tends to support this assertion. I’d be interested to hear what y’all think. Is this to far out, or could there be validity to it?
  14. You must remember Phat Mack, this person is not a male. Since I’m old and senile, I only know two genders (male & female). I saw an article (didn’t read it) that the Dems have identified and recognize 15 genders. My solution is to add one other gender so I don’t offend all those democrats who don’t identify as male or female. If you’re not one of those two, you’re an IT.
  15. Well UT alum, this is where the Far Left (radical left) is taking you. Peadophilia. They’re now controlling part of the Democratic Party, and gaining ground. I can’t help but wonder, when do you holler uncle? How perverted do the Dems have to get before you leave them? I’m fairly certain your average democrat has no idea how radical the party has become. Howard Schultz, found out when he announced he was thinking of running for President as an independent. He’s been under constant attack by democrats, including Elizabeth Warren, who said he was out of touch with the American people. She durn sure is. If white privilege exists, why did she pretend to be an Indian? Food for thought.
  16. I’ve only been to one game in Cleveland, but based on that experience, you’re lucky to come out of Cleveland with any kind of win. Worst exhibition of home cooking I’ve ever seen, but again, that’s based on one game.
  17. Many of us, myself included, have missed something while filling out our income tax. In my case, a relatively insignificant amount (in the scheme of things) on a W2. The “gotcha” letter we got was full of threatening innuendos. Point is, the IRS is as close to the Gestapo as any federal agency. So the revelations in this link that aggravate me, which shows the an added cost of illegal immigration to the American Taxpayer to the tune of over $4 Billion a year, is compounded by my aggravation at the IRS for ignoring it, even though it had been reported. There are 5 or 6 videos you can watch, but you might monitor your bp while doing so. Kudos to Ch 13 in Indianpolis for investigating this, and the IRS employee in Austin who finally went over his bosses collective heads (and his next evaluation was a bad one - imagine that). [Hidden Content]
  18. Lmbo, absolutely. The burgers in the ads look great, but the reality leaves a lot to be desired. But on the other hand, the Burger Joints could approve this policy. [Hidden Content]
  19. A driver was stuck on a highway outside of Washington DC. Nothing was moving, everything at a standstill. Suddenly a man knocks on his window. The driver rolls down his window and ask, “What’s going on”? “Terrorist have kidnapped the entire US Congress, and they’re asking for a $100 Million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they’re going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire.” We’re going from car to car collecting donations.” “How much is everyone giving, on an average”, the driver ask? The man replies, “Roughly a gallon”.
  20. We should all pay attention to goons and anarchist, be they right or left. And the “get out of jail free card” given to Antifa & BLM, should stop. PS, I could’ve just responded with, Gangs of NY, is that the best you got, but I still have hope for you.
  21. From ripping a life out of the womb at 9 months, it’ll be easy to have the baby & the mother says she doesn’t want it, so let’s kill the baby. Where does it stop? Where?
  22. And UT Alum just ask me recently why I thought the Dems were Anti-Christianity. Actually they’re anti-religion, but do buddy up to Islam to use as a tool against Christians, but that’s JMO.
  23. I agree. I’d say from 75 to 80.
  24. You know why we quote Fox and Breitbart? It’s because the liberal left media will not report anything unless it’s favorable to their agenda. It’s Fake News by omission. A few days ago, you denied knowing that Antifa had taken over the streets of Portland. The reason you didn’t know, none of the MSM would report it. Not CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC. Now, if some Right Wing goons did that, anywhere, it would be on everyone of the above mentioned channels. Until the brainwashed left learns that they’re being lead, like sheep to the slaughter, this country is in peril.
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