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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Oh, they’ll tell you they’re not for that kind of Socialism, but the kind like Sweden has. What they don’t know, or at least don’t want you to know, there’s a lot of differences in the US & Sweden. Military spending for one. And other, little things. Sweden has no minimum wage, so if we govern like Sweden, let’s do away with minimum wage. And no telling how many other subtle differences. If they like Sweden so much, why not emigrate there? These Far Left Loons drive me crazy. No doubt they have normal liberals scratching their heads.
  2. Then there’s the blank check Mueller has to investigate anyone or anything. Is that legal? If so, the next time the Police want a search warrant, they should say they’re searching for anything. I’m not sure Mueller’s convictions would hold up in SCOTUS. I hope not, but as I said, Lady Justice no longer wears a blindfold.
  3. Just curious, do you find it extremely strange that a man has been indicted for lying about his contact with Wikileaks, but there’s no investigation into the Fake Dossier which started all this bru-ha-ha? I do. It’s like Hillary robbed a bank of $20,000 and some of Trumps people picked up a few $20 bills she dropped. Let’s hang these guys for not turning in the twentys, but we’ll let Hillary & the Dems go. I just don’t get it. Btw, I have no problem with someone being arrrested for breaking the law, I just hate to see the scales of justice tipped all the way to one side.
  4. And Obama’s head of the Border Patrol (who Trump replaced) said this. [Hidden Content]
  5. No one player can win or lose games. The better the team, the better the star. I know a local team, much like Ned, but supporting cast even worse, that has a really good player. Hands down best on the court in a recent game, but again, not much help. The other team doubled on him and won the game. Further proof? LeBron James at Cleveland. Until the Cavs got him a supporting cast, he wasn’t that impressive. You can be the best in the world, but if you don’t have 4 decent players behind you, you won’t win that many games. Take Silsbee for instance. You double one of their players & watch the other 4 steamroll you.
  6. Apparently Coach, some of the locals don’t appreciate a good defensive player. Like when Ltown held Bridges of LCM down to 8 points when he was Avg about 28 a game. A good defender is worth his/her weight in gold.
  7. The article, however accurate it may be statistically, has some serious flaws. First, in 1954 and quite a few years afterwards, people did not see Dr’s even remotely as often as they do now, even those told they were pregnant. Second, advancements in medical care increased dramatically over those years. And the article conclusion admits the “pill” could be a reason for reduction. And that brings me to another question. If a woman doesn’t want a child, why isn’t she on the pill, or have a diaphragm? And the inevitable question, why is it against the law to destroy a bald eagles egg, even one freshly laid, which has no heartbeat, but you can legally kill an unborn fetus with a heartbeat? That’s a conundrum for sure. Oh, the Eagle is an endangered species. Okay, when will we be an indangered species? Birth rates (of humans) in the US has hit an all time low. Perhaps all abortions should be outlawed? For Caucasians, the birth rate is even lower. Perhaps white baby abortions should be outlawed? Kinda makes your head spin.
  8. I was merely discussing how, what is now hyperbole, can turn into reality. You and I both know the bathroom fiasco was the result of Democratic activist. And of course the Left is the proponent of legalized abortion (which, in my youth would’ve been consider hyperbole). I could repeat all the pro-abortion arguments, but we both know them. So someday the feminist movement decides a baby restricts a woman’s ability to get back in society. Ties her down. Restricts her freedom. So the answer? Have the baby euthanized. Then it’s the 2 year old that’s the problem. Hyperbole? Right now, absolutely. Ten years from now? Who knows? All that said, if the hypothetical situation happens, will you still be a democrat? I respect your right not to answer, but I just wonder how far the Far Left will go before your average liberal says, Wait, you can’t do that.
  9. Twenty years ago, had I said, The Left will have men & women going to the same bathroom, that would have been hyperbole - then. The Far Left is so radical, I’m reluctant to put constraints on most possible future agendas.
  10. My question to those concerned about child/parent separation, would you knowingly take your children into another country where you could be separated from them? I could see it if perhaps these people were emaciated, but that’s not the case. So if you’re getting by where you’re at, would you take a chance of being separated from your children? I seriously doubt that. I know I wouldn’t.
  11. Priceless. Eric needed a “beating your head on the wall” emoji.
  12. I was surprised that WOS only lost by 26 in last meeting. And the fact they scored 81 points against the Tigers (WOS second highest point total, behind 87 v Kountze) should be a minor cause of concern for Coach Sig. That said, I think the Tigers roar (pun intended) back.
  13. To you posters who want to complain when a high school kid makes a blunder in sports - check out this. [Hidden Content] Btw, Tucker makes $7.9 Million a year to play basketball.
  14. Some of you backwoods rednecks may not believe in UFOs but our Govt knows. [Hidden Content]
  15. Maxine & Ocasio-Cortez are prime examples of our failed educational system. Neither one could pass a Civics or Economics class in a 1960 High School.
  16. Hagar

    Media Bias

    Rotflmbo. Hot dang, that’s the truth.
  17. Don’t be surprised if those two die from some mysterious happenstance.
  18. Lol, mental lapse.
  19. Maybe it’s just an amusing story to make a political point, directed at the majority of homeless who are in that situation because they want to be, or made bad life altering decisions. Some years back, in an effort to reduce the number of homeless in Miami, the city acquired some land outside the city limits, and setup Mobil homes. It was free. They had very few takers. You may find it hard to believe, but many like that life. America has a history of homelessness, but years ago they were referred to as hobos. Hobos had to keep moving because most towns & cities had laws against vagrancy that they actually enforced. Bottom line, you can hardly joke or tell amusing stories without someone getting offended. The little story above only said “homeless”, it didn’t say, or imply mentally ill. Only people it’s acceptable to make fun of now is white southerners and Aggies. Everything else is taboo. Yes, our mental illness facilities went to pot in the 60’s. To summarize it, Psychiatrists said, We have folks in there that don’t need to be. Turn-’em lose, said the politicians, looking to spend the money on something else. The result, to coin a movie title, we went “A Bridge To Far”. [Hidden Content]
  20. It's appeared like that to me BE. They've won games I expected them to lose, then lose winnable games. Frustrating for fans.
  21. And she has a college degree. What in the H-ll do they teach you in college now? This dingbat has been totally brainwashed. Starting with these Gore Doomsday scenarios. Smdh
  22. Hagar

    Media Bias

    Good point, and easy for the Far Left who hates Christianty anyway.
  23. Btw, I put this link in another thread, but may be more appropriate here. [Hidden Content]
  24. Again, I’d love to see how many in Congress are left if we got rid of the corrupt. I’d love for every member to come under the scrutiny of a team like Mueller has. Bet he’d get plenty of indictments. We probably ought to have that about every 3 years.
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