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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. For you hardheaded outfits that don’t believe we’re being visited by aliens (and still think the earth is flat), don’t misunderstand the “breaks his silence”. Him & his fishing buddy reported this when it happened, but due to skepticism of the uninformed, and the media, he never spoke of it again until now. He could have written this book during the peak of the X Files & made money, but he waited until he’s about dead, to avoid ridicule. I know it’s hard to believe but with all the information at our fingertips, there are actually people who doubt alien life exist. As Dr. Hynek, The astrophysicist who worked on Project Blue Book said, “It’s statistically impossible for there not to be alien life” (although he didn’t believe they visited here until he worked on Blue Book for several years).
  2. A teacher reminds her class of tomorrow’s final exam. “Now class, I won’t tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that’s it, no other excuses whatsoever. A smart-a$$ boy in the back of the room raised his hand & asks, “What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?” The entire class is reduced to laughter & snickering. When silence was restored, the teacher smiled knowingly at the student, shook her head and sweetly said, “Well, I guess you’d have to write the answers to the exam with your other hand”.
  3. They do grow them some basketball players.
  4. What a fantastic luxury Coach Sutherland has. Guess Coach Sig May be in the same shape. Hard enough to have a good team, but a good team with depth - priceless.
  5. Playing a team hitting 34 threes, why bother
  6. I’ll repeat myself, I’ve been on this Forum long enough to know, had the same scenario happened to Silsbee, Tiger fans would be on here bringing up that shot, & subsequent no-call. Basketball, football, baseball, the sport doesn’t matter, most everyone hates to see Ref’s or Umpires make a potential game deciding bad call, or no call, especially in the last few moments of a game. It’s like a burr in your craw.
  7. What a great win. Alpha knew this was the “chance” (See: Top Games 1/14 thread). I had alluded to United or West Brook doing it (See: We may have a first here at SETXsports). Just to much talent in Beaumont, especially combining Ozen & Central. It’s taken a while, but that’s natural. Combining all that talent with team chemistry isn’t easy. Congrats to the United Team, Coach and fans. Big win in the District, but even more importantly, to “Unite” the two schools into one. At the end of last nights game, there were no Panthers or Jaguars, only Timberwolves.
  8. You called it Alpha. Hot diggity dam, hats off to United. Big, big win. HUGH!
  9. Haven’t seen the Tigers this year. Hope to see them SC’s play Friday night.
  10. I know, and holy moley, I hope he wins again. Still, there will always be some Judges who think “the law” is based on what they want, not the Constitution.
  11. Obviously, I’m no legal scholar. A thereto interspersed with any Latin word, sends me into a coma. With that out of the way, it seems like the Judicial Branch of our Govt is upsetting the balance of the three. To many of our Fed Judges base their rulings on their ideology instead of the Constitution. Not sure how these suits (appeals?) work, but it seems easy enough to find a judge to block anything the President may want to do. And for a Repub, the 9th Court of Appeals is Death Valley. In the past, the President lead the country, now he does so only at the dispensation of the Judicial Branch. Personally, I find this trend extremely disturbing and dangerous.
  12. That’s a true story. Hopefully, not until another 5,000 years, because it will be devastating. It’s been about 640,000 years since the last time. I’m no geologist, but I’d guess the last eruption is responsible for the rich, lush topsoil in the Midwest. That and buffalo dung
  13. “It needs to be done nationally to keep the playing field level” - Sorry, but if I understood you correctly, that’s one of those liberal “sounds good” statements. The person that makes $300 in San Francisco is not going to get the same bang for his buck as the person in Silsbee who makes $300. That said, I’m also strongly against most infringement on States Rights. I support any States right to legalize marijuana. Why our Fed Govt hasn’t declassified it, is another good talking point for less Govt intrusion. And after 60 years of being anti-marijuana, I’ve given up the fight. Like prohibition, mj laws do not, and will not, work. Imo, All States should legalize it & take the Cartels out of the equation. Btw, read an article yesterday that States that legalize mj have had a 14% (or 16?) reduction in opioid use. And according to the experts, mj is much safer than opioids.
  14. Lol - obviously designed by a genius at Yates.
  15. Lol, yes, it was meant as a compliment. The only other leftie I can discuss politics with is TxHoops. He’s a fairly good man but still thinks a weather ballon crashed at Roswell.
  16. Just happen to have MP up at the time. And I know they’re not always right, that’s the reason I put per MP. Are you going to make either Silsbee game this week?
  17. Per MPreps 107-81. HJ beat them 64-56.
  18. Point is, a 27 point District win by Silsbee against anyone but HJ is a nail biter. As I posted earlier, getting inside 30 with Silsbee is a moral victory by WOS, LCM, HF, BC or Ltown.
  19. I was too. Yep, WOS must have had a banner night, or, Silsbee had a bad night.
  20. Other than HJ & WOS, any other District foes that can stay within 30 of Silsbee is a moral victory.
  21. Evidently you have to be real tall to take a communications program.
  22. Rotflmbo.
  23. Sounds good to me, but the leeches would probably have to authorize it. Same problem. But you’ve brought up a good point. We’re near the point in technology where the people could almost control Govt themselves. Each household/address could have one vote via a special button or controller, simply yes or no.. DO YOU WANT TERM LIMITS ? DO WE NEED A WALL ? Many Foreign affairs wouldn’t be allowed due to secrets. Still a few years down the rode, but I like the idea.
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