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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. I certainly not familiar with the decision making process in a situation like this, but it's quite possible that once caught breaking the rules, you could be assumed of guilt in all previous games. And I'd be willing to bet they did have the IPad for previous games. Regardless, the 1 game forfeit is sufficient, IMO. Btw, anyone have a definite answer? Could PNG have been made to forfeit the first 3 district games?
  2. For all you folks throwing rocks at Vidor, I understood on the evening news that some wanted PNG to forfeit all 3 District games (Lee, Vidor and Crosby). Coach Matthews insisted only the Crosby game should be forfeited, and that was what was finally voted on. So it could have been PNG sitting at 2-3 in District. If all that is true, you might want to go easy on Vidor and Coach Matthews. And personally, I’m happy it worked out like it did. I’d hated to see PNG sitting home with their talent.
  3. Lmbo, I expect at least 90% of Dems would jump without question. I would have never believed so many Americans could be brainwashed into blindly following any whims of their political party, without question. Call me Naive.
  4. Do you just call anyone racist and bigots? Is that extent of your intelligence, or ability to discuss issues? Btw, my response was to TxHoops, not addressed to you. He posted that he was sad about it, not me. You don’t even know who you’re addressing, or what anyone says. All you know is throw out the race/bigot card. As has become common knowledge, “I don’t always know when I’ve won a discussion with a liberal, but I know I’ve won when he uses the racist card”. You need diversity training more than anyone I know.
  5. The Stocks started rising a year after Obama was elected. Why? Because they had bottomed out. There was no where to go but up. Obama had 8 years to increase the market. Trump has almost matched him in less than two.
  6. Can you possibly imagine the hand-wringing, the tears, the anxiety of the citizens of Denmark at a statement like that. Makes me think we need to send them some crying towels. The nerve of those leeches Leaving Denmark. [Hidden Content]
  7. Yeah boy howdy. To describe that, you need a word dumber than dumber.
  8. News Flash on the Food thread. New small restaurant in the Vidor Walmart called Cajun Works. It’s the first one franchised out (I think that’s the right terminology). Original is in Breau Bridge. Went & got wife and I some etouffee (her shrimp, me crawfish) Friday. It was good. Not the best I ever ate, but still good. Might be a little spicy for some, but certainly not overpowering. Got buko other stuff on the menu. Portions probably just right for normal people, but I could’ve easily eaten another order. Had to finish off my wife’s - thank goodness. Got to go back & try the crawfish pies, and boudain balls. Man, I do love Cajun cooking.
  9. And the humor part has killed most jokes. I use to hear jokes daily at work in the 60’s & early 70’s. Now we’re limited to jokes about Aggies & Cajuns. Oh, and backwood rednecks that live around a paper mill.
  10. Another idiot. Hates Jews. Hates Trump. [Hidden Content]
  11. And who might that be? Oh, Trump of course. Lowest black unemployment ever. Many blacks moving into the middle class. Actually living the American Dream. Standing on their own two feet, and breaking the shackles the Democrats want blacks in. But I don’t think Trump scorns the group. I think he likes them. But if you disagree with my post. If you think Democrats giving free iPhones to blacks is better than Republicans giving blacks an opportunity to go to work and better themselves, well, uhhhhhhhhh, that’s your right. As for myself, I think a prosperous black society is good for America.
  12. Yes, and please Bulldogs, beat Crosby.
  13. He really needs to go on a “ride along” with a police unit on a Friday or Saturday night. I’d love to see him on Cops trying to handle some of those people without a gun, taser, or baton. Idiot, and may be governor of Florida, which means the voters are idiots.
  14. After finally getting on FB, and getting on a liberal friends timeline, full of liberals (and me virtually the only conservative), I’ve learned/confirmed a lot about them. Most seem to be morphing from liberal into Ultra Left. First, I’ve never seen a bunch of people so full of hate. It’s like TDS has burnt up their bearings. Secondly, their views. I think they have 3 main topics that comprise the whole Democratic Party’s stance - Abortion, Free Healthcare for all, and Hate Trump. Oh, I think they’re trying to add a fourth, Hate Trump More. I’ve ask on here, another Forum, and on FB, for anyone on the left to tell me how they’d handle these illegal immigrants. Hadn’t heard a peep. On FB, I posted it three times on one thread. Finally, to her credit, a lady responded. She said we need to take in anyone from dangerous countries because their lives are threatened. I googled dangerous countries. Got a list of the first 25. I posted back, “I don’t think we can let them all in. Mexico and India are on there. Don’t think we could absorb them all - lol. And then pointed out, first 6 were all Muslim countries, and only 2 in the America’s, Mexico and Columbia. No mention of Honduras or Guatemala.
  15. These are some inspiring messages. You see the word “Leadership” in the title? That’s what these young people are, Leaders. They’re the spear point (Leaders) of a new movement, away from the Ultra Left, who only want to make them more dependent on the Govt. They give me hope we can save our country. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  16. The guy is a flake. One thing that irritates me, all the initial reports said he was white. Then I read he was an Indian - but CBS didn't say anything about that. Personally, I don't care, but the Left makes a big deal out of putting us all in different slots - color, ethnicity, gender, no-gender, etc, etc. Im just glad they caught the guy. To my knowledge, none of the "bombs" had detonators. He's another that wanted his 15 min & should've been in a mental institution. Way to freaking many of them out there. Our politicians need to start condemning violence of any kind.
  17. I doubt I make a game, but I'll be pulling for them Dawgs. Except MCM. For someone with no chips in the pot, that's a game to just Enjoy. It'll be a slobber knocker.
  18. I know The Hill is for real, but what is Crosby? What's up in Cougarland ?
  19. What grade is that kicker?
  20. That ought to be a good matchup.
  21. Need to get out of the spread and start running the ball
  22. Sounds like they’re pretty durn good.
  23. Amazingly, yes. It boggles the mind.
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