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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Evidently, many people think it’s okay to live on welfare and lay around the house licking your rear all day, instead of working. As I’ve said before, if only the people who really need welfare got it, we could make their lives easier.
  2. Wonder when the FBI will get around to investigating Huma Abedin? No telling what she’s passed on from Hillary. And to who.
  3. Great interview. Enjoyed it - thanks for posting.
  4. You don’t suppose any of our HS coaches are recruiting do you? Naw, they wouldn’t do that.
  5. My problem with this, with all the backdoor dealings going on to get kids to change schools (recruiting is a nice name for it), and other despicable shenanigans going on, why in the cornbread hail is the UIL worrying about train horns? Limit them to immediately after TD’s. Now UIL, start working on the bigger problems - recruiting - attacking officials - intentionally trying to injure a player, especially after the whistle - schools fudging on attendance - etc. etc.
  6. I miss those days too. I knew every starter by name, offense & defense. They were a “Team”, or more like a family. Today, guys switch teams like underwear. No doubt a good financial move for many players, but a bummer for many fans.
  7. It’s a law with the best of intentions, but can turn into massive abuse. It’s a slippery slope at an 85 degree downward angle.
  8. Not a fan of his either! My main reason - where have you gone Jimmy Johnson?
  9. Yes indeed. Lifted Mary Jo Kopechne all the way to heaven. And didn’t even get a slap on the wrist.
  10. Goofballs is right. But speaking of media, here’s a research poll that says the most trusted News sources are: BBC, FOX, and PBS. [Hidden Content]
  11. Wow! No doubt the driver that loosened her screws. As Karl Marx said, “Democracy is the road to socialism”, and our Colleges & Universities are paving the way.
  12. Since I consider most of y’all my good friends, I wanted to pass along a money making idea. My wife & I bought a box of plastic straws. Twenty years from now, they’ll be collectibles. My grandkids will be multimillionaires.
  13. Scariest part, what does that say about our educational system? That had to be where she learned all this. And the weirdest thing, she has a degree in Economics, and she’s a Socialist. How freaking weird is that? Wonder if she can even find Venezuela on the map?
  14. Sorry Yeoj, but when you start name calling, you’re a loser.
  15. According to the article, that 32.6T is a conservative estimate. That means cost could be 60T easily. And do the Loons realize that the Govt will decide who gets what? The same Govt (IRS) that decides who gets tax exempt status and who doesn’t.
  16. [Hidden Content] So you enact legislation to give minimum wage workers more money. Many are now losing their jobs. Now you want to enact legislation to prevent private companies from having in-house cafeterias (is that even legal?), to force workers into the overpriced restaurants? So one snafu, followed by another snafu, followed by............. Ad infinitum. Pretty close to the definition of insanity.
  17. The MSM philosophy is, Never miss a chance to tie something awful to Republicans/Conservatives. They’re so good at it, so complete, but they go way to far. If you’ve seen the movie, Jack Reacher, it’s like all the good evidence the Law has on the alleged shooter - the quarter with the fingerprints on it, placed in the parking meter - just a little to good.
  18. I understand. Worked until I was 70 and stayed on Co insurance. Been on Medicare almost 3 years now, and it pays fairly well on routine Dr. visits. It’s the sneaky way, on more unusual test (like MRI’s) Dr’s, or their assistance will say, Medicare covers it, but neglect to say, “But not all of it”. When you do retire, be sure to ask for specifics when you get out of routine medicine. Even if you have to have the test/procedure you won’t get blindsided when you open the mail.
  19. I got a good laugh out of this. But I’m a big fan of Captain Kirk. [Hidden Content]
  20. Just curious Kountzer, what do you think of someone that worships the Lord everyday?
  21. They may drool, but I got a good laugh out of it.
  22. Here’s the complete list. [Hidden Content] For 2A-II in Reg III, Dist 12-2A-II has Grapeland, Lovelady, and Evadale at 3,4, and 5.
  23. There’s one rule that has always applied to discussions. When you start name calling, you’ve lost. BE threw in the towel with his last post. I have to give him kudos though, he hung in for a while, but used some questionable links to make his point. But now you have Maxine going all prophet, and that’s impossible to defend.
  24. Let’s take a moment and see how absurd this is. California is the leading producer of bottled water. Approx two thirds of all US bottled water comes from California (which, because of the water, might explain the liberal mental illness spreading around the country lol). Now remember, this is a state plagued with drought. Americans consume 2.2 Million bottles daily. For any liberals that may not be good at math, that means 2.2 empty plastic water bottles - daily. And they’re all ready to go death penalty on a waiter or waitress that delivers a plastic straw? Heaven help me. Fence that state off and use it for an asylum.
  25. Just wanted to pass along the new #1 lie (by omission?) ay least for older folks on Medicare. Although aches & pains increasingly show up as you get older, I’ve been relatively healthy. Recently though, I’ve noticed a trend at Doctor’s offices. They’ll tell you they want to do a procedure. You ask, Will Mediare cover it? They reply, Sure Medicare will pay for it. Sounds good, right? Yes, Medicare does pay, but probably not all. And that’s the kicker. My latest visit I was hit with a sales pitch for a procedure that would put a used car salesman to shame. After several days, I declined. It felt more like a way to make money pitch than a needed medical procedure.
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