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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Pardon me stevenash while I throw up.
  2. I’d be curious to know the number of people in mental institutions, like Rusk State Hospital, in 1970, and the number in them now. The internet, full of information (and mis-information) seems to want to skip this detail, or its hidden in some obscure article. I did find this - In 1955 (pop. 171 Million) there were 339 beds per 100,000 people, and in 2000 (pop. 281 Million) there was only 22 beds per 100,000. So 317 per every 100,000 who would’ve been in an institution in 1955, are now walking among us. I realize medications helps many, but if one, like the person baddog mentioned above, doesn’t take them, the results, as he stated, can be scary. [Hidden Content]
  3. I’ve heard the Silver Haired One is the King of communicating with the Refs. I was tutored by Hoops and he’s pretty durn good. Maybe they have the SHO on YouTube. Let me go check........
  4. Quote malfunction.
  5. Appreciate the updates. Good game. Congrats to NW Easton, and for Kpark, a great season. Nothing to hold your heads down over. You did yourselves proud.
  6. Congratulations to the Wildcats, Coaches, and the whole community, and my friend, BS Wildcats. I’m excited, but not terribly surprised. I felt very good about their chances. Party time in Dallardsville!
  7. Not sure big buddy. That new info released, at the very least, suggest the possibility of him having ties to ISIS. Maybe not, but the crickets from that & the Train Wreck says volumes to me. If the guy just forgot his meds, why did they lie to us? If the Train Wreck was just an accident, why not some follow up stories to explain all of it, along with some background on those Loons in the truck? I’m convinced there’s more here than meets the eye. Both events stink worse than skunk juice. Just my dumb country opinion.
  8. Talk about fainting, I just saw this. Chris Matthews? It’s the big one Elizabeth, in my best Redd Foxx voice. [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] As Anne Murray sang, We sure could use a little good news today.
  10. Particularly appropriate is Hillary beside Mueller. Her and the DNC that actually paid Russians for their made up stories for their fake dossier. She put “witch” in witch hunt.
  11. We ate at a restaurant in Bmt yesterday, with a big sign, “now hiring”. Now call me crazy, but how do we have so many unemployed with so many jobs available. Could we be paying people so much for not working that they don’t need a job? Evidently. Of course, the Dems want you dependent on the Govt. Welfare, food stamps, free cell phones. Saw a sign that alludes to that: There’s free cheese in a rat trap.
  12. I use to watch it just for the articles Hope some of you are old enough to get that. Actually, based on the picks I started seeing about 30 years ago, I thought they’d done this already. My all time favorite- Why Phyllis George of Texas in 1970. Wow!
  13. [Hidden Content] Seriously, I’m hoping (praying), that there are more democrats who believe the same way. I think there are. The Progressives (euphemism for Communist) have taken over the Party. It’s possible these disillusioned folks will either vote for another candidate or simply not vote (Many conservatives did the same thing in 2016).
  14. That’s the sad thing about liberals, they don’t learn from their experiences. Live in CA. CA bad. Move to Texas. Let’s change Texas - vote democrat. Twenty years later - Texas bad. Move to Alabama. What’s that fast tract definition of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Remember that old western saying: You can lead a liberal to water, but you can’t make him think.
  15. Heaven knows if that happened in a Texas city, it’d be headlines. What a sad news story.
  16. Congrats to Ford. Know his Dad is proud & excited.
  17. Please get me on the jury.
  18. No doubt we can’t be profiling. Heaven knows if it’s a known fact that a “little person” (midget) committed a murder, we should not discount the Houston Rockets as potential suspects. Based on this PC-BS I wonder why the police even want a description. Heaven forbid you use any common sense. An example I personally know about: A very close friend, who’s a Federal Officer, was about to board a flight and was taken by the TSA for a pat down. Great idea. Pat down a Fed Officer, but let “suspicious” looking folks go through. Better to let a terrorist get on than offend someone. Barf!
  19. Amazed there’s still some common sense left in our SCOTUS
  20. Wrong again. I believe he shot them, or at least most of them. The question is, was he a Muslim, or a loon. Based on the new information, he’s most likely a Muslim.
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