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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. I noticed you posted a FOX News link. Your decision to do so was prudent based on the prevalent audience on this Forum. On the downside, you lose credence with any fellow liberals lol. In political discussions today, there’s just to many mines not to step on one, whether it has a R or a D on it.
  2. Anyone out there want to know why American students are lagging behind in test scores? Here’s a prime example - no discipline. Also, a reason many good educators don’t teach.
  3. I hope they do. Deweyville give Iola all they wanted, and Thorndale beat Iola 5-0 & 4-2. I know it’s a stretch for comparison, but tells me we got a shot. Get a flamethrower for them bats to stay hot. Go Rebels.
  4. Growing up in the 50’s, most people had a dog, or cat, or both, but this video blowed my mind. Only 1 min long, but gets 5 stars, and a 100 on the Popcorn Meter From me. Boy had several bite marks on leg that had to be stitched up. But don’t mess with that boy around this cat. [Hidden Content]
  5. Which begs the question, why do so many Jews vote for Democrats? If the DNC had their way, Israel would be changed to Palestine. Of course, why do so many Christians vote straight Dem? And for President in 2016, there didn’t appear to be a morally virtuous choice. There’s much more, but suffice it to say, “Politics does indeed make strange bedfellows”.
  6. Please correct me if I’m wrong Hoops, but as I understand it, this is possibly a big step in returning rights back to the States, which is how the Founding Fathers had intended. That would make it a big win for most, especially conservatives, who’ve been preaching this since I was born. And on a side note, if Texas approves it (which they won’t), I can clean up on the PNG vs Nederland game next year
  7. I see Evadale’s opponent, Thorndale, is #1 in the THSBCA Poll. I think the Rebels have a good chance to be giant killers in this one.
  8. I could see where you’d get the wrong impression
  9. “They think ignorance of the 2nd coming is bliss”. I guess each of us has a different idea on who “They” are. My first thought is the pro-abortion folks and the Democratic Party who perpetuates this atrocity to God and mankind. Comparable to Hitler’s genocide of the Jews. But that’s just speculation on my part. Who goes to heaven and who doesn’t, as with all things pertaining to God, will be based on his decision.
  10. Lmborotf - what’s said on the Forum, stays on the Forum (said jv_coach ).
  11. The destruction of America began in 1946 when Dr. Spock published his infamous book, Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care. About 19-20 years later you had drugs, free love, and protest. The popular expression from “the movement” of that era, “Turn on. Tune in. Drop out!”, is a summation of their actions and attitudes. More proof of the damage that book did, since 1960 the rate of violent crime has more than tripled. Hope you take time to read this short editorial. [Hidden Content]
  12. By all that is holy, stupidity is rampant. And they call her an expert? Expert at what? Being an idiot. If charged with idiocy, that article would be enough to convict. I’m beginning to think it’s time to cull the herd. Ironicallly, was just discussing Dr. Spock shortly before reading your post. Will blow off some steam with a post of my own.
  13. Since I have the pain tolerance of an infant, I’m pretty sure physical torture would’ve worked on me. But here’s the deal. From what I’ve seen of waterboarding, it’s a form of psychological torture. If all those self righteous congresspersons equate WB with torture, they have no understanding of what torture really is. Those people make me sick. Isis has repeatedly beheaded people on live feeds, and these bunch of stooges think a man with a burlap bag over his face getting water poured on it is torture. Personally, I’d like to give each of them an example of real torture. Perhaps then they’d realize that WBing is child’s play. Politicians interfering in our wars has cost more American lives than anything. I liked Gen Mattis’ response when he was told we’d identified what appeared to be a force of Russian Mercs in Syria. Obliterate them, Mattis said. War is not pretty. Not civilized, even though nations have tried to limit rules of engagement. But if the enemy breaks those rules, we should also. America’s young men and women should not have to fight, and risked their lives, with one hand tied behind their backs. Here’s one of Gen Mattis’ best quotes, given to the Iraqi Command just prior to their army’s destruction: I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you F___ with me, I’ll kill you all. He’s described as a Marine’s Marine. Enough said.
  14. That’s a freaking work of art.
  15. I can relate. When mine was in school, and we went to the Piccadilly, he filled up two trays. When he went into The Marines, it was like we got a $200 a month raise.
  16. This article doesn’t really meet the criteria of HS Football, but then again, an 8th grader who’s 6’7” and weighs 370, rarely fits anywhere. Likes art, playing the bass clarinet, and robotics. Goes easy in football so he doesn’t hurt anyone. [Hidden Content]
  17. Another piece of America the left has taken. Some of you younger folks ought to start making a list. Prayer in school - prayers at football games - respect for the National Anthem, Confederate Flags, All men’s Universities (4 year schools only 4 all boys, and I think it’s 33 all girls), statues, cut acknowledgement of Christmas by 50%, can’t wear Christian symbols at most schools, and no telling what I’ve already forgotten. Yep, there destroying our way of life a brick at a time. Make a list to show your grandkids what they missed.
  18. When hell freezes over.
  19. I’m confident Silsbee will represent 409 and the State of Texas well. Them Tigers can play some ball (my official understatement of the year ).
  20. [Hidden Content] Great Nancy, tell everyone how you want to raise their taxes. Thanks. [Hidden Content] Great Joe, make another racial gaffe. It appears that more and more minority’s are beginning to see through the Dem’s agenda.
  21. Thanks Big Buddy. Now for Shiner. Go Rebs!
  22. Lmbo, you’re right, he just couldn’t help himself. Had to get that one little gig in. Still, an interesting article.
  23. That durn thing is a nail biter. Most can’t imagine the widespread devastation, and death toll if that thing blows. It’ll affect the whole earth. Major game changer.
  24. Good question. And Evadale vs Snook?
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