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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Russian bots.
  2. [Hidden Content] Antifa celebrating May Day. Perhaps they really are anti fascist. The Nazi’s (fascist) and Russia under Stalin (communist), hated each other with a passion. But alas, merely speculation on my part. What is verifiable, they are a hate group. They have the same passions as the KKK and Black Panthers. Their numbers will grow large, and their actions will become more violent. Most of us know that to be in the far left, your sanity bubble isn’t dead level. Now many of their politicians and candidates are identifying as Socialist, which is what - a conservative communist? The country is full of these brainwashed loons. Products of Universities full of far left professors filling young minds with the BS of Marx, Stalin, and Mao. Even with the above, I can’t help but see the similarities of the Brown Shirts and Hitler Youth.
  3. I keep plugging away to convince the non believers, but it’s like convincing a yeller dog not to run as a democrat. [Hidden Content] Btw, I’m not a lawyer yet (still need 3 more hours), but according to Vinny Gambini, a death bed confession is iron clad in a court of law. btw, I going to finish my last course and get my degree in 2036. I’m retired so there’s no hurry.
  4. Hot dog, the entrepreneur spirit is strong in you LRF.
  5. Durn right - Him and his 25 lawyers, and all their assistants, and each has his own waterboy to fetch his Perrier. And each a bathroom attendant to clean them up after a bowel movement since they can’t find their rears. And they durn sure haven’t found anything on Trump. Btw, the judge, TS Ellis III, was appointed by Ronald Reagan. The bulk of Fridays questions from the judge were directed to Michael Dreeben, the Deputy Solicitor General now working in Mueller’s office. I particularly liked the part at the end. Much of the “authorization” to investigate Manafort was redacted - allegedly sensitive, or secret material. So Judge Ellis ask Dreeben to get with the Intelligence Agencies and get him clearance to read the whole thing. Dreeben responded that the redacted portions did not pertain to the Manafort case. The Judge said, I’ll be the judge (of that). I like Judge Ellis!
  6. Yes, They care more. Care more about coral reefs than humans. Btw, I hope they ban it. T h e n tourist will eventually stop going there. Their tourist industry will fold like a cheap deck of cards. Unemployment will double or triple, and another Blue State will start questioning the Democrats. They may even write a law requiring elected officials to prove they have a double digit IQ. That’ll eliminate most Democrats.
  7. And what did Trump tell them? “What have you got to lose.” Heaven knows all the Dems did was put them of the welfare cycle.
  8. This is the most insane solution to Seattle’s problem they could’ve come up with. They stand to lose 7,000 jobs, which would add to the homeless situation (and that’s just Amazon). But as Reagan put in the header, this is Socialism, and evidently the Seattle City Council is full of socialist. And many politicians in the Democratic Party are openly calling themselves Socialist. Duh, it ain’t working. Never has. Never will. AN OPEN LETTER TO THOSE WHO MOVED TO TEXAS TO KEEP, OR GET, A JOB: The reason your company moved here is because of taxes. Texas expects people to pull their own weight, if physically able. We’re conservative. Please don’t come here with your leftist views. It’s why you’re not in your old state. Vote republican and enjoy this great state, or don’t vote at all. You have evidence socialism doesn’t work. Don’t perpetuate a form of government that’s a proven loser. If you can’t understand that, study for your GED (General Education Developement), or take an economics class at Texas A&M. If neither of those are acceptable to you, then seek mental health, or move back to your old State. You goofy outfits!
  9. Okay, here’s where I get cross ways with these environmentalist whackos. They’re worried about, less than a minuscule amount of sunscreen damaging the coral reefs in the biggest ocean in the world, the Pacific. On the other hand, they don’t give a flying frig about humans getting melanoma and dying, because they can’t block out the harmful rays of the sun. My dying rear. These folks are some seriously mentally defective people, but you can’t fix stupid. The simple solution? Ban Hawaii.
  10. Diamond & Silk in front of a congressional committee. These two ladies give’em hail. [Hidden Content]
  11. Anyone know where I can buy some barf bags cheap?
  12. LTC folks have to have training to carry, and be certified. I just wonder if this other crowd has to do the same. But since UT is banning testosterone, I could see a real need for the other item, for all the students, females and others (for lack of a better term). Pardon my overuse of this line to a great song: Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
  13. Lmbo, you called it sn.
  14. [Hidden Content] They tried to blame it on Global Warming - strange since we just had a brutal winter. Nine new diseases. Of course immigrants are the predominant cause, but that’s not PC. I’m at a loss to explain how liberals are willing to put all of us at risk.
  15. A married lady fresh from the shower stood in front of the mirror, complained to her husband that her breast were to small. Instead of characteristically telling her it’s not so, he uncharacteristically comes up with a suggestion. “If you want your breast to grow, then everyday take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between them for a few seconds.” Her, willing to try anything, grabbed some toilet paper and stood in front of the mirror rubbing it between her breast. “How long will it take”, she ask? He said, “They’ll grow larger over a period of years”. She stopped and ask, “Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my breast will work?” Without missing a beat he said, “Worked on your rear end didn’t it?” He is still alive, and with some physical therapy, he may learn to walk again. Stupid man.
  16. A classic commercial with Ermy & John Wayne. [Hidden Content]
  17. [Hidden Content] Anyone think the EU is to smart to do this? If so, you’re giving them way to much credit. A quote by Gen. George Patton: It seems to me a certainty that the falalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of the Arab women are the outstanding causes for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have been developing.
  18. For anyone naive enough to think Iran was going to abide by the nuclear treaty, I got some ocean front property in Evadale to sell you.
  19. [Hidden Content] If you saw “The Terminator” you get the idea. Actually, the movie “I Robot” might be closer to the truth.
  20. Very disturbing news article. I’d like to think it could be wrong, but when it comes to Tx HS football, all bets are off.
  21. Tell me you didn’t use “honorable” and Harry Reid in the same sentence. Sacrilege.
  22. Thanks for that revelation. I feel naive for not thinking about that. Give me a big - DUH.
  23. Here’s a clarification - I think. I understand the sexual assault part, but the rest of it sounds strange to me, but I’m old and senile. [Hidden Content]
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