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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Channel 320 on Direct TV. Solid Scientology brainwashing. Give me strength.
  2. That guy off the bench is killing Michigan, and making this final anticlimactic.
  3. Great editorial that exemplifies the bias in the MSM. [Hidden Content]
  4. 99% of the lawyers give the rest a bad name. Larry the Cable Guy
  5. Believing it to be sarcasm, I put a Like on it. If we're right, it was a good first post.
  6. There's no doubt you can find video of whites that hate blacks, but again, you're missing the point. Those haters are not in the RNC, but Louis is big buddies with one of the heads of the DNC. And the MSM, and all the Dems ignore it. And btw, Louis hates whites. Are you so uninformed you don't know that?
  7. I find it fascinating that Liberals have 5 MSM TV stations, but the one that leans a little right is a thorn in their buttocks. They can't stand it. And I love it.
  8. Great story. Great run by these kids.
  9. Michigan taking over 61-51 less than 2 min.
  10. Michigan back on top 49-47.
  11. You may beat this Loyola, but you'll play hades out hustling them.. Very impressive, and at half, up by seven 29-22. Loyila 24-0 when leading at half.
  12. You've got the facts wrong. Did you read the article? He didn't threaten the school, he wants the Black Panthers to start a race war so he can kill whites. I doubt you're interested but the reason I (and others) post crap like this is because the MSM deluges us with how racist the white man is, totally blind to the fact that many blacks (and all races) are just as racist. Louis Farrakhan is as big a racist as a Grand Wizard of the Klan, yet he's a big influence in the Democratic Party, immune to criticism by the MSM. And I, for one, am weary of this one way street. Yes, we post it, because the media won't mention it, so to inform others, we have to. Louis & DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison. [Hidden Content]
  13. Pity party? A man in position of authority at a High School, around impressionable young people, wants to kill half the people in the US because of the color of their skin, and you call it a pity party? Never once denouncing what that individual wants to do. Bringing up other unconscionable actions in the past to support what this man says. Not exactly a Christian response
  14. [Hidden Content] Said he wanted to kill every white person he can get his hands on.
  15. Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from life what conservatives seemed to be endowed with at birth:. Namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of Government agencies to do good. Senator Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)
  16. I actually watched that segment (barf bag in hand) while waiting to see the segment on the Saudi Crown Prince. If you were in an adjacent room and couldn't see the video, you'd thot the TV was on the Jerry Springer show. I've watched many episodes of 60 minutes, and some great segments, but this was an all time low for that program. You had a porn star, and an openly gay man, talking about morality. By the time it was over, barf bag was full.
  17. She was a big proponent of how good Muslims are.
  18. Just saw this and thought of you. A little off subject, but ironically, imo, UFOs and Mike Leach interviews are very compatible. [Hidden Content]
  19. Bubba forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was furious. She told him, "Bubba, you no account, tomorrow morning I expect to find a gift in that driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in six seconds, AND IT BETTER BE THERE"! The next morning when his wife woke up, she looked out the window to find a box.....gift wrapped, in the middle of the driveway. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale..........Bubba ain't been seen since.
  20. I wonder if it's still legal to spank your children? No doubt the States & Feds have gotten where they don't belong, I'm just not sure how far. Guess it depends on the State.
  21. There are some real gems out there. I'll start it off with a couple. To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to create a menace to society. - Theodore Roosevelt And this one I just read today, but couldn't resist putting it in here. There are 3 kinds of men. The ones who learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves. - Will Rogers
  22. Lmbo, your Dad did a great job. Only improvement I would've made on you, you'd be a lot more conservative
  23. Love the, "Those that say the notion there's a God is far fetched, then they want to say lightening struck some mud and life coming out of there, Such an easy path to follow". Well said, but the way he says it, and the animation, makes it funny.
  24. Classics.
  25. I don't have Spectrum, but that was one of the dumbest stunts I've ever seen a company pull.
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