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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Old Steve Nash will be happy that we open with Huffman-Hargrave on the 28th. We'll soften them up for HJ lol.
  2. See the Wildcats are up to their old tricks. Kicking booty in basketball.
  3. Old L. Ron Hubbard would fit that word also. Talk about a God Complex. Scientology is a prime example of what perplexes me. How can so many, relatively intelligent people, fall for such a scam?
  4. Personally, I get more outraged at a guy like this than others. To profess to be a proponent of family values, and then do something like this. Needs to get down on his knees and thank God old Reb can't pronounce his sentence. He'd never be able to write in the snow with his urine again.
  5. I smiled at that, but you're right.
  6. Megalomania? Had to look that up. Sounds like Jung & Hillary lol.
  7. [Hidden Content] I'll admit I was torn between putting this on the political thread, or the Locker Room's, "UFOs, The Truth is Out There". This woman has it bad. What scares me, that the younger Left appears to make Hillary look like a right wing fanatic. Those Dems coming up aren't left, they're way to hail over the foul line.
  8. And the hits just keep on coming. What are those confounded UFO's up to now? There seem to be so many. So don't be surprised when there's a knock at the door, and when you open it, some little short grey dude with big black eyes says, telepathically, "Come with us Big Girl, we want to see what makes you tick" [Hidden Content]
  9. The world is a better place today because of his death. He was a cancer on humanity. How he could manipulate people is still a mystery to me. Of course, he was only a microcosm of a Hitler, or even Jim Jones. How he (they) was able to do that will always remain a mystery to me. I've learned a thing or two about people in my 72 years. One is that a few have the ability to manipulate. It's a gift, more often than not, misused. It's not the manipulator that puzzles me, it's the number of people that can be manipulated that is beyond my understanding. What is it that makes so many putty in the hands of a manipulator? Are people born that way, or is it a result of (family) environment? We're all manipulated somewhat, but on a minor scale. A good commercial is an example. But how do people get persuaded to do things they ordinarily would never dream of? That's a question far beyond my comprehension. My oh my, how us old folks do rattle on.
  10. Our country, and humanity, could use a lot more Bill Currys.
  11. Wish he'd go shoplift something in China, and nobody cared.
  12. Good post L/E, appreciate the recognition. Good luck next week.
  13. Lol, getting my games/teams mixed up. Senior moment, but I doubt there's much difference in the Wolves and the Tigers this year. Both formidable opponents. Good luck to the SA Wolves also. Should be in the finals.
  14. It appears you read the article, and are trying to make a point about Police attacking an unarmed, innocent man. The problem I have with your post, you neglected to acknowledge the Police's position on what happened, that this "innocent" man didn't give the police any time to investigate what was going on, an attacked the officer. I'll readily admit I don't know what happened. Who's wrong, or who's right, but you've automatically made the assumption the police are wrong. So I'm curious, do you automatically think all the police lie about everything? Based on your post, you'd be a terrible pick on a jury. Actually, I'm surprised at your quick jump to judgement. Dumb me.
  15. F-15's launched, but everyone knows they can't catch a UFO. It's like an electric car trying to catch a Dodge Demon [Hidden Content]
  16. And people are still denying the truth. Geeeeeeeeze. [Hidden Content]
  17. Aha, to those blind to the truth, a meteor. To those of us in the know, a stray blast of an Ion weapon. [Hidden Content]
  18. I was going to post this on one of the NFL/Kapernick threads, but I think it's appropriate here. I hope I made the right decision, but if not, I apologize.
  19. A rare word. Meaningless to most Millenniums, and the left. But to those of you that don't really know, the initial post is an example.
  20. So congrats to the Titans for beating the worst playoff team in 21-5A, while lowly Vidor, playing New Caney, the best 21-5A had to offer, was giving the Eagles all the competition they wanted. Certainly not the "good beating" you had in mind.
  21. He's still mad, and will remain so for many years, that Vidor beat them last year. Easy to see he'll be a PNG/Vidor hater for many years to come. PAK is not one to let bygones be bygones
  22. He easily wins the "pot stirring trophy" on the Forum, formerly held for years but MBG.
  23. Kudos to the Pirates for making the playoffs. Unfortunately, they drew the #1 team in the state. And kudos to the Coach at Tenaha for keeping it to 55 points. It'll be a few games in before the Tigers have an opponent who'll give them any kind of a test. I've only seen them play once, several years back, but even then they gained my respect as a well coached Team. Good luck to them!
  24. Great effort Pirates
  25. Way to go Pirates.
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